Edible Gardening


The Dude Grows Show 1507
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#cannabiscommunity #growingweed #gardening #harvest #photoperiod


  1. I think you’re trash for trying to use that in your title in hopes of getting more views. I fux with y’all wayyy less now. Sad.

  2. Big cannabis will make out fine. Tomatoes as an example are plants many grow at home, but big tomato producers aren't felling. Even though homegrown taste better, my opinion. Thanks for the shows.

  3. Bahahahahaha 🤣🤣 they didn't realize what kind of debt goes into actual farming, I grew up on a working farm and my dad and evey other farmer around us stayed in debt. You'd get a loan to buy your tobacco seeds, get a loan for a newer and bigger tractor so you can farm more acres. My dad died in debt up to his eyeballs just to stay operating.

  4. SCOTTY get some XL2G it will pay for its self and won't need the ladies bending over as much . They have generics for 50 a

  5. I enjoy living, am healthy, and do not wish to end my life, that said, F-eye-zer has some big profit plans brewing for the near future w Malaria buzzing around, IPF coming up, the next, more severe lockdowns but let's look at the shiney & explosive distractions over there…

  6. People who buy folding phones are people who don't need a phone because you send it back every couple months to get your screen replaced if you were smart enough to buy the warranty for that. If not toss that $1800.00 in the trash. 🤣

  7. hey big fuck you guys maaaan you guys so;d me baaaaaaaad shit man tweaked my fucking plants out !! what in the plant stalk is wrong with you recharged root aphids!
    recharge always made them slowdown and grow weird douchenuggets, happy 420 friend.

  8. Your channel covers interesting topics like this one, but you don't stay on topic. This episode is prime example. Start out right into it, which was great, then after 20 or so minutes, just empty content. Or it's empty content 20 minutes in, then the topic gets discussed. Maybe it's why your channel hasnt had the growth it should. No hate, just saying.. peace!

  9. I’m so happy if every multi state operator goes bankrupt! Complete ruin of the industry.
    Small craft growers are awesome and have the best weed

  10. "Smoking exotic weed grown by a mega corp is pretty much like eating Sushi from 7/11"
    I'm growing in Thailand for myself only and I have been self sufficient since decriminalization 9th June last year, I bought 3 grams from dispensaries in total in over a year. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  11. The banner is on fire today. Spot on. The only thing is it's far cheaper at the dispensary. Here in Mi, you can get upper middle class smoke for 100 an ounce. When you grow your own your money goes into the gardening lifestyle and the buds are free. I don't spend any money on smoke, just my garden supplies. Even though you can get killer smoke from the shop for cheap, when people want that special smoke, that rare pheno like a landrace sativa, they come to the home grower and spend a little extra money. Both the commercial and legacy markets can exist side by side as they serve a different base of costumer. Consumers and connoisseurs. Home cooked meals are always better than fast food

  12. As bad as I hate to admit it we need the dispos to help further federal legalization..

    They are a necessary evil. Not everyone can or willing to grow their own and some people just like the fact they can go in an get what they want. Not just what I got in the pack at the moment. And they like the simplicity and going to get their own on their own time. Js.

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