Container Gardening

Know the 4 Parts of a Tomato Plant to Grow Tomatoes Successfully to Produce Fruit, Container Garden

How to tell the Sucker on a Tomato Plant. The sucker is what you can trim to grow more plants. We prefer to grow Cherry Tomato Plants here, and some varieties are Expensive. We do grow some other varieties that are very large in size. So easy to propagate plants, see step by step tomato propagating. Go buy your favorite tomato plant, and make a dozen more from the one plant. Propagating tomato plants to grow all the tomatoes you want in one season.

Here is an affiliated link to the Same Irrigation Tubing I use:

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated link to the company:

and here is another affiliated link as they all sell fast:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, the size I get is (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price, This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from: Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

Watch This Before You Make Compost to See What Can be Used to Turned into Garden Soil Container

How to Grow FREE Tomato Plant, Rare or Any Tomatoes Patio or Garden Container Gardening & Raised Bed


  1. Thanks Robbie, I'm getting closer all the time to figuring out how to clone tomatoes. Today's explanation really helped. Now, I'm still unclear on determinate tomatoes vs… the other ones. I bet if I look into your reserve of videos you've covered this question. Thanks

  2. Thank you Thank you Thank…I have been waiting for you to post a video for Tomatoes…. this is my first year of Gardening more then just basil, and i have a lot of tomato plants …so I thankful for you teaching me…


  4. Thought of you today when I put out the tule over my newly planted brassicas – hoping for a decent crop this year instead of the problems I usually have. And then made a trellis for my runner beans. You've been so helpful to watch over the years. Thank you!

  5. Thx. very clear and great close ups of what you are saying and explaining. Excellent vid.

  6. This video is going to my saved list so I can find it easily again. I have several list saved, one for each vegetable that I am growing and I have a whole bunch of your videos saved so I can find them easily when I want to watch them again lol. You are the best teacher, and like I said before, you should get the teacher of the year award! Thank you! 😊😊❤😊❤😊😊

  7. I recently found out you should never cut off your suckers if you have a determinate tomato plant. D'oh! Next year I'll know better.

  8. Thank you very much. I've watched a couple of other so-called gardener videos. YouTubers and everybody says to keep cutting all those suckers off and just leave a few at the very top if you're growing them. Vertically which I am trying this year in my new raised bed and before I have always pinched off the suckers that grow in between the v. I think this year I'm going to leave some of them on and see if I get new tomatoes. Thank you for your wise words. Have a great weekend

  9. Oh how I needed this video!!! Thank you so much! I just started my first raised beds gardens this year and I’m a little overwhelmed. Not by the amount of plants but what to do and not to do.
    First is Tomatoes and these suckers- now I understand!! Thank you. 2 – what bugs do I want and why did I have some yellowing- spotted leaves?? I just cut them off. 😳
    I did plant 2 basil plants one died and a Cayenne pepper – died too next to the 2 tomato plants. Thanks in advance and thanks for the helpful videos
    Do tomatoes grow year round? How? Do you ever cut the mother plant back?? So many questions 🤭

  10. Good to know more about tomatoes~👍
    Thank you for sharing this video~🤗

  11. I've been growing tomatoes for years and I always just let them go because I never could understand what should be pruned. This was very helpful.

  12. Robbie I was told to take the suckers off to help the plant concentrate on making fruit and not more foliage. What is your opinion? You did not mention taking the suckers off for any other reason than to produce another plant.

    Thank you

  13. You know I soooo needed this tutorial! I’ll watch this one over & over. One day I hope my thumbs will turn Robbie/Gary green. 😃

  14. Thank you, thank you, thank you, I have been so confused for years !!!! I always thought the sucker was where the tomatoes came from !!! Thank you again. Don't know what I'd if you weren't on this youtube, you make me want to garden even MORE lol . Have a wonderful , and thank you !!!

  15. I sure appreciate you explaining this Mrs. Robbie 😊. I looked at my plants 🌱 yesterday and I was totally confused at what was what. I was going to attempt the process of getting some for rooting more tomatoes 🍅 and I was lost. But now I think 🤔 I can do this!! 😁 Yes I’m a newbie for those wondering 😂.

  16. I normally hate when people repeat things multiple times, but your repeats had great purpose in showing multiple examples and clarifying the differences. I appreciate that. Nice video.

  17. Thank you so much for sharing all of these facts! I do believe I have been trimming my tomato plants way too much! Bless you Robbie, you are wonderful!

  18. I bought tomato plant at nursery. 3 came together in one. There’s tomatoes growing already but pot is too small. Can I separate and repot without hurting the plant?

  19. Thank you Robbie, this is great information, your plants are looking great.

  20. Very interesting – I read somewhere about a guy that grew stuff into the winter, in snow, and how he did it was he simply planted later than everyone says to, ROFL! The simplest things are so often the most interesting.

  21. We just got hit by 2 HORNWORMS. They took off a huge part of two plants. I found them and pulled them off. Wasn't aware to look for them.

  22. Although this IS helpful. I am still not sure how to identify the sucker. I've never tried growing them before and I'm considering trying. I'm in the central valley desert and am looking up info about temps for direct sow.

  23. What and why are you placing gravel around the plant and are you drilling holes in the container?
    What are you using for support? The u thingy

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