Container Gardening

How to GROW Tomatoes Cucumbers Watermelon Eggplant Peppers GET the BEST RESULTS Container Gardening

Growing a vegetable garden for success and for a big yield. Know these few things and you will be able to grow food with healthy plants and produce for a long time.

Here is an affiliated link to the Same Irrigation Tubing I use:

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated link to the company:

and here is another affiliated link as they all sell fast:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, the size I get is (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price, This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from: Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

Watch This Before You Make Compost to See What Can be Used to Turned into Garden Soil Container


  1. You are very wise and know what you are talking about. Thanks for righting the people who don't know what is wrong in garden. Plants need space to thrive on their own. We all learn and grow in knowledge, thanks for your fruitful input to help us all out in the glorious garden of life.

  2. Robbie you make gardening so enjoyable I felt I was to old to garden but if your able get the chairs and dont have to touch your toes so much win. Win

  3. I put one major plant per container and still can’t get much of a harvest. I’m confused what I’m doing wrong.

  4. I have a question. I wanted those people who use seed planning formula and jiffy pots and the plastic containers of plants come in to reuse. Those was wondering if the plants don't grow seeds don't grow. Can you reuse that soil mix it all together and use it to start planning seeds for something else?

  5. I have three beef steak tomato plants in a 15 gallon tote. Should I go ahead and take out two?

  6. You are so wonderful!
    I remember planting my brassicas way too close, because I had no more space and too many seedlings😁 Yes, I did get small broccoli and cauliflower from some.

  7. Great video. It helps new gardeners not waste time and money making the mistake of overcrowding.

  8. I started too early and what I put out froze. That's nebraska 5b front door sunny and nice back door is coat and a freeze.

  9. Thanks Robbie. I listen and learn so much from you 😊❤
    Love seeing little kitty there also. She is so Cute ❤😊

  10. Robbie do you have to worry about hawks and eagles when Kitty is out? I live in Washington and I have a Yorkie I am so worried when I take her out. I was just wondering. I love your channel. Thank you!

  11. This was my first time growing in 18 gallon totes. And i put to many in the tote do you have a video on which plants have alot of roots or are heavy feeder so i can adjust my totes. thanks for any help you can give

  12. I made the overplanting mistake the 1st year of my container garden adventure. Some plants took over others and I got no harvest at all from others. A green thumb friend came over and explained what I'd done wrong. So 2nd year I went a completely different route. 1 tomato plant per 5 gallon bucket. 1 pepper plant per 5 gallon bucket. My watermelon was grown 1 plant to a tote and trellised and so on. Containers are plentiful and cheap. Soil – I make my own all year long so when I need soil I usually have plenty. I grow herbs in 1 gallon buckets – 1 per bucket. Now it's my 3rd year and my garden is my joy & finally produces in abundance. It's been a major learning curve and so well worth it. Yes to dish pans for growing zucchini!

  13. Been watching you for a long time, Robbie-and always get good ideas. I am loving your more recent videos so much…thanks for all your great work!

  14. You are a wonderful teacher! I have learned so much from you!
    I am setting up my first containers w/ the compost in place, stacking + using composting pitchers. I will spread out my plants between several totes.
    I'm in West Tx. It is dropping to the 40's @ night. I am placing my totes where they are protected on 2 adjacent sides. My tulle isn't here yet. I think I will cut the centers out of the lids, punch holes around + temporarily insert clear vinyl to protect the plants until it gets warmer @ night. Then I can unlace the cord + swap out Tulle for the vinyl. I have cats. I'm afraid they will use the pots as cat boxes, so will keep them closed off w/ lids then Tulle around the poles/irrigation tubing. I'm hoping the zucchini, yellow squash, lettuce, Basil, Strawberries + Lemon Thyme will do well. After I get them set up, I will add more containers, etc I realized I have a sturdy 7 foot folding table in the garage. I'll get my Son in law to move it to the back yard. It will hold many totes!
    Please speak about plants that will grow in shade! I have large trees shading an area that I want plants in. I have some huge rolling storage locker totes that I will put there + plant when I figure out what will grow in zone7 shade.
    Again, I am so happy I found your channel. I want to compost, but not in the yard, I've tried to grow different plants without success. I'm dehydrating/ putting up food + want to grow my own food. I think this will all work for me now!

  15. Thank you great information, I'm planning on what to plant in my totes. I'm on the northern tip of the oregon coast so a lot of overcast skies here.

  16. In my opinion, learning "by trial and error" is the best! Weather can change, and even with gardening zones, etc., there really is no way to completely accurately predict exactly how "everything will come together". It's actually like so many things in life!!! Thank you again for one more great video; I've really been learning a lot from you.

