Edible Gardening

Turning a TRASH tree into a FRUIT tree! SEE RESULTS!

Today we show how we bark grafted over a dozen varieties of pear onto a worthless Bradford pear tree – with amazing results!

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Today we use bark grafting on Bradford pear trees to add on multiple varieties of pear. Join David The Good and Randall White from @FlomatonFamous as they graft pear trees. And we see the two-month results of grafting!


  1. As a kid when I visited my granny we harvested "inaccessible" mangoes with a bamboo stick that had a hook attached at the end, and we caught the fruit them with a bamboo stick with a net attached on the end.

  2. I grafted some plums and apples for the first time last spring at a workshop. When I got home and after I put my new trees in the ground, I took all the little leftover bits from the apples and grafted them all to a vigorous but non-fruiting apple seedling I grew from seed that is about six years old. Every single graft I stuck on that seedling is growing and looking huge and healthy a year later. I'm excited because a couple of the little trees I grafted on rootstock did not make it through the year but the rootstock is growing so I have material on my big tree to try again with.

  3. Not gonna lie, have had a fair bit of trouble with grafting, not sure why, though I have been ambitious and tried grafting different varieties of persimmon, walnut and grapes with zero experience in doing so. Probably my cuts and my wrapping aren't that great, got some "proper" tape this year so maybe it will be more successful this time, the appeal of "free trees" is just too great.

  4. This is exciting!!! Does it have to be a fruit variety tree for the root? I have a huge kakapoopoo tulip poplar tree and would love to graft a fruit tree onto it once I can get it cut down.

  5. I don't know but this song it inspires me to really lose my fear of grafting, I can't wait for a full release of it! It's just so cool! Great video as usual!

  6. So much good info in this video! I love that your taking such a stinky tree and making it produce better trees!

  7. Bradford pears are worse than weeds. Darn things are the primary source of spring allergens where I live. I'm glad you made it a good tree 😊

  8. Curiosity.. I just found out that the Bradford Pear self seeds as its two original selves. One is a dreadful thorn tree that spreads like wild flower! So I am fearful the same thing might happen with the fruit grafting. The birds eating the fruit from the Bradford is how it gets everywhere, right? I cut mine down that was 10 years old after hearing the horrible thing it does. We had begun to get the trash trees in our pastures. Hoping mowing will kill them!😢

  9. I think im finally ready to start grafting. Ive wanted to for years but just thought it was something I couldn't do.

  10. Any pear recommendations for southwest FL? North Port, Zone 9 I think. Bananas and mangoes do great here but sometimes get frostbitten.

  11. Thanks. I have a few newbie questions:
    1. what's the right time to do this? I assume before any foliage appears, but still not long before foliage is supposed to start appearing.
    2. what would be a recommended "tree coating" product? Preferably something that is not oil (as in blood wars) based.

  12. This year we had success doing this with pomegranate on a crepe Myrtle. Worth a try if you have one!

  13. I was hoping that this video was going to show some secret way to graft fruit trees to non-fruit trees that we don't want. I have some honey locusts that that I want to make useful.

  14. You make gardening so fun and entertaining. Thanks for doing what you do and for sharing your jokes and experiments!

  15. i was waiting for David to make a video game reference and he had a "trash fruit" prop
    haha jokes
    appreciate the vids and personality and humor

    how's them Baccy plants nowaday? thinking about making a new tobacco vid soon?

  16. I’m in the early stages of growing a food forest in Florida. I’m in the 9a climate zone. I wanna incorporate Muscadine grapes into my food forest but I’m not sure how. I want it to grow clinging to another plant, but I don’t want it to choke the other plant. What should I do?

  17. Wow that's awesome that there are such great results in just 2 months! It almost makes me wish that crummy Bradford pear in my front yard hadn't split and died years ago! Maybe I cab sneak a few grafts onto a neighbor's! 😂

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