
Gardener William Moss Gives Tips for How to Get a Greener Lawn

Master Gardener William Moss offers best practices for greener, healthier lawns.

Recommendations include beginning with organic fertilizers, such as Ringer® Lawn Restore® Fertilizer (, to help build the soil without the fear of burning lawn, soil or plants. This will build the soil as it fertilizes. Remember not to fertilize if the grass is not yet growing, which can harm the environment through runoff. Follow a lawn care schedule for best results:

When you water your lawn, water heavily and early in the morning, instead of all through the day, so the water sinks deeper to encourage the roots. In addition, William highlights when to water and mow, and how to restore lawn patches throughout your yard. Controlling grubs is also very important, as they are often the number one cause of dead patches in your lawn:

If you’re really struggling with your lawn and aren’t sure why it’s dying, consider testing your soil:


  1. Awesome! Great informational video that gives tons of useful tips. It's kinda funny too..especially for getting it done in 1 take.

    "I know this is alot"

    Hahaha, don't want any grubs

  2. Thx!!! Now i know to get rid of grubs because I saw this giant Beetle crawling out of my lawn and i hosed it to death

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