Gardening Supplies

Garden SOIL Issues UPDATE Watch Before You Toss SEE the FIX, Container Gardening, Raised Bed Garden

UPDATE and Q&A. Easy Free FIX for BAD SOIL, This is for Container gardening, raised bed garden, growing tomatoes, growing squash, growing zucchini, growing cucumbers and simply saying this can be a must know for growing any vegetable garden. Here I show you how to fix un-growable soil so you can later grow flowers or vegetables. Make sure you know the soils you are using are good, if you have issues growing, it may be the soil, not your weather or set up.

Here is an affiliated link to the Same Irrigation Tubing I use:

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated link to the company:

and here is another affiliated link as they all sell fast:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, the size I get is (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price, This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from: Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

Watch This Before You Make Compost to See What Can be Used to Turned into Garden Soil Container


  1. I tried to grow all organic but nothing was really growing. Then I tried Miracle-Gro and in one week everything was growing. Maybe I wasn't doing the organic thing right but all I know is that Miracle Grow really works good for me. For now anyway 😎🌱

  2. Hi Robbie, im so confused about the totes and compost tea collection at the bottom. Should I put a bunch of holes on the bottom? Or should i put ONE drainage hole where I can collect the compost tea with another bucket or plant at the bottom? πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ» please please help! I got all my totes from walmart already.

  3. Either a bird or something had gotten in one of my totes, I'm growing tomatoes in and broke the stem. Prior to watching your videos, I would have simply given up on the plant. However, I simply stuck the broken piece in the soil, and it's growing. I saw my first Baltimore oriole on a hummingbird feeder today. They don't stick around very long in Northeast Missouri, but it made my day. 😊

  4. Thank you for going into detail it helps so much. Lettuce this year for me tomatoes for my husband and other veggies. 😊

  5. At least in my area of Southern CA (Long Beach) Lowe's has a good sale on the Miracle Grow potting mix through the weekend.

  6. Robbie…I know this is off subject but I love your solar fountain birdbath videos. I used a large tomato cage that wasn't busy…LOL…, a Dollar Tree oil change pan on top, some rocks and your drinking cup idea. Just add water! 😏

  7. Hi Robbie. Your so creative so hopefully you can help me. I’ve planted table tops into the cloth potting bags. How can I create a trellis type of something in a grow bag. Thank you.

  8. I am so happy I ran across this video! I have a bag of Miracle Grow that is dry. I'm going to do as you said and add water before I use it.

  9. Yeah, one year we bought EarthGro and tried to grow in that. Everything we planted either was stunted or outright died. It was a wasted season. I don't trust any commercial soil in Southern California except Top Pot. Top Pot soil is beautiful and doesn't contain any shredded bark or wood chips.

  10. One year I dug a small hole in my yard and started putting produce table scraps into it. To my surprise, a bunch of potatoes πŸ₯” grew!!

  11. All bagged soil here is stored outside the stores, the bags are so heavy from water I can barely lift the large bags! I will not get mulch from our local recycle, though it is free. Tried it once, not happy! And we are not allowed to put grass clippings to the recycle, still junk in there. The only thing to mix with my soil and own compost is mushroom soil.
    Going to look for some pitchers😊

  12. I agree with what you said about peat moss! I have had that happen to me when I forget to water my pots. I try to water the middle of the pot numerous times so the water absorbs. My pots are too big to soak. I gave up making my own potting mix because I can't find the bags of vermiculite in any of the stores. And if I purchase it online it is extremely expensive so now I buy the sunshine mix in a big 2. something cubic foot bale. Everything is growing beautifully for me now.

  13. THANKS – I opened a bag of Miracle Grow last month and it looked 'funny' – really dry and totally different from any other bag I've used before. I ended up mixing it with my homemade compost and compost tea, used potting soil from last year and another bag of potting soil that looked and smelled OK. So far, everything I planted is going good. Your explanation let me know what had happened to that one bag. Also, one of my zucchini plants had its first 'baby' over the weekend. Yea!

  14. I just love your videos Robbie (and Gary)! I am in the Phoenix area, so my climate is way hotter than yours is. I started to test the waters of growing food a few years ago because of you and your videos! I was initially interested in your hummingbird videos ( and still am!) as my Mom loved hummingbirds, but now love all that you teach us! I have been able to grow lots of tomatoes, peppers, chives, spinach, lettuce, celery, cabbage and more from plants I have bought. I need to now try starting from seeds, as the plant prices at Home Depot and Lowe's are insane. I have had lettuce go to seed last year and it started growing on the ground, no problem, which surprised me, as I thought our dirt was lousy. Same with parsley and mint. We had quite a few nice salads with the 'rock lettuce' as I call it! You gave me the confidence to grow food here in the desert and for that I thank you! It's tough growing here in summer, but I am learning what works and what just won't make it here in the heat. I am so sorry about your sweet Kitty. I hope your hearts have been able to heal a bit. I know it's hard to lose them, they are part of our family. Thank you for sharing her with us. Bless you both for helping us learn to grow our own food without breaking the bank. You are the true and honest 'green' earth angels!

  15. Read the ingredient lists. If it has poultry litter or any other animal products, you will be eating what ever the animals were inoculated with. Choose wisely.

