Front Yard Garden

A Quick and Casual Tour of My Front Yard Garden

This video is a very quick, very casual peek showing the current status of the plantings in my streetside garden beds today—June 9, 2023. The recent weather has been great for the garden and things are really starting to fill in.

Some of my other videos give more information about the plants shown. In this video, I don’t identify the plants that I’m showing. So forgive me for showing lots of cool plant and not including the plant IDs. Some of my other videos provide more specific plant info, so be sure to check out my channel.


Darcy Daniels
Garden Designer and Creator of
Gardening in Portland, Oregon; USDA zone 8a


Explore Plant Combination Ideas on eGardenGo —


  1. Working on your plant database is a winter activity, Darcy. Get out there and deadhead that Rhodie. 🙂 Lovely garden!

  2. Gorgeous! I noticed you have drip irrigation. Curious what inch emitter spacing you use for your landscaped yard? I’m thinking about adding 6” spaced emitters in my front yard landscaping here in the PNW. Thank you in advance 🙂

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