What's this plant

What are those yellow fields in London?

Saw them during descent in the Luton airport

by WillfullyOddball


  1. ineedsoap16

    Rapeseed. Was in Germany last week and whole countryside looked like that.

  2. PhantomUser666

    Definitely rapeseed we have it everywhere

  3. Apprehensive_Pea_209

    This looks like the source of my allergies doctor.

  4. Orange_Indelebile

    Mustard! Actually I thought it was rapeseed at first, France is covered in these yellow fields as well at the moment.
    A friend spoke to some farmers explaining these are actually mustard fields.
    It’s probably in response to the mustard shortages during COVID, so farmers are being pushed to grow mustard, so Europe isn’t dependent on North American exports anymore.

    A large chunk of our economy depends on a steady flow of mustard. That’s how we make mayonnaise, aioli, vinaigrette …

  5. IAmStrayed

    Rapeseed fields – very fragrant. Some love it, some hate it.

  6. dorobica

    Looks so pretty when you drive by those fields

  7. emilyhr27

    Yes it’s rapeseed, for oil. So pretty and eye-catching although the name is unfortunate. Almost two decades ago, on the coach to school, we drove past many of these yellow fields and 30 pre-teens would shout, “RAPEseeeed!” Ah, memories.

  8. RealDan92

    Rapeseed is the devil if you suffer from hayfever

  9. AdeptusNonStartes

    It’s called ‘snuggleseed’

  10. verdamain

    Rapeseed, looks pretty but smells like complete ass in the summer

  11. PaleOutside2080

    Rape fields for producing rapeseed oil

  12. Imagin1956

    Probably all get sold to McDonald’s..

  13. alpubgtrs234

    They’re fields owned by the paint company ‘Dulux’ where they have planted the flower ‘banana cream’ – it’s used to give the paint it’s colour

  14. HaloForeskin

    Stuff stinks, even makes the air thick and sticky when you cycle past it. It horrible stuff but farmers get subsidised to grow it. Its toxic afaic it’s in loads of foods and people cooking in.

  15. LazarusOwenhart

    Rapeseed, a really useful plant but it might as well be fields of tear gas cannisters if you have hay fever.

  16. MojitoBurrito-AE

    Luton is most certainly not London

  17. MountainGoat-44

    Oilseed rape. It looks beautiful when the sun shines on it!

  18. magnitudearhole

    It’s a outright biochemical assault on innocent sinuses

  19. Tttjjjhhh

    As Nirvana said.. “rape seeeed.. rape seed my friend”

  20. Voided191

    It’s because the south is covered in piss like they deserve

  21. silllybrit

    The crop is oilseed rape, the product is rapeseed

  22. Fire_Otter

    fun fact – Rapeseed is an often hated crop by the public in the UK, because people believe its a particularly nasty contributor to hayfever.

    However this is a total ~~urban~~ *rural* legend.

    Rapeseed with its bright colours is insect pollinated not wind pollinated – therefore its pollen is sticky and not really a contributor to hayfever unless you’re ramming the flower up your nose.

    The reason why people associate it with hayfever is because its flowering season coincides with the pollen season of many trees including Oak and Birch.

  23. Calismax

    They are pure pain and suffering, its rapeseed and it does what it says on the tin to those with hayfever. my god i can feel my eyes puffing up just looking at it. BURN IT, BURN IT ALL!!!!

  24. shauneok

    When the rapeseed looks like this it’s a sign to brave for the worse for me, my hayfever will soon follow.

  25. It’s Pollen stores for Kleenex. They use planes to spread it around and keep people sneezing

  26. vluggejapie68

    Jeremy Clarckson’s failed attempt at planting rapeseed.

  27. Diligent_Ad6526

    Tell me you’ve never left the city

  28. SosigDoge

    Say you don’t live in the countryside without saying you don’t live in the countryside…

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