  16. I'm growing another accidental potato plant in my compost, got to love nature 😊

  17. Can I throw pureed vegetable waste from kitchen directly around my tomatoes and garden vegetables? I through into my garden year-round kitchen waste, pureed. But , it stays a few months before I plant spring vegetables.

  18. Robbie. Sorry im phone misselled your name earler. I am watching your older videos. Thank you from all of us for all the great info. I love composting in place. No turning no extra hard work. Love it. ❀❀❀❀

  19. Robbie and Gary ❣️ my sweet friends πŸ™ I m so huppy I am watching you again Robbie ❣️🌟 We had the idiot elections here in Greece…. I so hate their fake elections 😀😾 I wish all the politicians would just leave from the country and never see them again….
    The weather here is just the same as yours. One day we have wind and no sun and the other it's warm and sunny 😎 You are making my day watching your videos and hearing you Robbie❣️ Thank you for your kind words πŸ’•you are always so kind to everyone and so encouraging ❣️

    Everything you said is absolutely the truth! I always wanted to grow my food , not just having some flowers on my balconies, wich I also love them. But every video I watched, every single one was leading you to buy products… By that period unfortunately I didn't had any job so it was so difficult for me to buy even the totes that I needed or the soil etc.

    And then I discovered your awesome channel 😍 I've seen all your videos from the beginning…ALL of them!!! Of course I believed you ❣️ You weren't selling anything but instead you were showing ways to make our gardening life easier AND cheaper πŸ‘ And that's the point I believe cause in nowadays that we are facing all this economical crisis we have to find ways to deal everything spending less or no money!

    And you do it Robbie AND Gary ❣️ You are always proving us that the best way to grow our food cheap and easy is to work with nature. So I've watched ALL your enjoyable and informative videos and I did what you're telling us. Yes no earthworms for me…but I had all the other microbes that I needed to make my own soil and grow in that😊 And it worked!!!! I was growing my veggies and underneath I was making beautiful rich black soil! And that cost me nothing!!! No fertilizers, no composts, not even big bags of soil to fill my pots…

    Now that I have a part time job I just want to thank you for encouraging us too, who we don't have enough money to buy all these products that all these "fantastic" channels promote and doesn't really provide us any real information but the ones that will lead the people to buy those products πŸ˜‰

    And yes ❣️ I've finally got earthworms two months ago. From a potting flower that I bought ❣️ this season I will have many flowers for the bees to come to my balconies 😊 I'm so huppy and excited πŸ’žπŸ€—

    Thank you so much Robbie for keeping gardening simply and easy BUT with success πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ And thank you for your kindness and support to all of us❣️❣️❣️

  20. It's scary what we put in our garden without knowing it. Thank you Robbie for sharing your knowledge.

  21. Hi Robbie, new to gardening. I have a raised -elevated mini bed. I put cardboard on the bottom, kitchen scraps, greens, potting mix on top. 1) How long do I have to wait to be able to plant potatoes in the bed? I have slips that are ready to be planted. I also have potatoes that have chitted and ready to be planted. Thank you, for your help!

  22. Robbie you and Gary are awesome. I have learned so much from you. Thanks a million for all the great information. I do gave a question. Are the buckets and dish pans from the Dollar Tree safe to plant veggies in? They don't have numbers on them. Thanks,

  23. Thank you, I was one that complained about my Miracle Grow and the water just running through. I really appreciate you addressing this, as I thought it was like the grocery store vegetables, Just not going to work the way it should any longer. I do still have the bag, so I will give this a try. I appreciate your addressing this as I was about to give up. I put egg shells, and banana peels in the water I water my plants with so I will try to get the life back in my soil. You are appreciated.

  24. I know that peat can dry out. That's why I like making my container soil mix with pine mulch (pine fines, not nuggets). The worms also like it too even years later.
    I finally found some pine mulch at one of the Ace Hardware stores. It's nearly twice as expensive as it was about a decade ago but worth picking up a few bags.
    You get a better deal if you get half or yards from a dirt yard, but I don't need that much now.
    I'm curious about the series of arched trellises that quickly showed in the video. I'd like to get a better look at them and see how they're used.

  25. Hi Robbie, I'm in Chicago and "almost" had my hummingbirds time of arrival correct. I was just one week early and was about to take the feeders down when one appeared landing on one of the "buffets". I know you've been asked a thousand times about the nectar and I'm going to make it 1,001! Do we have to refrigerate their food for freshness? Do they like it cold or at room temperature, especially when the temperature starts getting warmer? Thank you and love what you do!

  26. I have something eating my plant what's the best repellent please help 😒 and thank you. You so amazing

  27. If you are trying to rehydrate potting soil or peat moss that is super dry add a drop or two of mild dish soap to your watering can before watering the dry soil. The surfactants in the soap alter the surface tension of the water and make it more easily absorbable by the soil. This also works for super dry garden soil that won't absorb water properly after a long dry period.

  28. Thank you Robbie for all of your helpful information. I have a friend I've tried to show how using her food scraps will help her garden and bury the dead leaves on her plants. She chooses to listen to Master Ggardener information which of course doesn't teach about decaying food matter. This is my 3rd year container gardening. I have a dinosaur kale that is still growing and producing from 2 years ago. Some friends iv helped get started say it doesn't work. I found the reason to be lack of proper watering.

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