Gardening Supplies

Farmers in #Madagascar produce roughly 80 percent of the world’s #vanilla. #soexpensive #spices


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  1. He gets $17 for a huge bag? and whoever sells it charges us $60 and up for a few beans!? That’s bs! That farmer should be getting that money!

  2. The lack of technology in this industry is ridiculous. They’re hand-pollinating and harvesting in tiny farms of just a few plants and then sending their inefficient product through a dozen middle men. It costs a lot because of this. Until they fix this industry, people should just use artificial vanilla in my opinion.

  3. I’m sure vanilla bean can grow elsewhere. French monopolize vanillas.

  4. This is a lack of education. If they stop taking $17 and not sell this wouldn't be happening. Not sure why they would expect 17. And on the other side of the world we have the Greek suing Netflix for millions because their feelings are hurt. This world is bloody backwards

  5. Apparently Raza ain't the one profitting at all.
    The price boosted for no damn reason and profit doesn't even get tricked down.

    Raza need to do his own 💩.

  6. It's far worse for farmers in India… They sometimes earn 1-2 Indian rupees per kilo of onions/ tomatoes etc. We have a terrible farmers su!c!de problem 😢😢

  7. How disgustingly sad it is that a man who helps make the world's second most expensive spice to even able exist gets paid so so little for his back breaking efforts ….3

  8. If I was those guys I would strike. So unfair that those people are still poor despite the huge resource they have in that country and the hard they make. They should strike and stop picking the vanilla until they got paid decent. Middle man FFS 😢

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