@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: Planting Summer Flowers in Containers

In this video we are planting summer flowers n containers. You might remember in early march I double pitted bare root blueberries in containers with winter flowers. It’s time to swap out the winter flowers with flowers that will take us through the summer and into fall!

The three flowers planted in this video are:
Mecardonia “Little Sunshine”
Calibrachoa “Cabaret Lavender”
Sweet Alyssum

– RELATED VIDEO: Planting Blueberries in Pots: https://youtu.be/CtmqBqIjow8

Neptunes Harvest Fertilizer: https://www.neptunesharvest.com/shop.html
Discount Code: NLG05

OTHER PRODUCTS I LOVE & USE: https://www.nextlevelgardening.tv/products-i-love
Hey Guys, I’m Brian from Next Level Gardening

Welcome to our online community! A place to be educated, inspired and hopefully entertained at the same time! A place where you can learn to grow your own food and become a better organic gardener. At the same time, a place to grow the beauty around you and stretch that imagination (that sometimes lies dormant, deep inside) through gardening.

I’m so glad you’re here!

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  1. I added some yellow mecardonia in my porch railing planters this year and they're so cute and hardy!

  2. Things are looking Great 👍 what is the dry fertilizer you used for the flowers in the blueberry pots? In a white bucket?

  3. So I have been successful in growing blue berry plants in pots. Blue berries develop and the birds get them all. Other than netting are there any strategies? On a related note, when is the best time to trim back some of the growth of these bushes? Right after they are done fruiting?”

  4. Your gardens are beautiful and when everything 8s done its going to be fabulous! I think thats a great idea for seasonal devor for your pots. You are a great artist

  5. Woo hoo! The pots will be beautiful! And, your plans for the formal English garden sound wonderful.

  6. When you have pots with different light requirements begonias are a great alternative. They will thrive in low light and full sun. I am sure there are other flowering plants that will do the same.

  7. I really like those little flowers. They are wonderful. I had 3 blueberries potted and they all died after the second year. I did try acidification in the soil and acidic fertilizer, but that did not help. I was away for a few weeks so not watering could have done it. Now the plants are so pricey I don't want to try again until I feel more sure they will grow. Another great video. I am not excited about the English garden, but you could change all that when I see it finished. May the Lord keep blessing you and yours.

  8. Love FLOWER Friday’s! Mecardonia was new to me! If I EVER get too old to work in my garden, I will be so thankful for your videos! I will watch them and relive my need to plant & grow beauty!

  9. Trade the places of the garage plants from one side of the door to the other every week or so. Would be the same as rotating a pot so all sides get sun requirements.

  10. this is exactly the kind of thing I need to see, I did NOT grow up gardening so this detail is so helpful!! Thanks Brian! Love from Sonoma zone 9b

  11. I also have alcaline soil. With the help of powder Sulfur and a soil acidifier I changed it successfully and the blueberries produce happily for a few years.

  12. I think you limited the root size of your blueberrys. I think it might be better to match under plantings with plants with similar needs, like strawberries.

  13. Brian, you are making really a great progress. But still – so much to do ….Big plans! I guess you have also some non gardening followers, who think, that one day it will be DONE. 🙂

  14. Pots look good. Anxious to see them all filled out. How about a narrow and tall (maybe 2 feet wide and 2 feet tall) raised bed for the blueberries?

  15. Pots look wonderful. Love the different alyssum colors, instead of the usual white. Will try and find that next year, your videos are always inspiring. I put a pump dispenser on the top of my flower fertilizer containers from Neptune Harvest. 4 squirts weekly, 8 squirts bimonthly in a watering can. Beats taking off the lid every time I use it.

  16. Formal English garden, sounds wonderful! For the pots, I don't know if the color is a good fit for the formal English garden area?! 🤗💜🤗

  17. Sweet. What I like the most about your work is that you have real long term experience. Being such a beginner (1 year in only pots and 2nd year with raised beds and pots for fruiting trees and bushes for now) I am still learning so much and can only go so far each year. I may be learning from you for years and years. Thanks.

  18. Love the new flowers around the blueberries. I have used those in the past to cascade over the sides of a larger plant as well. Unfortunately the deer like them too. Love your idea to leave them along the driveway and change for the seasons. And I can see you guys having a good old fashioned English garden party in your completed formal garden! Thanks for all you do to teach us, I frequently rewatch certain videos to refresh my memory before I plant something new. Tehachapi mountains, zone 8b.

  19. A burst of color. The purple catches my eye and leads the view back to the cottage garden. I'm wanting a row of mulch under the pots to set them off.

  20. The pots look great and the chicken cottage is really coming along! I can't wait to see how the pots look once the flowers fill out some!

  21. I saw that the best chance for a response is to ask a question within 2 hours of the latest video. I'm at 4 hours after, but my question has to do with tomatoes. We are growing tomatoes on strings and I just broke one of my tomato tops (Sungold). Is it a lost cause?

  22. Yes…Seasonal interest pots are an awesome idea . I thought the blueberry in the middle was the odd-man-out. ChalobraKia is awesome.

  23. Love those pots and will ha e to see if our store has them. They will look fabulous with seasonal changes

  24. I think the seasonal interest pots are a great idea. I love the yellow flowers I'll have to watch again to get the name. Today's video brightened my day as I sit here with asthma from the smoke up here in the northeast. Thanks for the breakdown of the future garden plans. Lots of videos to look forward to 😊

  25. So pretty. I rarely see people plant more than Begonias in the summer here in NC, and Violets in the winter. Zone 8a.

  26. Just a thought but why don't you occasionally rotate the containers by your garage from side to side so each get a period of sun?

  27. When you pot up the blueberry bushes in separate pots, place them in between those seasonal pots! You will always have some interest and movement as you enter the drive.

  28. I have had blueberries in pots for about 3 years now. Should I replace some of the soil? They are doing well now that I moved them out of reach of my dog. She “pruned” them pretty hard. 😜

  29. Seasonal pots lining the driveway is very nice. Move the blueberries if you have to…. that said, what about bulbs? Can you get enough variety of flowering bulbs to cover most of the year so you can leave the blueberries?
    Am glad to see how you used the skinny drip tube in the pots! I've not been happy with the watering heads in many locations in our garden and this could be a good swap.

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