Japanese Garden

I Regret Planting This Too Soon

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Leigh shares the joy of a successful harvest, the disappointment of the unpredictable weather causing frost damage and early spring heat causing plants to bolt.

We are feeling the affects of climate change in Our Backyard Garden and we are the first generation to ever feel the affects of climate change!
I hope that in all of our hearts we start to realize this planet, our home, needs our love now more than ever!

Lets make a promise to each other this earth month, we will be the first and last generation to feel the affects of climate change!! The time to awaken is now!!

Wishing you all wellness today and always!
Welcome to Our Backyard Garden, this channel is about growing food, eating well and growing in life. We are two city kids that now live in a suburban setting in Southern New Jersey and are learning as we grow and hope you will come along this journey with us. We will share the lessons we have learned throughout our lives and hope to inspire you to grow out in the garden and in life, process your own food eat to live and be the best stewards we can be for this planet. If this video inspires you, please consider subscribing liking and sharing.

#garden #newjersey #backyard #OneDropofRain #bearaindrop #raindropsofdecision

**Disclaimer – All opinions and reviews of products are based on our experience. Any review or opinion does not guarantee the products performance or that you will have the same experience.


  1. I feel like I’m behind, but remember I’m Z5a, WI😅. I just ordered some fabric pots to plant celery in and set them in a kiddie pool with a drain hole 3” up. They are a bog plant and I think it may be key to getting large stalks. I can’t wait, BUT I have read celery is cool crop, However to not let it get too cold or it will bolt. I have so many celery and onions and need to get them out of greenhouse for the room.
    That lettuce was State Fair worthy! We’ve never been big spinach eaters and never ate kale as I always think it’s a decorative plant. I’ll throw some round leaf spinach in and try that. Last year was my first taste of Swiss chard and not a fan. We like most all vegetables and I suppose if you know how to use it may make all the difference.
    We had the 90* days last week then 6” of snow to start this week with only 40/day and 30 or less nights this weekend. Our normal high should be 60s.
    I’m pretty proud that I’ve held off on potatoes which if planted on Good Friday would have definitely been nipped. I planned on Earth Day. I said enough of running around every year to cover potatoes and uncover and repeat.
    Tomatoes and peppers I just started a week or so and up about 3” and my normal would’ve been starting end of March.
    I hope to figure out my favorites this year and see how they produce to pair it back to just those varieties. I always have so many and give some away. I’d love to sell them, but really don’t have a great location to do that.
    I feel like you with so much to do. Trying to catch the cool weather grow season here is almost impossible without hoops and covers. My sweetheart says I’m getting the hoops, but they still haven’t appeared. He has the old way of thinking when grandparents didn’t plant anything until Memorial Day and I feel he tries everything to stop me from planting even though he is not a gardener😏 it can be frustrating. I’m almost ready to strap them on top of my vehicle.😅. Should have got a truck.
    Gotta run as the greenhouse alarm says it’s 81*F.

  2. I was silly to think about planting early! The great weather can just take your mind over. Thanks for sharing your experience. And thank you for the reminder, be patient (I really needed that reminder!)

  3. My face if filled with a big smile when I watch your videos, I am so grateful and thankful I found this great YouTube channel! I LOVE Our Backyard Garden!!

  4. Everything looks gorgeous. I can’t wait to plant my tomatoes and peppers etc. My Dad always planted on May 15th. My Nan planted earlier but she was always out there covering everything with paper bags or whatever she could find lol

  5. Nice❤❤❤❤❤ I just expanded my garden and I to have a lot tomatoes this year!
    So I might have to put some in a grow bag.
    My green house is filled to the brim.
    Looks great❤🎉

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