
Follow these fertiliser tips for great results in your garden | Gardening 101 | Gardening Australia

Nurseries often have a huge number of fertiliser choices. If you’re struggling to know which fertiliser to use, Millie’s here to feed you the facts. Subscribe 🔔

Organic Fertilisers:
Organic fertilisers are made up of broken-down pre-living plant or animal materials and include composts, manures and pelletized manures. Not only do they feed your plants, but they also break down over time and feed the soil. In general, good quality organic fertiliser is great for vegetables, flowers, and roses.

Foliar Fertilisers:
In liquid form, nutrients are instantly available to the plants and are often very high in nitrogen which provides the nutrients for lots of luscious leafy growth. Millie uses liquid fertilisers such as fish emulsion, in the cooler months when growth is slow, or at the end of the season to kick something along.

Native Fertilisers:
It’s an age-old question whether you can fertilise native plants with general food. While a lot of our native species will respond well to a little bit of organic fertiliser, they’re not particularly fussy. However, if you’re growing Proteaceous species, like grevilleas, banksias and hakeas, they are really sensitive to too much phosphorus. This is because they’ve adapted to extract the minuscule amounts available in our natural soils. For these, you need to use a low phosphorus native fertiliser.

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  1. Compost is the best way. Fertiliser is bad for the environment, whether it is synthetic, or the product of animal exploitation.

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