Container Gardening

Soil Mix for Container Gardening Redoing 99cent Store Strawberry Tower Planting Growing Strawberries

Container Gardening strawberries in dollar store containers. Easy to make using a chair, no bending.
Here’s a video I did on kitty litter. How to Propagate Plants EASY Method for Vegetable & Indoor Cuttings * Kitty Litter PLANT Propagation

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated link to the company:

and here is another affiliated link as they all sell fast:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, the size I get is (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price, This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from: Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

Here is an affiliated link to the Same Irrigation Tubing I use:

Watch This Before You Make Compost to See What Can be Used to Turned into Garden Soil Container


  1. I love your videos and the practical, creative ways to garden. I went back and watched the video on propagating with kitty litter. Then I ordered the kitty litter for pickup tomorrow at Walmart. Sometimes I go back and rewatch the videos because I need a refresher, I also just love watching you go through your garden talking about each plant and how to plant or improve their growth. Your bird garden is so beautiful and the sound of the birds and fountains is very soothing. Hugs and love 💕 from Arizona.

  2. Robbie, like you said Kitty was everywhere in your gardening videos. It is nice to see her again. She is always remembered. I have two small dogs around 5 pounds. They have developing many problems as they age. I just enjoy every moment with them until that day comes. Be well ❤

  3. Awww my heart breaks for you both, thank you Robbie, I know how hard this is for you , prayers for you both, xox

  4. Hi Robbie, good to see you back out in the garden! I discovered another use for tulle. My first year of planting strawberries, I wrapped the strawberries in bright green tulle, no critters or birds have gotten to them yet. So excited to get my first delicious strawberries!

  5. I've been throwing my kitchen scraps in a tote and put leaves and shredded paper over it with a small amount of soil on top. I know you told us over and over it would become black compost, I just didn't think it would be so soon. It's so easy. Why do people compost the hard way, turning it and fussing over it?

  6. Great video. Had no idea seascape was a year round lol 😆 good to know unfortunately in pnw they don't do year round. (Produce)But they survived the snow and ice , frozen containers too, I have them in sterlite drawers lol 🤣 (same tote company but their drawer storage lol) and they making a come back now! Woot! U know how Walmart has Sterlite storage drawers, the mini dressers and such well I decided to drill holes at the bottom and set them up horizontal. The frame pieces come apart, so each frame section holds a drawer off the ground. It's really cool lol I actually did it last year inspired by your tote vids thinking hmm I got sterlite storage drawers perfect for shallow planting and decided the strawberries were perfect for this! If u want I'd love to make a quick shorts vid of it for u and link it to show u .

  7. My heart hurts seeing Kitty at the end, as it was closing up I thought oh no I'm gonna miss seeing Kitty eating broccoli in this vid for ending , and just as I finished thinking that u started the old clip of her in the strawberry vid.😭💔Kitty we all love u so much. I believe she's watching u from heaven. Truly. 🌱🌞🌅🌄🌻

  8. Oh Robbie (& Gary) I hope being out in your gardens continues to be healing. Sending you both lots of hugs & prayers. 🙏🏼❤️🫂Thank you for another helpful & valuable video.

  9. ❤🐕❤🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗❤️so sorry I am 😭with you as I cry over mine at the same time. His name was Bear – my constant garden companion and protector. I feel your pain even more because my heart is also just broken. ❤🐕❤️

  10. For some reason I keep thinking about little Jack. He's really alone now for the first time in his life. Yesterday I found and enjoyed a strawberry from my plants. Super yummy. Hopefully there will be a lot more before long.

  11. Squash bugs 🐛hitch a ride in store bought soil, when I use native soil only along with green/brown matter–NO squash bugs! FYI

  12. I just love your videos & I learn something new every time I watch! I've been adding things to compost in the tubs for a few years now, but never thought to mix the cut leaves in the soil mix. I'm gonna try this. 😉 Thanks Robbie and I love what you did with that chair…I would never have thought that up! You are a garden genius.

  13. I have 2 of those chairs and a table missing the glass that I bought from Walmart 8 years ago. When the glass shattered out of nowhere, we just put it in the basement and left it there. Your little chair tower garden idea is pretty cool. I will need to get more of those tower containers for the dollar tree. I have 5 already being used.

  14. Thank you so much Robbie my thoughts are with you and Gary when I garden, and I will always remember Kitty, especially as she lists her head up for broccoli. Keep strong.

  15. Great video , Robbie ! And little sweet Miss Kitty ❤ even made a cameo appearance from an older video . Dollar Tree does have those stackable planters , only they are more rounded in the front . They are $1.25 a section . I have been making new soil out of old pots of soil the last couple of weeks . The only problem I have is ANTS !!! Lots of those tiny little black ants . I use lots of rocks along the borders of my many flower beds . Every time I move one , there are swarms of those darn ants . I have been sprinkling the layers of soil with D E . Do you have any other suggestions ?

  16. Robbie, Curtis Stone (Canadian gardener, not the chef) has a great YouTube video on strawberries. He rips them ALL out every year and replants them. He says they love the stress of that. I started doing that three years ago and he is absolutely right. I have never had better strawberries 💕

  17. I got those too 🥰👩‍🌾♥️ wow I didn’t know that thanks Robbie

    I have the sea scape strawberry but I haven’t seen produce runners, thank you for the tips I will now dig my strawberries to check it. ♥️😊👩‍🌾

  18. Oh how I wish I could eat strawberries, watermelon, tomatoes, but I ain't n t giving up, Mint helps my stomach/guts & it's taken me 8 years just to figure that out, wow🥰🥰🥰

  19. HAS IT 2 YEARS ALREADY ROBBIE?? I remember the video when you made that tower🥰🥰 Doesn't seem like 2 years 🥰🥰

  20. Thank you so much Robbie for journeying onward helping all of us to save money & easy access to making nutritious food despite your (and our, on your behalf) recent grief-loss. Kitty is proud & in my belief-philosophy she is going to be enjoying an even better life until she reconnects with you again. In the meantime, she may come back as a sweet hummingbird to visit & remain with you. All the love.

  21. Robbie. Thank you for such inspiration, even in tough times😢.
    If you have this strawberry tower on a high- Off- the -ground chair , how do the earth worms go that high to eat th he browns and greens you've created in your LIVE soil?
    Does this method work even on a pot that has a saucer under it?
    Ive never seen earthworms crawl up things, just down in or on the ground.

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