
How to Grow a Vegetable Garden CHEAP Tricks& Tips, Vertical Container Gardening Raised Bed Free Soil

How to garden making free soil, compost in place, protecting plants from weather and critters, and making gardening easier for anyone, gardening for seniors too. We do garden in the ground, and do container gardening. Using irrigation tubing for vertical gardening and for a trellis, is SO cheap and just so easy to use.
Here is How to Grow Your Groceries CHEAP and EASY on Patio Deck Garden tips and ideas; we will be growing food in flower pots, dishpans, totes, buckets, containers or garden. Container Gardening on a small patio deck growing herbs, tomatoes, garlic chives, onions, Parsley, Purslane, lettuce, cabbage, tree collard, kale and more vegetables. Growing with Tulle and Irrigation Tubing to save plants from critters.

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated link to the company:

and here is another affiliated link as they all sell fast:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, the size I get is (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price, This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from: Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

Here is an affiliated link to the Same Irrigation Tubing I use:

Watch This Before You Make Compost to See What Can be Used to Turned into Garden Soil Container


  1. Thanks for your videos & tips. I'm in zone 8 Washington state. For the first time I've started lettuce & kale. I've rewatched some of your seed-starting tip videos to help me.

    I've also started a chayote squash inside & now the temps are just about right to move it outside, set up more supports for it & hope it will produce the fruit in a couple of months. Do you or Gary have any experience with growing chayote or various ways to eat/prepare it? I'm trying to learn as much as I can.

    Thank you again for sharing your experiences.

  2. Do the plants have female and males on one plant or can they have both on one plant. I am growing some this year and never don't know much about them. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I hope you have a wonderful week.

  3. Robbie. I just started watching your covid vids. Wow. I felt the same way you did. But we won. Love you❤❤❤❤❤❤

  4. Howdy, Robbie!👋 Really nice garden tour. You are doing so well getting to all your gardens.👍
    Make mini greenhouses for your watermelon sprouts…put a plastic jug over them. It works great.😃
    Y'all have made a beautiful edible landscape! 👍Hello to Miss Kitty!👋💕

  5. Maybe build a small wall or terrance the hill to keep the soil in place when those crazze rains come through

  6. Lol I can't remember anything… but I'm getting better from watching you Gardners and I am in San Bernardino foothills so I pay close attention to your advise. Tx

  7. Another great video, Robbie. What variety of lettuce do you grow that is more heat tolerant than some other varieties? I'd like to get myself some.

  8. I grow a lot of papayas, just cover the top of cut with a can or bucket without holes; new shoots will sprout on trunk….

  9. I've been cleaning up my garden area and found a tomato plant from last year! I'm in 7b. It's been in the 20's at night and down in the teens this winter. It was in a grow bag half full of soil and compost. I'll be using more bags this fall.

  10. Without deer fencing, I think you will have problems. I have a garden at the edge of a thick forest, plenty of deer. We will be putting up deer fencing soon, but in the meantime I use pinwheels. You can buy these from the Dollar Tree centers and have placed them in my tubs.

    This is a temporary fix, but it does seem to work. Have not had any deer problems since we put them up so far at least. I use large ones and the shiny ones placed among the plants where they can catch even the slightest of breezes. Flags work as well.

  11. We'll be having our 1st 70s temps this week, possibly even 80F…still going to be too chilled at night though till June. I'm hoping all my tomato seedlings will get bigger with these warmer temps. They've stayed alive, but just like the dogs & I…they want to bask outdoors. I only planted 1 zucchini inside about 5 wks. ago. It's about the size its Mum was last season when I purchased her. I chanced growing it way too early, but anyone that gardens knows…it's how we learn what works. The only tomato seeds that aren't doing well for me are those I saved from my very productive Early Girl. It sucks because I'd planned to give them away to our local food pantry so they could hand them out to struggling families. The Mum plant did so well last season that I gave away much of the harvest to our pantry. Supporting our town's pantry is very important to me. I'm hoping some volunteers will take advantage of my offer for garden space in exchange for helping me keep the garden going on my most agonizing days. This is the 1st town I've lived in whose food pantry doesn't have property for a community garden. I don't have a lot of $, but I have a very sunny backyard full of earthworms. I don't know what you do with your extra seedlings, so if your area has a community garden…perhaps your local pantry would be grateful in receiving them. Take care, ~ Covah

