@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: How to Grow Pumpkins at Home From Seed

In this video I will show you how to grow pumpkins at home from seed. You can even grow pumpkins in a small space garden or even on a balcony. You can even be growing pumpkins in a container or pot.

I get my pumpkins seeds from (not sponsored): https://www.bluepumpkinseedco.com/

Neptunes Harvest Fertilizer: https://www.neptunesharvest.com/shop.html
Discount Code: NLG05

DRIPWORKS WEBSITE: https://www.dripworks.com/


Hey Guys, I’m Brian from Next Level Gardening

Welcome to our online community! A place to be educated, inspired and hopefully entertained at the same time! A place where you can learn to grow your own food and become a better organic gardener. At the same time, a place to grow the beauty around you and stretch that imagination (that sometimes lies dormant, deep inside) through gardening.

I’m so glad you’re here!

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  1. Thank you for sharing your tips. Where did you find the seeds for those white and black pumpkins?

  2. Choked on my coffee at the double D "optimistic harvest" comment. Thank you, Brian, for the laughs!

  3. Lol funny guy! My sister an I were just talking about the lack of panty hose for tying up plants. Bras just dont cut it, unwires can wreak havoc! The things you dont know to think about. Happy Punkin gardening Brian! Love your laughter!

  4. Where were you 6 days ago, when I planted melons. I alway wondered why people planted in hills. Glad to know that I don't have to do that in SC. Thanks for the tip about the fabric covering.

  5. Lol, double D, it might be better with an H. That was really funny. Tulle is great for protecting plants. You can get it from the dreaded Amazon as well. I learned that trick from a YouTuber who does container gardening in California to keep squirrels out of her vegetables.Who knew something as inexpensive and very fine would deter small animals.

  6. Hi Brian! Why black netting or whatever you called it? Could it be any color?

    P.S. I love all of your advice and I tell everyone about you and this channel.

  7. Thank you for such great tips. As always I learn new things from you! I especially loved the watermelon support but!!❤😂❤

  8. I have good luck putting a bucket with the bottom cut out around my squash. I also do that with tomatoes. It seems to get them off to a good start. I don't know if they are warmer, or why it works. I imagine it wouldn't stop squirrels, but I haven't had an issue with them in the garden.

  9. FYI. Took mint that I pull up constantly. Stripped the leaves n topped off my mulch on my peppers n tomatoes. I was being overrun by insects. Insects gone. Since I have tons of the stuff. Gonna use it a lot.

  10. Planted my starts last month and I'm sure glad to get your tips. I need to feed them today when I water. I am going to look into drip system as this watering by hand is getting harder to do at my age, 76. Thanks for your helpful tips.

  11. I planted 3 pumpkins but have found some volunteers which I'll let grow where they are since there is room. Last fall I composted some pumpkins and I guess there were seeds in it that were viable because I got volunteers. Not sure what kind they are. I guess I'll have to wait and see.

  12. Perfect I have spaghetti squash and Japanese pumpkin, (Kobacha) seedlings to plant out. Our weather in the Monterey bay is just like yours. Love the drip system tool.

  13. Hey there, I am a Gourd grower and I’m watching your video and a lot of your handling practices of the seeds whether they be pumpkins or the other varieties of pumpkins and melons are handled, matching the same way as what I do for Gourds my question is I don’t snip any ends because I’m Gourd people will snap or send the tip the pointed tip of a Gourd seed some do not like that having that done however, using a bit of peroxide in a dish to germinate some gourd seeds work really well so I was wondering if that practice if that could be done eat with pumpkin seeds or watermelon seeds to get them started I don’t have the room to grow pumpkins or melons, or that, because the gourds grow prolific in my garden and since I am Gourd Grover, and an artist, I need all the guards that I can get, but I was just wondering you know the difference is that you might take maybe you can’t answer the question if you don’t know that much about Gourd’s but I just thought I would throw it at you anyway I love your videos I watch you all the time. I hope you continue in good health and thank you so much for all the chips and all the help with gardening appreciate it. Thanks.

  14. We struggle with squash bugs. Any tips? Im always looking for their eggs and removing them promptly and if i see adults I squash them right away but those are my arch nemesis when we grow pumpkins. CAN NOT STAND THEM

  15. Omg! I nearly snarfed the water I was drinking as you mentioned using bras and about being optimistic by going with a double D!!! I LOVE your humor and appreciate the candid, honest, and detailed way you make your educational videos! I'm guessing you and your wife would get along really well, if not become good friends, with my hubby and I if we knew one another in real life.
    If my garden was in my backyard, I'd actually try your bra hack out with a few of my old bras😂. Instead, I bought a few yards of fabric on Amazon. It is labeled "solid stretch power mesh fabric". It is similar to the skin toned material you'd use on dance or ice skating costumes to make costumes appear skimpier/sexier while still covering the body with a slightly sheer material that mimics skin. I cut it into wide strips to support larger fruits/veggies that I'm trellising or to protect fruits/veggies/plants from animals, bugs, excessive sun exposure, and from the cold. The material is kinda like a combination of a semi-thick tight and a micro mesh netting.

  16. Well the bra idea was super funny! But not to laugh! I do not know if you have Value village down in the states, but you can get pretty cheap bras, why anyone would buy a second hand bra i will never know but that might be a very cheap option and you can reuse them!!! So all in all not such a bad idea!!! LOL

  17. You are hilarious!!! I love that you used your useless personality life sucking covid covers in the garden!!! Emily may not like her bras reused. JS. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

  18. My soil temperature will never be 65 degrees, not even close. I’m glad I saw this video before I transplanted out my winter squash. I guess they’ll stay in the greenhouse and fight with the zucchini! Thank you for a timely post.

  19. Or…you can make compost out of last year’s pumpkins and their seeds, and if it isn’t a super hot pile, by May you will have a ton of plants growing. I need friends who garden to hand them all to.

  20. Hahahaha 😂 I'm dying about the bra comment. On purpose, I'm going to try place them together and use a bra! 🤣 I'll unwind the vines if I have to lol

  21. Once you harvest pumpkins and winter squash how do you store it all if you dont have a basement or cellar? I live near you but need advice

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