
How To Prune a Boxwood Hedge like a Master Gardener – Trim your boxwood plant like a pro

In-depth look at how to evaluate and prune your Boxwood hedge to maintain the desired shape and healthy condition. Spot potential problems before they become serious. The proper pruning tools are identified and maintenance discussed.


  1. I'm looking at my neighbors boxwoods. Our lawn company will come in here today and use a hedge clipper. He's right on how to care for boxwoods. Good advise.

  2. I have a set of English boxwoods and a couple died from unknown diseases. Since then I’ve managed to do good disease control but surprisingly what helped the most is when I took on the mosquito control service as their once a month spray on these bushes seems to be very effective.
    Even so, all my boxwoods still show signs of light colored leaves. Do you have advice on what is the right time to prune them? They’re getting really thick and I need to thin and shape them out. Can I do it in the fall? If so, what’s best, early or late fall? I’m in Maryland

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