Botanical Porn

{Nerium oleander} or Oleander the only species of genius Nerium. A poisonous shrub/small tree with deep history all way from Classical era. It is notable more dangerous to children and young people but so bitter than poisoning is rare. DO NOT USE DRY BRANCHES AS CAMPFIRE FUEL!!!

{Nerium oleander} or Oleander the only species of genius Nerium. A poisonous shrub/small tree with deep history all way from Classical era. It is notable more dangerous to children and young people but so bitter than poisoning is rare. DO NOT USE DRY BRANCHES AS CAMPFIRE FUEL!!!

by 1stFunestist


  1. theantdog

    Is it okay to use the branches for campfire fuel if they’re dry?

  2. terriaminute

    All parts are poisonous, including the smoke from burning, and the sap released if a stick is used to roast a hot dog. They grow wonderfully on warm coastlines, but where camping happens, Florida learned the hard way decades ago to eliminate them from the camping landscape.

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