Vegetable Gardening

The Top Reasons To Start Your Garden From Seeds!

Learning to start, your garden from seeds will not only save you money, but it will allow you to try out some new varieties and have plants on hand to share, sale, or keep replenishing your garden space. Check out Survival garden see below.


  1. Good morning! I tried fat free milk mixed with water and gave everything a drink and most stuff has perked up. I never knew this!!

  2. I absolutely start from seeds. Besides the cost savings, can succession sow, pick the variety, generally no stress to the plant and I know the fertilization they have received. I even started geraniums this year for my front flowerbed. Two packets had 50 seeds each and all germinated. So for $8 I have 100 plants and a huge savings. Your plants are looking fantastic!

  3. Yes, indeed! I grow nearly everything from seeds. It's the only way I would be able to grow the varieties I love, like Italian Heirloom and Eva Purple Ball tomatoes. I start those indoors under lights. (A three-shelf, three light setup can cost as little as $150, although I paid a little more due to supply shortages.) I consider native plants critical to the success of my vegetable garden (attracting native bees that will ensure a good harvest and predator insects to keep pests under control). So, this spring I began growing those from seed, too. It was trickier than starting tomatoes, but I now have more than a hundred native plants that would cost $7 to $10 at a nursery, and my garden is filled with lady beetles that appear whenever mites and aphids target my vegetables.

  4. I just came in from tying up tomatoes and fertilizing all the garden beds. I've got tomato plants stuck everywhere for canning.

  5. Wow!!!! Things really look great! And the other great thing is that you guys have shared with us step by step, video by video how to have great plants too.
    Love the hanging basket for tomatoes. Got me wondering what other plants might be fine with being planted like that?
    Ok…just checking on something and can't get on here without checking to see if something new has popped up with Jill. Jesus bless.

  6. Growing seeds opens up so many possibilities!
    Question: I just transplanted squash & cucumbers from seedling trays to 5”. I skipped the 2”. Is that okay? I have extra if I need to redo.

  7. I got 2 rows of potato plants transplanted not sure how they will do but I'm trying. Praying my neighbors lot will be a good home for my spuds.

  8. I restarted a load of maters, yesterday. I got most of my garden re-cleaned and ready to be re-planted. Thanks, Jill!

  9. This is the first year everything I'm growing I started from seed. Much more cost effective, although at times can be a pain in the butt managing all of them until the can go in the ground which happened last week finally!

  10. I always start new tomato plants in the summer by planting the suckers from the growing determinate plants. Quicker turn around than seeds.

  11. Okay. Chamomile. I just have the hardest time getting them started indoor and direct sow. Share the secret recipe!! I haven't bought any starts so far this season. All from my seeds for seedlings I started indoors or direct sow. The garlic I planted last Oct/Nov are already starting to scape and curl. I do a combination of seeding and direct sow, mainly to foster harvest succession. Once things start showing fruit, I start more and keep them outside so they stay hardened off. Keep Planting Everyone!

  12. Jill,
    I remember you as a very-very young girl! You were a close neighbor in a neighborhood, we even went to school together. I never would of dreamed that a city girl turned out to be so much into growing plants like you do. I’ve been watching your videos for some time now. So amazed in what you do. Me and Shanna garden and eat most of all that we grow. We are also into fruit trees. We pressure can our vegetables and fruit. We also freeze dry some things. It is so weird to me that we are so much alike, but never knew it! Keep doing what you do and sharing your videos!

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