Vegetable Gardening

You Must Sow These in June

With warmer weather here and growth picking up there’s a temptation to cruise to summer-long harvests. But that would be a mistake, because now’s the ideal time to make more sowings to get extra harvests both later in the season… and beyond.

So, join the ever-affable Ben as he busts open the seed box and gets ready to sow reliable favorites that will set us up for plenty more pickings to come.

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  1. My favourite 'intercropping' tip is to plant some lettuce or other salad greens inside a teepee that you're growing beans up in June/July. They'll appreciate the shade (and your rocket is less likely to bolt, Ben!)

  2. I was hesitating on beets & carrots because I’m worried that our heat wave might harm them. Seattle inevitably has a week or two of high 90s in July/august. Is this a concern for beets & carrots or should I just make sure they are well watered?

  3. Thanks for the video inspires me to do more even tho I have no room left lol 😂 my kale 🥬 is coming on great & protected with fine netting ..potatoes are flying & flowering but a few stems have started to fall due to the size of them! Had three onions bolt & I think this has been caused by the cold winds we are currently receiving here on the Kent Coast! 😮 Thanks again Ben you are an inspiration to all of us gardeners especially novices like me,take care,Eddie

  4. thank you for the encouragement as I fight grass and weeds here in florida of the USA. My garden has been a bit of a challenge this season as I have planted three times befor I realized my seeds were old and no good. I then started plants with new seeds in contaners and then put them in the garden and all is small and beautiful now. I will now satrt my fall plants as you have suggested and have a new found excitmeant due to your video. nanny

  5. What is that tool you use to make a dirt row for your seeds? It looks like a wedge cutter.

  6. I’m living in Florida I believe my zone is 10c. Coming from Pennsylvania and New York. I have to relearn what’s best to grow in this intense heat. Thanks for sharing. Any advice as welcome.😊 happy growing.

  7. I’m completely new to gardening having lived in a desert for 22 years. I bought a greenhouse in March and have planted way too much for my two raised beds but it is so much fun learning. A few rookie errors but I am enjoying learning from your channel and others too. By the look of this video, I should have waited to plant my purple sprouting broccoli and my fennel but no matter, these things can be done next year.

  8. marestail coming on very well in my garden 😢 best way to get rid of be much appreciated 🙏

  9. The plank idea is interesting–I'll give it a try. Thanks for the inspiration. Yours is one of the very, very best gardening channels on the web, and I watch quite a few. Garden on!

  10. Due to injuries I can't really do my garden plot anymore so I started a whole bunch of containers, plus planted in my retaining. My first year growing garlic and it's doing amazing! I'll interplant now that you said to. Our weather here in the Midwest US was weird. It rollercoastered between freezing and hot until mid-May so I got a late start, due to waiting for the "freezes" to end. But, I'm already drying herbs and green onions, and foraged herbs for the winter.

  11. I’m just starting to really stick my hands into gardening for real! And really enjoying it! Thank you for all the great information! So far my kids and I have some lettuce, watermelon, jalapeños, cherry tomatoes, mammoth sunflowers, basil, spearmint, and sweet corn starting to grow! We have carrots cucumbers, spinach, sweet peppers, and celery started. The kids love watching them grow.

  12. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but I can never get salad stuff to germinate. I might try your ideas

  13. I just want to say your channel has really helped me improve my garden with companion planting. I am still only a few years into this gardening and each year I am getting better. Your channel is so informative. Thank you!

  14. I thought garlic is a pretty narcissistic group of plants, not wanting any competition…???

  15. Fantastic video as usual Ben. I'm so so jealous as I have had to totally dismantle my garden and move everything due to my landlord evicting me. A section 21 notice which means I've done nothing wrong, but it means I simply cannot grow, anything at all, this year! Gut wrenching.
    Well, I'm glad to see your doing well my friend and with a bit of luck I will be back in full swing for next year until then I will, still, be watching all your video's as an avid fan and also wish you all the luck in the world for a totally bumper crop this year.
    Take care my friend

    Phil 👍👨‍🌾👨‍🌾

  16. Your videos are both practical and so fun ! I love how you teach us by showing us how it’s done .
    I haven’t had good success with lettuce . I started the seed in a container , and they germinated and grew a bit , but then stopped growing like they’re stunted . They’ve been this way for a few weeks now ! Still green , but tiny . I’m in zone 6 , with fluctuating temps . Daytime highs in the 70s that drop to the 40’s F at night . Any tips ? I’d love to grow successful salad greens .

  17. Just want to let everyone know I think you all are crazy when you say, arugula is spicy or peppery. It’s bitter, nothing more nothing less. I say you all because I haven’t found anyone else that thinks that. Everyone always tries to class up a bitter leaf.

  18. Ben! I'm sorry this is the wrong vid, I am a subscriber, but I don't know how to work stuff, at 60 I'm brand new to gardening, my brasicas are doing realy well, from seed to very strong new plants, however I'm slightly paranoid, the raised beds are copper coated almost 😂 butterfly protected you name it, we haven't had any rain for a while, me and my wife have been watering sometimes twice a day, if the top dries out they are getting sprayed, is this necessary? Or are we being over protective or chlinicaly paranoid, 😂

  19. What growing zone are you? I'm in the US, zone 5 and you mentioned over-wintering broccoli. Just curious.

  20. I've been intersowing for a couple weeks. My garden is bursting with yum. I added 8 indeterminate potato bags this year, and love the extra space freed up in my garden beds.
    Miracles happen: two tiny apple trees are coming up after 9 years of planting crabapple seeds. Hurt foot keeping me from wandering the hillside to see if this is the Year of the Apple Trees!

  21. I added new Thai chilies in hanging pots in my East window, they are blooming already! They will produce for several years, all year long. They bloom indoors all winter long, so pretty. My old ones lasted several years, and I still have their dried chilies in my spices.

  22. Thank you for a great lesson on garden continuum! You asked for comments, so here are ours. Our dinosaur kale became terribly infested due to only one or two cabbage butterflies depositing into them. Lesson learned: As you show near your video's end, we should have covered them with fine mesh screening to keep out those pests.

  23. I was able to harvest my broccoli, but my cauliflower grew big but did not make any heads. I'm still waiting to see if my cabbage will make it. It has recently turned hot here in Oklahoma. My kale has gone crazy. Turnips are growing. I think birds got to my lettuce and spinach. Carrarrots are still small, and my onions squash, tomatoes okra, and peppers oh and 4 types of potatoes are doing well.

  24. I gave you a thumbs down because I don't know where you are located. June in your area maybe OK, but it may not be where I am in zone 6B. See that, I told you the growing zone I am in—you should do the same, so viewers will have a better idea if your information applies to them or not!

  25. I’ve just invested in a vegpod, I’m trilled with it, I love the sprinkler system in it, super efficient,

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