Japanese Garden

(Pro.44 – Final) Completed! Making a Japanese garden in the city of Kawagoe.

Happy New Year!
Here is my first video of the year!
The Japanese garden I posted about at the end of last year is now complete!
The garden is now complete with a great impact peeking through a small window.

撮影場所:小江戸温泉 KASHIBA

□ Camera provided by BrackMagicDesign
・Camera: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K
・ Video editing software: DaVinci Resolve

We created an account for Patreon. Please support us if you can.🙏

□ Channel Manager:Matsunaga

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Please follow this page!


  1. I really like everything in this garden. Seeing the before with the after footage, the garden was very well planned and constructed. The fencing to cover the air conditioning units, with the circular cut out filled in with the roof tiles, and the horizontal bamboo works so nicely. Great job!

  2. Love the attention to the customers' POV from the inside. The lower-angle visual attention, geometric patterns of AC cutouts and tile roof grills, the winding serpentine smooth river rock, seeing bamboo on a horizontal plane, green textures of the mass plantings of wispy acorus & red-berried nandina and the nighttime treat – the turtle rock dome. A more theatrical theme and gives the seated customers so many visual details to enjoy while having their repast. Another treat and ideas for all of us, thanks!

  3. It's so full without feeling crowded! Relaxing view from each table. Beautiful job

  4. Reste plus qu’à rendre l’intérieur à la hauteur…un bémol sur « la rivière sèche » ou le chemin caillouteux (tout simplement ) qui ne doit pas rendre facile le cheminement pour faire l’entretien de ce jardin.… attention aux foulures!

  5. 君たちはただ素晴らしい!!! これらを構築してくれてありがとう、これらを共有してくれてありがとう、伝統的な日本のガーデニングを生き続けてくれてありがとう!!!
    You guys are just magnificent!!! Thank you for building these, thank you for sharing these, thank you for keeping traditional Japanese gardening alive!!!

  6. It's great! .
    I might have a question : what's the wooden structure which hang up a plate(something like that) in the end of the garden ? Or it's representation ?

  7. My Gardener friends let's do this to our best abilities.
    1. care for nature and makes special moments so others can be move by our wonderful world.
    2. In a society where the numbers are increasing of suffering from poverty, war of Dictators, Inflation destroying life's saving, poor health and just a depressive world where we have little time to smile and care. We can provide trees. and healthy plants as an answer.
    3. Make the garden a special place where we are very welcome to look, smell, touch.

  8. He cut a slit in the back of it first.
    Ha ha , I was gonna say!
    I was like , wow , even doing yard work we have to dabble in Kung Fu.
    Then I woke up.

  9. Thank you for the video and beautiful work. Inspirational and learning a lot to do my own garden. Many blessings!

  10. Fantastic change in garden! these artists in stone work and making bamboo fences are truly a treasures.Thank you for your wonderful talent.

  11. Love the walls made from bamboo and roof tiles in the patterns of Japanese quilting designs. Beautiful way to disguise the ugly air conditioners.

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