
Advice on Maple Tree

A maple at the edge of my farm field lost a massive branch in a windstorm last season, leaving a massive wound (approx. 2.5′-3.5’ across). It’s one of the older trees on the property and provides us with sap for syrup. 65′ tall.

How many years can this tree survive having lost this limb? It’s near no structures, just some establishing orchard trees.

by runrabbitrun154

1 Comment

  1. Temporary_Big8747

    You can tell by how the bark is growing near the wound that this large limb was destined to break off eventually. The tree looks very healthy from what can be seen in these pics. I don’t see a visible hole in the tree anywhere (is there a hole, or just the wound?). If there’s a hole, then there is inner disease. If it’s just the wound from the large tear, the tree will recover just fine. 👍

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