  17. Thank you for this lovely video Robbie.. my plants in container are quite busy. HaHah!.. I have radish.. peas.. garlic & onions in one container… No wonder only two survive. the radish & the peas.

  18. Last late fall I found some old seed packets of kale (more than three years old). Not sure if they were still good, I direct sowed all of them in a wide grow bag (2’ width). The germination rate was surprisingly high; probably around 90%!

    I let them stay where they were over the winter. They were okay but not big enough. But I did harvest twice of young and smaller leaves (they were tasty). After the frost was over and the weather warmed up, I transplanted them in the ground. They all are growing bigger and bigger more like the right size of kale. Space space space!

  19. I had thought of getting one of those big containers but if I can't plant that much in it, it wouldn't be worth all of that money

  20. In terms of companion planting … it it primarily about water and roots needs & maybe pest issues? Like if two plants are not supposed to be together …. can they be near each other if in seperate pots or does the proximity of each other cause problems …. for example; cucumbers and sage … not in same pot or not in the same area? this seems silly but trying to understand. Melons not with cucumbers … again same pot or general vicinity? More specifically herbs …. parsley not with garlic, onions, lettuce? competes for nutrients or pests or just their presence near each other is a problem? Rosemary is supposed to be kept separate from almost everything … why?

  21. I did Cauliflower seed like you said, then transplanted sprouted seed into one tote.
    Fifteen tiny plants seem to still be making it.
    How many cauliflower to one tote?

  22. <— guilty of too many plants in a tote. What would be too late to take two of three tomato plants out of one tote and move them elsewhere? They're all about two and a half feet tall now… I can put two of them in the ground somewhere… but I'm afraid I'd hurt all three trying.

  23. Thanks for the info on overcrowding a container. I think I may have done that in a raised bed. I may have time to right the ship. Thanks

  24. Can you please talk about how to water, in the hot California environment.. .What I mean by that? This weekend it's going to be 90 for 3 days….then for the next week it's going to be in the 70s…. how do I water with that type weather?

  25. Well last year I overplanted some plants but I've learned the lesson!
    From then I'm doing many layers and saves me lot of space and water too!
    This year I've planted some of my tomatoes and lettuce together and I hope it will work. Last summer I was growing a bit of everything. I will not make the same mistake again. I will grow exactly what I mostly eat. Tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchinis, peppers, lettuce, Beans. And of course many layers!!!

    So informative video Robbie ❣️ you are the best teacher 🌟❣️👏👏

  26. Hi Robbie n Gary, I love watching and learning from your videos and I THANK YOU ❤, Crazy Question…how can I grow TREE COLLARDS? (does anyone know? I surely would Appreciate help about that) Robbie your Tree Collards are so big and beautiful 😊 Thank you in advance and HAPPY GARDENING TO ALL! 🙋‍♀️🌟👍✌️💜

  27. Another excellent video. Thank you so much for pouring all you know into us with every video.

  28. Such common sense, Robbie, thank you. I have lettuce, beets and spinach with one zucchini in a tote, learned my lesson from last year.
    Funny, harvesting turnip leaves instead of roots from another tote. They taste good, though.

  29. I have 4 tomatoe plants, can I plant all 4 of them in a galvanized contanier, it is the same size as yours. Thank you for sharing.

  30. Hey Robbie, I set up three containers in November on plastic chairs, poked holes an inch and a half from the bottom, loaded it with both green and brown organic material from my kitchen and yard then organic compost from my local stables. I put in broccoli, I started from seed but over did it with too many plants, so containers were not successful. I watched your video of late that rejuvenated your containers so I dumped them out and found that the lowest 2 or so inches smelled really putrid. I guess they were not draining well. So back to the drawing board. I'm going to punch more holes and try again. Any advice?

  31. Orkra needs a separate pot too! I grew one and the leaves are huge! They look tropical

  32. This comment is not a criticism; just questions. I love your videos. How is this demonstrated by, let’s say, the truckbed garden? I think I have seen a lot of heavy feeders you have planted close to each other there. In the Midwest, our growing environment has to be so different from yours. I love all your ideas and education but I struggle with trying to adapt it to my growing environment. I often envy your,in many ways, ideal growing environment. Having such a long growing season must be wonderful. Gardening is a wonderful way of life and I learn constantly. I do a lot of planted pots on top of my container plantings too. Feeds my soul.

  33. Thanks for everything you teach me 😘 here in Iceland, I can't grow anything outside until after June 15th and then winter is back at the beginning of September ✌

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