  12. I grew some potatoes in a cardboard box, last year. The bottom rotted out, as expected, but a gopher dug up from underneath, and ate the potatoes. 😄 Haha

  13. I have noticed that there are couple things you don't seem to be growing that I thought would do well in your area.. petunias. I can't seem to get them to germinate – yet and they were one of my mom's favorite. A couple of roots, jicama and celeriac… summer and winter maybe? and roses.

  14. Thank you for the garden tour. Really getting me in gardening mode. We have had crazy weather here in NE Oklahoma the last 2 years. Im hoping tomorrow night is our last frost for the season. They have also put us on water rationing, with Friday being our day to water. Any tips for drought would be appreciated. 💗

  15. Thought of you this evening when I took my carrot scraps from dinner and coffee grounds out back to one of my beds. Tossed them out..looked at a potted fig that I plan on planting in that spot and put the pot on the scraps! 😆 Been learning from you for around 5 years now, thanks so much!

  16. I am probably going to have to go back and see how you do this, but the way you layer pots in totes is mind blowing. I am definitely wondering how you water everything, and how long it takes you to do it.

    I am just starting my first garden, and have a lot to learn.

  17. I think a raccoon came by last night and tried to get into my 2 'compost in place' pitchers!! It's a tall, skinny rectangular one with a flip lid. Both the lids were up, but not off! Maybe my container was deep enough the little bugger couldn't reach the bottom! I placed them in a galvanized trough that is about 30 inches high. It's an old livestock watering trough. Oh God please! NO raccoons! The bug pests are enough.

  18. The dead papaya trunk would work well for filling your large new metal planter, if Gary can chop it up into pieces before you want to plant in it! 🌿🌿🌿😃

  19. I think I need a melons for dummies video: what size plant to maintain, supporting melon, how much to keep soil moist…
    I have my totes on chairs. Do I really need plastic fencing for the leaves to climb on?

  20. You are just terrific!!! I wish I lived next door to you. You have so many great ideals. Love your channel. Thank you for sharing.

  21. Hi Robbie 🙂 Happy May, I have walking onions all over my garden. Its fantastic ! Thanks to you.
    I saw a Carpenter Bee yesterday in my garden. Thanks for all your good content.
    Peace and Love

  22. I absolutely loved this tour , everything is looking lush ,
    You are so blessed to have all that land , it’s just stunning 😍
    It’s like a park compared to my little garden here in Liverpool uk
    Thank you so much and for all you fab ideas , your an inspiration 🙏❤️🌷🌸, oh and wer was little mr broccoli 🥦 today? He’s so cute 🥰

  23. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Robbie ❣️❣️❣️❣️ Love you! Ihave so much work but I watch every single video you make 🌟 Your gardens are full of life and food! You are doing awesome job ❤️👏🌻

  24. I failed at getting my onion seeds to grow😢, I’m gonna buy some walking onions and try them out…

  25. I took your advice and removed plants from my containers . I did exactly what you said not to do. Filled them with 6 plants. So now 1 plant with containers all around. Thank you for helping us beginners ❤

  26. I needed to see your videos First video I saw of your was introducing with the container gardening video on only one plant per pot. You mentioned walking onions-do you think they would do good in flip flop weather and fur coats all in on day-NC? Would you be willing to send me a few of the walking onion seeds?🤗
    Thank you for your knowledge I’m a first time gardener.🤦‍♀️👋

  27. Robbie your garden is looking beautiful, I love the geranium, and I'm excited to see what you plant in your container.

  28. Cuttings from a fig tree?!?!? I have a fig tree at least- -a cutting just stuck in soil will root?🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤗

  29. I got couple things growing I don't know if it's zuchinni,squash or cucumber..My daughter started and moved quickly..she gave to me..I keep trying to figure out..

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