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Our Adepticon Adventures! | S4E7

On this week’s episode of Tapped Under Plastic, Scott and Jon discuss their expereinces at Adepticon. All the games they played, Golden Demon, buying new minis, and shenanigans!

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Follow Scott: https://www.youtube.com/miniac
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Listen to the audio versions: http://www.trappedunderplastic.com/

On patreon, we offer our patron’s the ability to submit topics for us to discuss during a podcast, you get an extended version of the podcast, and you can submit miniatures for us to critique during an episode!

Relevant Links
Ninjon New Video:

Rogue Hobbies YT Channel:
Other Games April Videos:
Zeo Genesis:
Demon Ship:
Golden Demon Slayer Sword Winner:
Paints without Pigments:

Inspired by Butterflies: Scientist Creates the Lightest Paint in the World

Goonhammer Announces UTC:

Announcing: The Unified Tournament Circuit (UTC)



GWs 10e Announcement:
GW kills off Primaris and Rebrands Space Marines:

GW Has Killed Off Primaris & Rebranded Space Marines

Warmachine New Edition:

Privateer Press Announces Official Release of WARMACHINE: MKIV

BattleTech Kickstarter hits $3.6 Million:

BattleTech: Mercenaries Kickstarter Campaign Exceeds $3.6 Million in One Day!

Rem Racers:
Redgrass R9 Desk Lamp:
Kickstarter Korner:
PaintPal Studio:

00:00 Start
01:11 Preamble Ramble
24:31 What We Painted
37:03 Topic Discussion
01:40:49 News


  1. Man, ya'll are right on the money!! Big love, super stoked and humbled to have your support with the project! A lot of the inspiration for Demon Ship combines toy playsets (like mighty max) with some of the ideas and concepts present within rogue lite style games. I also really wanted to sort of emphasize how fun it is to put your own spin on things in this market that is becoming increasingly IP saturated. Demon Ship does have a theme so to speak, but it's core trope is one that has a lot of reskin potential!

    Lastly – I have actually come up with A LOT of mechanics, lore framing, kit design for GHOST BOAT. Including answers to things like, why You're visiting a Boat, and why are there ghost on it? It's actually quite hype.

  2. Shame to hear Scott's Adepticon video isn't tracking well. I thought it was really insightful into sides of the industry we don't normally see

  3. No virus penetrates my veins. No filth taints my soul. My body is made superior. Sterner stuff.

  4. That’s funny, in Hawai’i, we have lots of Asians, but my skin is Asian…so it’s my most used reference. I had to paint some Irish skin tones, and yeah, ended up with just dwarves flesh for the deep tones, and worked my way up to wraith bone. Opposite problem😅

  5. If you're looking for other daft/over the top zombie/post-apoc films I whole heartedly recommend Doomsday from 2008. It's British AF.

  6. You guys really should have clipped in when Ben Kantor was on your show a year ago saying "no way in hell will this diorama I'm working on get a golden demon" 🤣

  7. Just one shotted a Cadbury Cream Egg because you brought it up…. That's too much.

    Also, Easter candy my family made… Potato candy… Look it up. So good

  8. It's odd being back from Adepticon and not having gotten sick. Usually get back from RPG cons with concrud, but missed Adepticon crud.

  9. Trapped under plastic the podcast where two guys go in for the killing blow but come out with a smidge of the butt sex.

  10. 57:00 Warcaster has a similar mechanic. Managing the impact of activation advantage on a game is usually such a hard job that it's not bad to eliminate it.

  11. So on the topic of the pigment-less paint. The idea of geometric shapes causing things to be a certain color is largely seen in almost ever animal with the color blue. Since animals largely get their pigmentation from their diet (thats why flamingos are pink, they eat pink crabs), they are normally not blue, as there is little that has a blue pigment. However, instead things like the wings of butterflys and birds reflect the blue wavelengths of light and absorb the others by virtue of their service structure.

  12. @6:30 Scott you forgot to mention the bad sexy experimental porno music that starts playing while he buttfucks the dude… Also movie would still not get PG-13 if they cut it out because you seem to forget Fred Williamson goes on a killing spree shortly after that scene with fucking EXPOLDING ARROWS.

  13. You mention the battletech kickstarter, its now at $6.3 million. I know it may not be a game for everyone but I got into it from the last kickstarter (brought back memories of the aninated show) and have to say not disappointed. The game grew huge in my small city and people play both alpha strike and classic and its a blast. Just a game where you move around your big stompy robots and laugh if you get taken out with a well placed (rolled) headshot.

    I do enjoy the models myself and the value is there. As for less than 100 bucks you get everything you need to play a two player match. Then just add mechs from packs you like. A lot less damage to the wallet than tgese new serephon models are going to do to me 😂😂😂.

    If anyone is interested kickstarter is in the last day here.

  14. Trapped.Under.Plastic. A podcast that gets to the depth of Miniature painting and sodomy in post apocalyptic settings. Also Scott coughs.a lot.

  15. You know nothing, Jon Ninas! RubyCon is not in Egypt! As anyone with a smattering of education (or access to Google) knows, rubies are grown only in eastern sub-Saharan Africa (like Kenya and Tanzania), Madagascar (a kind of island), South-Eastern Asia and Australia (which, somewhat surprisingly, is in NATO). It therefore follows inexorably that RubyCon is held in Texas, though there is talk of having one in Europe (probably Nottingham, the only part of Europe you’ve heard of). You would have a much better chance of knowing important facts like this if you didn’t spend so much time with super-ignoramus Scott!

  16. When Scott said he makes a little wheezy sound, I definitely thought he was referring to lil Wayne at first lmao

  17. starburst jelly beans. best easter treat and the best type of jelly bean

  18. You guys are great. Definitely want that Ghost Ship game now. 🙂 Also, I love it when you all reference The Source, S-Tier shop.

  19. Whoa! Let me stop you there Jon 🙂 The best depiction of a devil is Brenan Lee Muligan in The Calamity short campaign of Critical Role. Check him out.

  20. I think it makes sense for Siocast to be there, as the more people who become aware of it, the more they will ask the companies that make their miniatures for Siocast.

  21. Anyone know where we could find the paint handles Jon is refering to at 1:04:18 ? it sounds interesting and i'd love to take a look

  22. We got to play Zeon Genesis at the Geek Nation Tours dinner, and HOOBOY, did we give Gav and Andy some evil ideas due to our “tactical insanity” 😂

  23. We got to play Zeon Genesis at the Geek Nation Tours dinner, and HOOBOY, did we give Gav and Andy some evil ideas due to our “tactical insanity” 😂

  24. B-Movie Rec. So I watched The New Barbarians last night and it was fun. The sudden sodomy scene was bizarre. Anyway, as a huge LOTRs fan Scott have you seen Peter Jackson's second film? Not only is Meet The Feebles an X rated Muppets but it includes the rather wonderful Sodomy Song. Enjoy Scott, enjoy.

  25. Definitely try out BattleTech. The Alpha Strike rule set is less crunchy than classic rules and makes for a great intro. Bonus that it's not expensive to buy in.

    Hopefully more Carnevale events next year.

  26. The grinder was an event created by Tim at Anonymous Tabletop Podcast. Tim could not be there this year so the other members of the podcast ran the event all week long. They have been at the con for over 8 years. The grimdark hallway crew just stumbled upon and proceeded to lose our minds about it.

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