Gardening Supplies

Can You Garden In The Rain?

Over the last several days we have been getting hammered with bad storms and downpours of rain over several hours at a time. A break, maybe we’ve had a day of no rain in the last couple weeks but that’s about it. So, can you garden in the rain? What does all of this rain do to your vegetables? You would think that rain is good for your garden, right? BUT TOO MUCH rain isn’t good, it can cause all sorts of problems. The BEST solution is PREPARATION!
What problems do excessive amounts of rain cause? Does it ruin the foliage? What about roots? If you’re in the South, you know that hurricane season is upon us! Let’s grow together and get dirty!


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  1. Old goat is hiding behind the tomatoes that are taunting me 😂 I got mine in way to late and the hear set it quick and killed them before getting a single one. Totally on me this year

  2. I agree with you Greg on having a dry year and not a wet one. I can drip irrigate but I don’t have a sponge big enough to handle a lot of rain. 🌞

  3. In the past 10 days I’ve gotten less than 1/10 of an inch… terribly dry in my neck of the woods in TX, but I understand your frustrations on the rain! I see old goat behind a tomato on the shelf behind Mr. Greg.

  4. Recently had rain here. Went out the morning after the rain stopped…my sunflowers leaves look just like yours. I've search for the pests and seriously can't find any. I wondered…chemical rain? (The chem-trails here are multiple and daily).

  5. I am so sorry! I have been dealing with the same frustrations. I had a feeling this was going to happen, so started Hossinators, Red Snappers and some other stuff to replace those destroyed by the rain.

  6. 2 inches of rain so far, with 5 more days of rain coming. I’ll probably see my Bella Rosa’s and Roadster’s floating down past my house like a ferry on the Mississippi. 😮

  7. Nowhere near a foot of rain like y'all. Can't believe hail killed cows. We were lucky here in the Sandhills of NC. Only 3.3 inches here. BUT it has been cloudy for 4-5 days. We had been dry so the 3.3 helped the garden and the yard. Is the goat over Greg's right ear behind the big tomato?

  8. Not even a 16th of an inch. We only average 11" a year. It's so dry here, y'all can pick ticks off of catfish. Blessings, julie

  9. We had the whole week of rain too here in NC. So far the only thing that looks like it took damage was my hossinator bell peppers. Lost 5 or 6 plants but everything else seems to be holding in there.

  10. I feel your pain. I’m very small scale, but have lost a few plants to fungus, aphids and worms. On a good note, I just harvested some Moneymaker Tomatoes and they are delicious! The Old Goat is just to the left of the USA Fence behind the heirloom tomatoes.

  11. Here in Northern California, a few hours north of the Bay Area, we have had zero rain. We are a lot cooler than normal but no rain. This year I made wicking tubs and have them at work, they are doing fantastic despite significant bug pressure. Ate my first yellow summer squash today.

  12. I feel your pain Hoss😞I lost my garden early in the year due to rain rain rain. It was around 8-10 inches of rain in a week long period, it just wouldnt stop. It was the first year I purchased your seeds and l lost all but 1 row of beans. I sure could use those Montereys to help me out in the fall when I try it all again. Alot of work was just washing down my rows, so sad! We just gotta pick ourselves up by our boot straps and keep on keeping on getting dirty…

  13. We have only had 2/10" of rain in a month. Central Missouri.
    The old goat is behind the mater behind Greg. Just to the left of the picket fence.

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