Gardening Supplies

Returning to My Cottage Garden

I am so happy to return to my cottage garden after a few days away. So many changes in just a short time, everything is really growing and greening and blooming.
You can find out more about Danu’s Irish Herb Garden here at my website If like me, you are interested in herbs and medicinal plants, you might like to consider doing my Introduction to Herbal Medicine course – the course includes a module on how to plan you garden and grow your own herbs. Have a look here – and there are a number of other courses that you can do in person –

I also offer a transpersonal course that follows the Wheel of the Year. This is a course which is both healing and reconnecting, working with plants in many ways and including Shamanic and Druidic practices to get closer to Nature –

I have two little books that you might enjoy – The Weed Handbooks – which are about some of the wild plants that have medicinal properties and how to use them. You can find them here –

This year I will be at The Yoga Picnic, giving a talk and a walk. If you would like a ticket go to the website and use the discount code danusirishherbgarden10 and enjoy 10% discount.

Lol was not here for this film but you can find him on Youtube and here

Find me here –
and here
and here

Many thanks for watching, have a great week. xx


  1. Terri everything looking
    Good . Yes I notice when we leave for a few days or sometimes for the day we have so much that will bloom or oh it's Pop up. I wish they get rid of poison sprays . It's not good for us or our wildlife friends. I talk to other Gardeners they want birds bees, butterflies and other habitat in the garden yard .but they use all kinds of poison to keep things pretty.i have not used any chemicals in my yard for 8years my gardens are certified habitat..i get asked how do I get my gardens plants so pretty.i said with love 💚 .

  2. I, too, have noticed a lot fewer birds here. Last year by this time I had a large number of hummingbirds at my feeders. This year I only have a few, but am thankful for them. I'm sure the excessive and unnecessary spraying plus all of the new construction is part of it. Also, the tornados that have happened south of me recently have most likely changed their migrating flights. However, the other day I did have three adult wild turkey hens exploring my yard. They were awesome to watch. I love when you show us the many different areas in your gardens. They are so beautiful. Have a wonderful week!

  3. There’s no place like home! And even the birds missed you!
    Even getting away for a few days what a difference our places look like and yours is lovely. I smell rose it and thank you for the video.

  4. I tried to grow some veggies in my back yard last year but everything was eaten by a ground hog. I have to grow in containers above the ground so the nasty beast cant get at them.

  5. Wow, things have really taken off in your garden! Enjoyed seeing it. thanks so much!

  6. Your garden is growing in leaps and bounds! (my Mother's saying!) Enjoy your time in it. We are off to a local nursery for nut trees and fruit bushes – see what they have. Still cool here and very windy which blows the nasty black flies away! Have a great week – many blessings

  7. Hi Terri, i went my allotment yesterday and i couldnt believe the growth there as i hadnt been down for over a week enjoy the week Love to you xxx

  8. Great camera work. Sometimes I don't know what to comment because you've said it all so well already! xxoo

  9. Terri Terri…full of merry…how does your garden grow?With silver bells and cockle shells and pretty maids all in a row.🧚🧚‍♂🧚‍♀Happy Mothers day.

  10. You're so right about spraying and paving leading to environmental problems. Here on our farm we do no spraying, and actually have an incredibly rich biodiversity; we see hawks, merlins, bluebirds, goldfinch, fishing cranes, ducks…lots more- even bald eagles- but our place was more or less abandoned; this abundance has happened since we started encouraging it. Its the same with you; you've invited and encouraged growth and habitat, and the more that happens, the better things get! I think in just a few generations, that will become the knock on effect. 🤞🤞🤞Happy spring, Terri!❤❤❤

  11. Terri the garden and the birds obviously missed u. I believe there are less birds too but they're building new houses everywhere they can find a green space and i feel it upsets the birds and other wildlifee so much. I know when we first moved here (over twenty years ago now) the old flats and houses had been demolished and i noticed there were no birds. It took two years for them to be seen in anything like noticible numbers.
    Then of course there's 5G…I watched a video on utube some years ago where this guy filmed an area where 5G had already been installed. The road lined quite deeply with trees either side….not a bird in sight. Is there a need for faster internet….i dont think so not at any cost. Sadly it all contributes doesnt it. Lovely video 👍

  12. Here, we don't pile rocks up like that; because, we have dangerous snakes (copperheads and rattlesnakes). Snakes love rock piles, vines, mellon patches, berry patches, and brush piles. Yes. Everything here shot up very quickly after we got some rain. We needed that rain so much. We still need more. Your gardens are looking good.

  13. I love your videos! On my Mother's Day I am up early with coffee in bed watching my favorite video! Then I'm off to take the sugar water away from my new bees as they are foraging well.

  14. I have a trip alone to Lüneburg,,,,,,,thats 2,5 Std from Kiel with the train,,,,,,,,,,,,,,a nice old town………………..and when I come back……tata,there is a video from you……………….thank you very much,dear Terri…………Blessings and Greetings from Daggy,Kiel,Germany☘☘☘

  15. Don’t blame feeling relieved to leave London, The Belly Of The Beast as I call it! It’s looking lovely Teri! 🌀

  16. Love coming back after being away. Makes me appreciate being off grid away from everyone. Love your garden how natural it is. ❤❤ Happy Mother’s Day!

  17. I've always said, the best part about traveling is coming home. ❤ Thanks for the quick tour of your garden!

  18. Your gardens are glorious! Such abundance! Nothing like that in Wyoming. We are on day#4 of cold wind and rain. We already have rattlesnakes out but it's way too early for gardens. Hoping for the sun to show itself today. 🌞 Glad you got away for a bit, it's refreshing and makes you appreciate your lovely home even more! Blessings! 🙏 See you next week! 😊

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