Gardening Trends

Hampton Court Flower Show ’23 | & RHS Wisley – a stampede to the floral marquee!

Come with me to Hampton Court Flower Show ’23! And an exquisite visit to RHS Wisley.

The shop has been updated with advent calendars!




MUSIC by Tim Robinson (my husband!)

Instagram: @WoollyMammothFibres
Rav: WoollyMammothEmma


  1. Thanks for bringing us along. I’ve never been to Hampton Court in the summer or for the flower show, so it was nice to see what it looks like at its best. Seeing you there with your dad made me tear up a bit. Lost mine a few years ago and really miss him. I hope you enjoyed your time with him. 🌸🌺🪻🌼

  2. Spectacular Emma! You and your Dad covered alot of ground! Thank you for taking us all along with you for this special viewing! 🌸💙

  3. That was a lovely visit. We always go past Wisley when we land at Heathrow and drive down to family on the south coast. We've also stopped there on our way home for a break before getting on the plane but only walk through on the public footpath along the river. You've shown me what we've been missing all these times. The Flower Show looks great on TV but I always felt that the show gardens must be smaller than they look. The roses looked wonderful, oh for smellyvision! Thanks for the vlog! Jane xx

  4. So strange to see you in my local area! I popped over to the flower show this afternoon and agree it was super busy and the gardens were pretty underwhelming! Went a bit mad at the seed stalls in the flower marquee 😂

  5. Those were the most beautiful gardens I have ever seen!
    Thank you for taking us along.
    How very awesome that you and your Dad took that trip together.

  6. Thank you Emma for this beautiful video. What a lovely garden show. Nice to see your Dad too.

  7. Your description of Hampton Court Flower show was spot on, l went on a much anticipated trip there last year, our weather was opposite to yours as it was so incredibly hot, too hot to cope with the amount of people around the underwhelming show gardens, and in the marquees. I totally agree the Hampton Court gardens are much more impressive than the actual show. Thank you for a very honest peek at this years show 💐

  8. OMG! I sure needed this today! We've had so much rain and gloomy skies. The spectacular beauty you capture was medicine to my soul. Thank you for sharing with us. I'm going to watch again!!

  9. Lovely gardens and a very interesting visit. At times, though, I did find it a bit difficult to work out which was which though – there seemed to be jumping between footage of the two days at times. Nice to get a wee break and I'm glad the sun came out. We see enough rain here in NI!!

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