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🔴 Congress SCREWS OVER The American People

Freedom Caucus Republicans threaten to block McCarthy’s debt ceiling bill and then vote McCarty out as speaker. Trump takes a swipe at his most loyal former staff members. Zelenskyy is ready to go on the offense against Russia and Robert Kennedy Junior points out the sickening corruption of Washington DC.

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Now that debt ceiling negotiations are wrapping up, The Congressional Budget Office has issued a new estimate concerning the financial impact of this deal on the economy. CBO Director, Phillip Schwagel, wrote a letter addressed to McCarthy which concluded that the deal’s new spending caps will save the country roughly $1.3 trillion over the next 10 years. On top of this, the IRS will receive less funding for enforcement (which means less revenue from collected taxes) and the current mandatory spending limits will be decreased. Overall, all of these factors should lead to a lower interest payment that our government has to pay on its debt.

While both President Joe Biden & Speaker Kevin McCarthy are in agreement on the new deal, Rep. AOC of New York is furious. Reporter Reese Gorman has reportedly been told by AOC that she will vote “no” on the deal. While there are a few outliers that seem to be against the agreement, it will likely still receive enough votes to pass with Biden & McCarthy’s support.

Many republicans from the freedom caucus also plan to vote no and say this bill is still a win for democrats as the expressed disappointment in Kevin McCarthy. Its not clear if after he vote these same repesentatives will vote to have
McCarthy removed as speaker.

Well, it’s official. James Comer has confirmed that the FBI just refused to comply with his subpoena which sought to investigate Joe Biden. Comer stated his committee will “now be taking steps to hold the FBI Director in contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a lawful subpoena.”

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and FBI Director Christopher Wray had a disagreement regarding an informant file that alleges President Biden’s involvement in a bribery scheme. Wray offered Comer and committee ranking member Jamie Raskin a chance to privately review the document, but Comer refused and insisted on the FBI providing the subpoenaed documents. Comer stated that if the FBI fails to comply, the House Oversight Committee will begin contempt of Congress proceedings.

Senator Chuck Grassley also expressed disappointment with the FBI’s refusal to provide the unclassified record and emphasized that there would be consequences for their actions. The White House denied the allegations against President Biden, citing his previous statements on the matter. The issue revolves around interactions that took place during Joe Biden’s vice presidency with associates from various countries, as mentioned in files from Hunter Biden’s laptop and other sources.

Breitbart News has reported that a source close to former Vice President Mike Pence has confirmed that he will be announcing his Presidential run next week. The source also bragged that Mike Pence is “all action” and not just about the talk when it comes to campaigning.

And that’s one quality any candidate who wants a real shot at becoming President has to have. For instance, recent polling has shown that DeSantis’ recent announcement only moved him 9 points closer to Trump – who still holds a 34 point lead. Trump’s boldness and ferocity is hard to compete with so it will be interesting to see if Pence or DeSantis will be able to keep up.

Robert Kennedy Jr said the media has been turned into a Slavish government that seeks to control people and stories. If made president he will dismantle the corruption between the government and media corporations.

He also said the corruption in Washington DC is worse than you can imagine. He said Obama used the government to spy on the incoming Trump administration and Trump was an owner in Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson so he couldn’t wait for their vaccines to be rolled out.

#biden #economy #dailynews #stephengardner #ukraine


  1. I belong to a group that is 100% trump and their is 92 thousand strong voting for trump no matter what

  2. Ya well trump can take care of the media as well. And Trump said it first. RFK is trying to hype himself up. But the democratic party will no way in hell let him be a runner they already said it they plan on cheating just like always their goal never have a republican in the whitehouse again cause their not done destroying america and the American people. The democratic parties goal we all will be the cattle owned to a dictatorship just like china

  3. Wow how your channel has grown!!!!! I'm so proud of you! Thank you for always updating us on such important information. I remember when you only had 500 subscribers and look at you now!!! Keep up the hard work!

  4. I don’t think Pence would make a good president. He seems too close to the left and too much of a people pleaser.

  5. RFK Jr. would be the best President ever, but the Deep State will never allow him, as they took out his father and uncle.

  6. Support to Ukraine needs to be stopped ! Zelensky is on his own if he attacks Russia. We are NOT into that ! We never should have been……this disaster with the dam is just too much ! All these drowning animals….and people……enough is enough.

  7. At this point nothing surprise's me with the Biden administration. But we as a people need to raise up our voices and get out and vote in the next election. At this time in American history it is never been more important to vote. I believe are lively hoods depend on it. For our families, children everywhere in the U.S. our moral compass needs to be facing God. We need more prayers going out to God that our Country can heal from this sickness of wokeism, killing of innocent babies, and even our leaders that we elect into office. They represent us not as individual's but as a nation, and I don't want to be lumped in with the people who claim they want what's best for the nation as a whole, but choose people like the Biden administration. They are corrupt they are a liberal disease on the American People. God help us!!!!

  8. Wray & everyone involved in these cover up's should be removed from their positions & prosecuted for TREASON. FBI/DOJ'S interference in the 2016 election. Lying to FISA court. Fake dossier. Interference in 2020 election. Hunter's laptop. Covering u
    Crimes for Biden & Hillary & more. Framing innocent citizens on & on.

  9. I definitely have feelings for anybody innocent families in war however they're getting obliterated how much long must this go on until everyone is dead 😔

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