
Make Peppers Grow Faster! (Improve Growth & Ripening Rates) – Pepper Geek

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In this video, we’ll share several tips to help your pepper plants grow faster. There are many techniques you can use to help speed up the growth of your plants, leading to bigger, healthier-looking, and more productive plants.

We’ll also share some tips to help get more ripe peppers within a limited growing season (like ours in New England). Timing is a lot of it, but some changes to environment or feeding can also make a big difference.

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Pepper Geek articles mentioned:

When to plant peppers:

When To Plant Pepper Seeds (by Hardiness Zone)


Aphids On Pepper Plants – How To Treat And Prevent

Best grow lights for peppers:

Best Grow Lights For Pepper Plants – Indoor Grow Lights

AeroGarden review (hydroponics):

AeroGarden Harvest Review 2020 – Setup and Grow Results

DWC hydroponics (video):

Thanks for watching Pepper Geek!

#peppers #gardening #tips #growing


  1. growing peppers for the first time this year and its been rough. first the weather was cold and dark for longer than usual and the seedlings didnt grow much yet and i noticed that our soil sucks for peppers, so i'll either dig large holes in the soil and fill it with the tomato soil i used to sprout them or figure out where to put several more pots

  2. I have a nice sized bell pepper plant growing in an aerogarden, finally producing some decent sized peppers, but most of the leaves are curled upward and inward on the sides. Anybody know why? I'm using GH 3 part fertilizer, (adjusted to reduce nitrogen levels) plus a little hydrogen peroxide.

  3. Please don’t use synthetic. People don’t even think about where our water comes from. It’s the reason we don’t have clean water systems and hermaphroditism happening in amphibians (which is a model organism for humans ie it could happen to us…my research shows it’s already doing it)

  4. The proof is in the putting. Those plants look amazing. This year I planted my peppers where they will get mid day shade as an experiment

  5. I want to grow some Tasmanian mountain pepper in pots but I don't want it taking me years to grow

  6. Happy frog is AWESOME soil compound, I toss in some organic compost from last year as well as cow manure and my veggies love it. Some of Happy Frog soils I have added vermiculite for better oxygen at the root levels with uptake of water and nutrients for my plants.

  7. I’m in California and my pepper plant is really small but has so many little 🌶️ they’re green and should turn red but is now a good time to pick off the little peppers for more growth later on ?

  8. Its the first week of June and all of my peppers are only few inches tall. My tomatoes are slightly better but usually at this time of year my garden is in full swing. PH was culprit this year, don't know what went wrong with my mixes this year but something threw it out of balance. 8.7 is too high I just wish I caught it sooner. Coconut choir, aged manure, perlite, and combination of different fertilizers that I've been using every season for years… But this year something went wrong and I don't know which it was. Sulphur can lower PH but takes time, most things that lower it quickly will burn plants. Lesson learned to check each before mixing everything together at once. Any suggestions? I'm already over budget this year so starting over isn't an option

  9. Yeah pick early and often for monster fall yields…Everytime you do the plant increases the number of pods produced.

  10. Dried cow dung works best then adding couple of live earthworms on adult pepper plant for aeration.
    And then I would collect banana peels or any scrap vegetables in the kitchen then ferment them in water with brown sugar for like a month then I dilute it like a teaspoon per Gallon and use it for my watering.
    Then when it's fruiting season I do collect egg shells, crush them into like a fine grain then I soak them in vinegar for like also a month and same method with the teaspoon to gallon method.

    My reapers grew tall and healthy and there is like a hundred of fruit per plant and surprisingly it got a lot of attention from my fellow pepper keepers and I'm not even aware that I'm doing less than they usually do to make their peppers to have a lot of fruit.
    And it's all organic.

  11. Synthetic fertilizers also build up if you don't flush the pot the plant is in from time to time and that will harm the plants as well.

  12. Ok, what is an “early” pepper? 1 ‘ 2’ If you’re gonna make a vid about this, you need to be more specific. You hint to everything, but don’t specify.

  13. awesome stuff. what is it when young in ground pepper plants bottom leaves go yellow ? too much / not enough water or nitrogen ?
    i have my frying peppers in a spot that gets alotta sun and heat. feel like the ground is burning them.

  14. @peppergeek
    Hello can you say the different types of pepper you grow, I've noticed some of your plants have dark foliage which I like and would like to know where I can purchase some of those seeds.

  15. northern mi, got hungarian wax pepper seeds started, even if its late, picked up s 12 inch cayenne, and tobasco, have a bunch of peat moss and old fox farm soil

  16. Long term composting
    Its not a month or 2 breakdown.
    Its a slow release over a 5 yr. Period.
    Still composting is most beneficial to any soil.
    Rain water for plants is safest.
    Happy chili gardening.

  17. Dude my habaneros never want to growm they always get like stunted little leaves that are like more yellow green and they stay really tiny and bushy lole less than a foot tall. I dont know what it is. And i dont let them produce early so its not that. They just dont look right at all.

  18. What would you recommend to help avoiding/preventinf pepper leaf curl virus? Any advice would be great

  19. Love this channel and all the information and pics. And sure most of this information pertains to most veg. Love that that even though not a complete control with same breed and seeds from same pod, but at least focuses only on peppers

  20. Picking the first fruit feels like aborting the first child to me.

  21. I'm using a combo punch of natural and commercial fertilizer. Osmocote , fish emulsion , bone meal. , and miracle grow.

  22. i have a hot pepper plant that has tons of flowers but won't produce peppers is this because it is so hot now in flordia

  23. Is it still vegetative phase if there are lots of flowers and not many fruits? When exactly do you know when to switch to fruiting fertilizer outdoors? I was worried I might mess them up if I gave them too much nitrogen.


    Recipes and techniques!!!! Storage and other ways to use peppers overall!!! God Bless!!

  25. Never synthetic !!! Non gmo yall eat the genetically altered lab created food that kills ya straight up!! Enough gmos !!!! Wake up lemmings

  26. I make my own potting mix, I fed 20-20-20 at 1/2 strength for seedlings. We have a short growing season and have poor sandy soil so I now grow 2 plants in each large pot. Pots are 1/2 filled with small logs, twigs and oak leaves and the rest is my potting mix. I started feeding them weed tea and am having nice success this year. Last year my plants flowered way too late to mature. I got nice tall plants but late fruit production in ground with synthetic fertilizers. The plants were nice sizes when they were planted and grew big but I think the drought created a need for too much hand watering and washed away nutrients. Growing them in pots is a game changer and we are having another drought. So far we are getting plenty of thick fruits and even earlier. I use a lot of peppers in canning season and my experiment this year is really paying off so far. Who can afford Fox Farm growing products? Might as well just buy the produce. It will be interesting to compare yields this year growing less plants.

  27. I’m growing locoto peppers , my wife is from Bolivia and that’s the common pepper they eat , they sure that forever to make a pepper , I have a ton of flowers for the last month but no peppers, the plant itself is huge , I hear peppers take awhile

  28. Hi my green Italian peppers are not growing well, many are small, turn red and get like a brown spot rotten in the end.. why is that? Thanks

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