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necessarily pothos plant care in worth place solution needed

necessarily pothos plant care in worth place solution needed@NovaPlant_world


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Leaf cuttings: You can cut off a healthy leaf and insert it into moist soil or water. It may take several months for roots and new shoots to develop12.
Stem cuttings: You can cut off a section of the stem with at least one leaf and place it in moist soil or water. This method may also take a long time, but it is more likely to produce a fuller plant23.
Rhizome division: You can divide the underground rhizomes of the plant and pot them separately. This is the fastest and easiest way to propagate a ZZ plant, but you need to have a mature plant with enough rhizomes12.
Some tips for propagating a ZZ plant are:
Use clean and sharp tools to avoid infection or damage.
Choose healthy and firm leaves or stems for propagation.
Avoid overwatering or underwatering your cuttings or divisions. Water them only when the soil is dry to the touch4.
Provide bright indirect light and moderate temperatures for your cuttings or divisions.
Be patient and do not disturb your cuttings or divisions until you see signs of growth.
Here are some links to the videos and articles I found:
1: The Complete Guide To Propagation Of ZZ Plants At Home – YouTube 2: 3 EASY Ways To Propagate Your ZZ Plant! – YouTube 5: Can you propagate a ZZ plant in water? – Gardening Fan 4: When and How to Water ZZ Plants (Essential Tips) 3: 15 Easiest Houseplants to Propagate – Plantophiles
I hope this helps you propagate your ZZ plant successfully. 😊

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