Container Gardening

What They Don’t Tell YOU on Raised Garden Beds vs CHEAP Container Gardening EASY Ideas Tips No Tools

Raised Bed garden, birdies, vego, galvanized garden bed, How to build a Raised Bed from totes & Dishpans. Growing for beginners and gardening for seniors in small space or large yard. Growing tons of lettuce, greens collard and kale, tree collard, tomatoes, radishes, cilantro, and so much more. Here is How to Grow Your Groceries CHEAP and EASY in all kinds of containers like, tomatoes, garlic chives, onions, Parsley, Purslane, lettuce, cabbage, tree collard, kale and more vegetables. Growing with Tulle and Irrigation Tubing to save plants from critters.

Here is an affiliated link to the Same Irrigation Tubing I use:

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated link to the company:

and here is another affiliated link as they all sell fast:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, the size I get is (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price, This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from: Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

* What They Don’t Tell YOU on Raised Garden Beds vs CHEAP Container Gardening EASY Ideas Tips No Tools

Watch This Before You Make Compost to See What Can be Used to Turned into Garden Soil Container


  1. The thing that has me questioning is how many plants (green peppers) can I expect an 18 gal tote to handle? I do kitchen scraps,shredded paper, I also added cow manure.

  2. Yes because of robbie I container garden and it makes gardening fun and ,yes ,I do look forward to it.thank you robbie,you're great. Robbie I was in the hospital in out since last June, I'm hoping it over,I want to express the importance of wearing gloves when gardening I have just finished a 5 week everyday iv antibiotics at a Cancer clinic for an infection that I got from dirt. My fault I never wore gloves and I had an open wound,I have lost my index finger and the tip of my pointer finger. P,lease when gardening please wear gloves

  3. From other people I have seen on youtube university, you don't empty the large raised beds, you add organic matter an replenish which supposedly improves the soil over time, and supposing you filled the bed wisely, there is a ton of organic matter that will be breaking down over time.

  4. Thank you! For years I gardened in the ground and in raised beds in a large suburban back yard. In the past year, due to age and cancer, I found myself moving and downsizing into a duplex with a little backyard and having to start my garden all over from scratch. Thanks to you and Gary, I know what to do! Regardless of what I plant in, it’s still a garden. I’m planting in totes, buckets, dishpans, pots, whatever I can find to grow in. Thank you for being so kind as to share all of your knowledge and brilliant ideas with us! You are helping more than you will ever know ❤️❤️❤️

  5. Well, it would ALL be so much better, if we could simply get rid of all the chemtrails. Disgusting.

  6. Heart to heart talk dear sister! So grateful you are bringing us beauty and knowledge! ❤ Everyone stay strong and kind!💪 😊

  7. Robbie, you don't empty or replace the growing material….you top dress every season just like Market Gardeners do for "no dig" gardens. They usually make their own compost like you do only on a larger scale. I have so much wood to lay in the bottom…but I can't put 300 bucks out for metal beds…so Totes it is! I line up 4-5 in a row and use hoops over them. I also plant in cardboard boxes & it's great! My old totes are about 1/2 full now and all I do is dig through it a bit to loosen it up, add fertilizer or more kitchen scraps and I add raised bed soil on top. If I get a good harvest this year I'll be sure to post to let you know how you inspired me to do it and it worked for me. Making raised beds is a ton of work it's taking me months and now I'm behind in my growing season. I'm going to try corn in grow bags this year! lol wish me luck.

  8. I tried totes and found a person needs to check the thickness of the totes. I had 2 side by side. A small and a large. The small was thinner and has broken up in 1 1/2 years but the bigger and thicker is still going strong.

  9. Hi Robbie and Gary. I have been sitting here, watching all of your videos. I love the advice you give. I was watching and cutting up a bin of mail to put in my compost. I normally burn it, but I am going to set up a compost, as you suggest.
    I live in North Florida and I am cleaning up my property that I left in the hands of friends, who did nothing for 8 years ! Luckily I have better soil, because of the leaf matter that has added to this sand.
    You are so cute ! Thank you for sharing your gardens.

  10. Happy birthday Robbie didn't know how to send you a happy birthday 🎂🎂🎂🎈🎈🎈 so I did it here.

  11. I have several totes lined up for planting my sweet potato slips. Hope to get it done today. Once in place, sweet potatoes are pretty low maintenance, so I can move on to other garden projects.

  12. Dear Robby! I would even this raised bed raise above ground on bricks etc…..any tiny little rust hole will let the tree roots in later. ❤love your channel and learning with you!

  13. "but they shall all sit under their own vines and under their own fig trees, and no one shall make them afraid"

  14. I think you just keep adding to the big containers. The organic matter should breakdown and lower your soil level. Just keep adding organic matter and soil. They are expensive so I don't have any plus all the soil it takes to fill is insane. Maybe I'll fill one over time like you did.

  15. My first year growing in totes. I happened to have a few and got several free ones at the thrift store I work at. So far it is going good.

  16. Where do you find your buckets? I love pops of color, and all I can find are the ones from Lowes that are all blue with white writing.

  17. I'm new to patio gardening. I've moved to where we can only grow on concrete. No yard gardening allowed. When you use totes wouldn't you need to be careful what they are made of?? Do the plants leach any chemicals from them?

  18. No one shovels out raised beds and replace soil that I’ve ever heard of. We add compost on top or mix in a slow release fertilizer

  19. I started the video over —
    Listening closely.
    No, a raised bed is NOT a container .
    It's more like a pile, a hill.a ridge of soil, perhaps held by a retaining wall. Perhaps no retaining walls.
    Mine are approximately 4ft x 8ft.
    Most are retained by concrete blocks.. just stacked no mortar.
    I grow year round in zone 7.
    There is no emptying .
    More than 20 years in the same location.
    The beds are 16 inches deep.
    Our subsoil is red clay, and my improved soil gets better every year.

    Earthworms eat cardboard.

  20. This was great, and so inspirational! Thank you! Please, could you make a video all about growing just in small containers. That zucchini growing in a dish pan was fantastic. I want to do that! I guess it’s all about keeping it well fed?

  21. Robbie, I planted peppermint (inspired by a previous video of yours with your chocolate mint tea). I failed to use your recommendation to use tule as I only use that for my vegetables. But now I heard that cats love peppermint. Apparently, it is in the catnip family. What should I do? How do I know if the cats have consumed/partied in my mint?

  22. Thank you Robbie…love your channel, I learn every time I tune in. Now I'm rethinking about using pots inside my larger garden beds. Love the idea that things would be movable to follow the sun. Thanks for that, keep up the good, fun work!❤🏡

  23. Robbie. You are a breath of fresh air. I appreciate your videos so much. Spending a fortune to grow vegetables seems like a crazy thing to do, you are so so so wonderful to watch. I CAN DO THIS!!!! ☺️

  24. You can recycle your soap container that you use for your laundry. I just saw a gentleman use it to grow cabbage

  25. I started following you when you had around 25,000 subs, and look at ya now! Congrats on the explosive growth and great content. Jim in FL

  26. I’ve been doing container gardening for so so long…. But now I’m adding your feeding in place process… you’re genious. Muah 💋 ❤

  27. I know you start a lot of your plants from cuttings. But I wonder if you use a planting hormone? Also once I looked at your daughter's garden but it looked like some of her totes were not in chairs but on the ground. Does she do both? I am so happy I found you and Gary last July and tell everyone about you. You are so cool. ♥

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