Gardening Trends

Tik Tok trend sees young people STORMING into random houses | ‘Cowards!’

#tiktok #trending #children

‘They are doing it because they’re cowards and for social media clout…what has this world come to?!’

Michelle Dewberry voices her frustration at a Tik Tok trend that sees young people storming into random houses.

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  1. These are not children, they are young men who have never been told NO in their lives, until there is accountability for this deplorable behaviour it sadly will continue, in saying that, they obviously have not entered the wrong house (or in my way of thinking, the right one) that will ultimately make them think twice before attempting anything like this again, if these young men entered my property (especially with my wife and grandson present), they wouldn't be able to run away (maybe one or two would get away if i wasn't able to get my fists, knees , head and feet on them), these people need a good hard slap to wake them up, unfortunately thats the only kind of language some of these degenerates understand!!

  2. Corporal punishment and community service a minimum, or lock the little rats up for a long time.The audacity to walk in ,no consequences result in more of this mindless nonsense

  3. It's really simple. People have always been like this, but before social media, they went about their criminal activity relatively unnoticed. Now they are playing to the world. A narcissist loves an audience. So much of the cr*p out there today is down to phones and social media.

  4. These little s** will do this to the wrong person one day and get the situation turned around onto them!

  5. The funny thing is, this "influencer", seriously thinks that he's innocent and the only reason for such an uproar is because of his skin color. No, it's not, it's because he's an insufferable parasite who needs to be charged and held accountable for breaking into someone else's property.

  6. will be using self defence even if i am the one that gets in trouble , giving these idiots a taste of whats to come would be well worth the prison time i think

  7. No discipline and no consequences for bad behaviour. THIS IS A VIOLATION LIKE RAPE OR BURGLARY OR ASSAULT.

  8. Decent people need to take this country back from the total woke degeneracy that now stains every part of our lives.. We need a whole new police force, judges, politicians, media, school teachers, and bus all the luvvie celebs to Siberia.

  9. The police cant recruit faster than people are leaving. Not just officers, police staff too. 19k starting salary to deal with that rubbish! Hands tied behind your back. Stripped of powers. To be fair 999 is supposed to be for life and death emergencies and these days a 4 minuite answer time is the norm. Too many people reporting utter rubbish that the genuine calls cant get prioritised.

  10. Lets start a GoFundMe to get these clowns to come to America and try it. Guarantee it'll stop by the second they try this at. Then *poof*, no more future problems.

  11. What makes this worse is if you defend yourself, your family and property, IF your invader/attacker is the wrong colour you could end up the target of riots.

    We have the right to feel safe, if the police won’t be mobilised for the job the only alternative is revised self defence laws and those kids get a kicking and potentially lose their lives lawfully.

  12. ‘Black privilege’ as some are calling it, is the reason why they have not and will never be arrested for the actual crimes committed

  13. My sons Friends are doing this all the time . And they post it online and get so much likes in the 100s of thousands

  14. Poor don’t care rich as they have no future because of the rich greed

  15. This would be really funny if they came into my house, firstly I would literally kick the shit out them and not think twice about it, but luckily for them my 27kg Staffie would get to them first.
    Plus bring back the birch to bring these little twats under control.

  16. He rang the police because some driver outside wouldn't turn off his engine…….wtf. 😂 karen

  17. these 2 men are examples of spinless middle class enmasculated men. The women is more fiery. Anyone try that in my house and i'd simply let them know that they are not welcome and it would not be pretty.

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