
A day in the life of a Gardener – INCLUDING EARNINGS!

How to be a self employed gardener. Join me as I take you through my day as a self employed gardener running a gardening business. I show you my jobs, which include grass cutting, ivy trimming, and a conifer & bush trim using my trust STIHL HLA 56 Hedge Trimmer. I also tell you what I’ve charged for each job.

How do you quote for garden maintenance jobs? Well, I also give you my prices for the jobs I’ve done. Hope you enjoy.

Mower I’m using – Cobra M46SPB

Wolf Garten Gear –
ASPEN 5L 2 Stroke Mix –
Velcro Strip (HANDY!) –
HLA 56 Hedge Trimmer –
HLA 56 Extension –
Stihl Leaf Blower –
Stihl Multispray –
Mini Mattock/Pick –
Platform/Step Up –

Satisfying Driveway Re-sand

Pricing a Job (Real Example)

5 Mistakes to avoid as a Self Employed Gardener

10 Questions to ask before starting

Dealing with miserable customers

I am a self employed gardener and run my own gardening business. I offer gardening maintenance packages, hedge cutting, grass/lawn cuts, driveway cleans and much more. This video will explain how I set up on my own and how you can start your own business, so don’t hang around!

The main goal of my YouTube channel is to help like minded people on their way to running their own gardening business and help them in terms of pricing jobs, equipment, real life stories and general hints and tips along the way.

So, if that sounds like its for you, hit subscribe and welcome to my channel 🙂


  1. I use the same Stihl HLA56 that my first client owns and I really like it. I'm wondering about getting one for myself instead of getting a petrol one. How long do your batteries last, roughly?

  2. How do you keep track of when to do your regulars and shuffling them around due to weather or squeezing in one-offs? .. i've tried diaries, and various apps, but nothings seems very efficient. I'd love to find something slightly automated that will alert me when they are due and once i tick complete, it will reset for another 2 weeks etc to alert me again. I currently use an app on android called To Do Reminder but its layout isnt exactly as id like. Also isn't hindsight a bugger, just remember mates rates means nothing, they probably wont be there at your funeral or help you replace any broken tools, as one guy in the comments said about hidden hanging basket brackets in ivy is all too often, i've had a few near misses over the years and one or two hits and it takes out a tooth or worse. Not cheap to replace blades so minimum charge as soon as the cutter comes out is £35 for me even if its 5 minutes work then 35 per hour. Also a quick pass over the hedge or ivy with a spring rake turned backwards (so it doesnt grab) to feel for hard lumps hidden can be a real time saver.

  3. As a landscape gardener of 22 years I liked this video…..
    Stihl are good,but nowadays extortionate pricing…I switched ALL my gear to Tanaka,except my Mowers which are Hayter..
    Liked the use of the sheet,saves time,not always possible to use them though..
    (especially in crowded borders)).💯👍💯

  4. Put your prices up mate I reckon . It’s just experience that will guide the way in what you should charge but I reckon you could certainly earn more from those job . I as well run my own Garden maintenance firm in Essex for 6 years now .

  5. Good work. Far too cheap. I've been doing this for years it's really difficult to price things and get it right . we all get caught out. If you get it wrong be honest with a customer and explain . Don't just take the hit . Most people will understand.
    People love to take advantage and add things on. Some people are very good at embarrassing you into doing the work for nothing. Don't be pushed . Stand your ground on price or just flat out refuse. walk away if you have to. There'll always be a good customer somewhere down-the-line. Have pride in your work and know you're worth.
    One good way to price a job is to say to yourself….. Now I have this job how much would I pay someone else to save me doing it. And add your percentage. You won't be far off.

  6. Iam doing Garden job in UAE wants to come uk 🇬🇧, what’s the best option to come and do landscape work I have 8 years experience

  7. Hi there would love to have a more in depth chat about how I go about my stuff, but can’t put much on here too public, if your doing a good job you have to get the correct rate, if you’re happy when you walk away, ie cash for effort from your and the customers perspective then your not far off. I still make the odd cock up keep up the good work john

  8. Language barrier can be a genuine problem or can be a question of misunderstanding for their benefit! Write everything down itemised, every time, I itemise so much from point 1 through to whatever point, each point stating a clear and simple task! I think sometimes I write it so clear it seems quite child like, however it leaves no room at all for misunderstanding, 👍

  9. Interesting to see what other's days are like. I'm only 3 months in and was full up, but in the last 2 days, I’ve lost one 2 weekly and one weekly customer due to them not being able to afford it… gutted! Most of my jobs are bigger, so it’s a big chunk gone.
    I put an ad on my Facebook, but so far no response, probably not a great time given the recent weather… hoping to pick up a couple more to replace the lost ones ASAP.

    I suppose you haven’t found yourself down on clients at all?

  10. That ivy needs completing removing, horrible stuff! Don't do mates rates, charge them the going rate. Ivy is hard work. 👍

  11. Good job! You can give advice to me please. I currently work on a golf course, but plan to switch to gardening. How to do it more efficiently?

    Thanks to.

  12. Pricing is always the most difficult thing to get right. Been self employed for 10 years now and still get things wrong from time to time. I have a minimum charge of £60, depending on location and waste disposal! Everyone seems fine with that, as they either can't do it themselves or can't be bothered!

  13. Good job , It may help your business using a better tarp , I bought an entire curtain siding from a articulated truck , took off the straps and cut it into 4 unequal sizes , after tens years of use still proving invaluable when cleaning up despite its many cuts and scars . Good luck 👌

  14. I did this one pruning job where it was in mid August and I had to do this massive hedge that was a Grulla

  15. Hi, so glad I found your channel, I've been a Sub Contractor for my mates business for just over a year, without any previous garden experience so its been a huge learning curve (and hard work!) so your channel will be very useful for me!

  16. Won’t be the language barrier mate, they ask you to cut grass then when u turn up they ask u do a kid if other stuff for the price or the grass cut
    Get it so often but wise to it now

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