Container Gardening

Container Garden Project – Part 1

We are excited to get started with our container garden experiment! We are missing our backyard at the old house, but are looking forward to seeing what we can do here at Baddaddy’s house. There’s not a prime space for gardening, but we’re going to work with what we’ve got and see what we can accomplish. Our gardening tends to lean more towards hobby and mental health benefits over production and quantity.

Welcome to our page! We are an atypical family dedicated to sharing a joyful life alongside things like autism, blindness, complex medical histories, and mental health disorders. We hope to take some of the mystery out of what it is like when special needs children grow into special needs adults. This life can be good. Beyond challenges and frustrations we find even more joy, entertainment, laughs and good times.



#containergardening #containergarden #homegarden #spring #familyvlog #family #joy


  1. Val do you think you and Bad Daddy would ever reunite. You seem to get along well. But maybe that is because you are no longer married and are just friends.

  2. Looks like your have a nice little box garden planned . Do u have allergies I noticed u had on a mask which u normally don’t have one on . I myself have allergies and have to wear one around plants . Hope u have a good day !Take care ! Tell the girls hello . Love your videos !

  3. I have never heard of cloth pots before. I love your wooden. planter box. I hope you don't have problems with deer. I wish I was there. I'd love to help you plant. Keep us posted on all your progress with all your flowers and plants. I really enjoy gardening I have a friend who has a large garden and I help her all summer and then we do a lot of canning together. I could hear the wind while you were recording.

  4. Call, I don't know your story with you and your ex (not trying to make light), Bad Daddy Campbell, but he seems a sweet good looking great guy, and someone's going to snag him from you if you're not careful! Haha

  5. Looking great! You’ve gotta go where the sun is and it appears you’ve got a wonderful plan. Can’t wait to see it come together.

  6. How fun! Just on a curious note, though, since you all live in Tennessee, do you, or have you ever seen any tornadoes and/or funnel clouds in your area? And if so, where do you go for shelter?

  7. I love you 2 together 🙂 if I had it my way I wish you 2 would get remarried and All live together forever . I love to watch your little family❤️

  8. Hi guys! It's nice to see that you both have a great friendship and that not all hope was lost with your divorce. My parents were divorced when I was 19, and although they are kind to each other, they are nowhere near being friends. Your relationship is yours and unique to you both. Ignore all the people who tell you you should change it to satisfy their needs for you to be married or whatever they think you should be.
    Idk how you deal with people's commentary. It drives me nuts to see sometimes, even though they are not even talking to me. Tell em " Nunya". Lol
    Love you guys! You are lovely as-is. ❤😂😊

  9. Cant wait to see how well everything turns out.❤❤❤love to see you all .youre all good ones.❤❤❤❤

  10. I honestly think you love him. He's outstanding and y'all make a very good match… But that isn't for me to decide.. I'm just saying you both compliment each other well…

  11. Y’all don’t seem to bicker or anything doing this project! What a lovely friendship. This video made me happy happy! 😊

  12. I use to love to garden when things I planted grew. Now it is hit or miss and I do it for fun!

  13. I heard that Swiss chard can raise blood pressure. Growing up we used to cut the greens off and cook the stalk. It's good with melted cheese sauce. Yummy

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