Gardening Ireland

Right. The snails have me mithered now! What do I do with them?!?

I have crunched eggshells around, I’ve used pellets, I’ve gone on regular hunts. What are your tips?!? Also, what do you do with them? I’m so guilty killing them, guilty throwing them into a neighbor’s yard (I know they’ll come back tenfold), guilty chucking them in the bin. What do you do with yours when you catch them?!?

by Giraffesickles


  1. bonzo-best-bud-1

    Hate the buggers too.. can never truly get rid of them all.
    Pellets every couple of weeks.
    Then I grab an empty flower pot once a week and go round collecting any that are alive.
    They get dumped across the road in the bushes.

    Lift every and any flower pot you have .. that’s were they hide, even if you think no way they can fit.
    Same goes for any slabs or stones that a big enough.

    I’ve read up on beer traps and they seem to work but I think that would just invite lots of wasps.

  2. They break my heart every year. I use to do beer traps but since we can’t buy cheap beer anymore in ireland it’s an expensive way to deal with them. Also had to give up on pellets because the birds seemed to be eating them.. Now i’m using plastic 2L bottles cut in half as bell jars and hoping that will work

  3. JapaneseJohnnyVegas

    I buy a head of lettuce and scatter it around plants. Works a treat.

  4. Yikert13

    Pellets but under the half plastic bottle. Also the collection method works to keep the population down. I go around with a bucket with some salty water in it.

  5. EasyTargetCF

    Fruit hill farm sell an organic non toxic snail pellet. It just makes them sick and they won’t eat and die. Harmless to birds and other wildlife. I use that and I find it works

  6. the_macks

    My solution has been bucket of salty water and a hunt when I put out plants first. I also only plant my seedlings when they are bigger so they have more chance to survive.

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