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let’s apologize for getting caught! morning Coffee With Mike

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  1. Been feeling a sense of urgency, not in a good way/anticipation but that we are running late…

  2. Whats up mike . so much going on in the world that many dont know where to start . no fear just awareness . remember god is in control . next year is going to be interesting . shalom and put on the full armor of god

  3. It's evil AI and evil bots messing with the channels and comments and like Mike says soon everything good censored and banned so evil they are

  4. Hey Mike, Chicago Dan still in Philippines, I’m witnessing the brainwashed population 1/2 still fully masked, government proposals falling in line with the globalist agendas, globalist bigs with just a slight twist in branding, sad to see!

  5. Challenge the " BRAINWASHED ", to FACT CHECK these movies ' UNINFORMED CONSENT ',' PLANDEMIC 2',' DIED SUDDENLY '.

  6. Mike this all about the ONE, the one is Yahweh. he explains in the bible that during the night his wheat field ( mankind) has been oversewn with weeds ( evil personified) . Yah is now using this very evil itself to take out the weeds from his wheat -which will later be easily harvested and stored in his barn ( reborn earth realm) The weeds ( tares) are to be then burnt in the field and there he has it a clean field and perfect seed wheat for the future of mankind.

  7. Happy Friday Mike! Again I believe it's because of the consequences of the lockdowns and jabs, why more and more people are becoming less courteous.

  8. BASICALLY, people are either becoming better and going toward god or, they are getting worse and going away from him. i coined a phrase called FIRE FLOWERS, we are the flowers that are get destroyed in adversity or grow in are resolve to love others deeper and forgive, so that we may also be forgiven.
    burt backrach- "what the world needs now, is love sweet love!"

  9. Jeepers Mike you are what we colloquially call here in Australia- "Good bloke and a scholar" As ruff as life has been rolled you, still you act as biblical Jobe did.
    Yup you are heard clear up to Heaven.

  10. When you are aware, it's your auric field that detects low vibe or negative people. Positivity is a choice. Be happy for no reason at all. Others notice. Maybe you could look into more NDE 's and what they report.

  11. Good job Mike. Crazy house fires, car crashes, stabbings, school bus crashes, etc over here on the penal colony land mass called Ausstralia. Australia is actually a bunch of Pacific islands according to old maps. Penal colony land mass called Ausstralia is called Terra Australis according to old maps. "Don't let the bastards get you down".

  12. Government acts as the moral authority and they are the most corrupt fucks that exist. People have fallen away from God with filth filling this void.

  13. I used to look after an old guy before old age finally caught up with him we had a talk one day. I told him it's all good until he starts crapping all over himself and then he's going to have to work with me because it's going to be hard on both of us. When the time came he would never admit to pooping his own pants someone else always mysteriously did it. In other words if they come out and apologize for anything makes everything they do suspect. If someone comes into the store and steals anything even if they admit to it and apologize won't you always see them as a thief? There's a little Wingnut Philosophy for you😅

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