Garden Plans

Updates, Major Hotness In The Heart Chakra. Community Garden Plans
Just mention Jodi when you place the order, please!

Join me over on RUMBLE @ SoulPurposeInsights

Services I offer….

Do you JUST NEED TO TALK… to someone who is awakened??

We can talk about whatever you want to talk about. This will help you sort out some of the stuff that is stressing you out and give you some direction. You will be given some personal recommendations, I can provide you with an unbiased opinion. There is a charge for this consultation, but It’s not super committed and should bring you out on the other end feeling better. If you desire more communication at a later date, great! If that sets you forward on your path, then even better!

For those of you that have done a lot of your healing on this Earthly Journey, you may have specific things that need to be addressed.

We can go deeper with a Past Life Reading, Tarot Reading or Quantum Healing Session..

Contact me at if you would like to discuss scheduling an appointment or discuss pricing,

Currently taking appointments for July & August, 2023

How a Past Life Reading, Tarot Reading or Quantum Healing Session can support your journey:

**Clear emotional, mental, physical blocks
**Strengthen connection with Higher-Self
**Receive guidance on life questions (purpose, career, health, relationship, challenges, spirituality, financial)
**Shadow work, accelerate your awakening
**Meet your Soul Family and/or Starseed origin
**Unlock soul gifts, ready to come online

The possibilities are limitless

You can find me on Telegram under Soul Purpose Insights and Soul Purpose Insights Group Chat

Email me at

Order doTerra essential oils at

Legal Disclaimer: All videos are intended for entertainment purposes. At no time should these comments and discussions be used as legal, medical, financial, business, or professional counseling services. Use your own judgment and intuition to guide you.


  1. No, no 'heart' hot flashes for me. But…are you perimenopausal? Night sweats are the first symptoms I had when I was starting into menopause.

  2. Im waaaay past menopause and i have had this ❤ chakra "activity" Sometimes its sweat but mostly just hot and the mattress feels like ive had an electric blanket on high on it.
    Definitely have to incorporate electroculture into the new garden space. 🎉🥰

  3. Cause i too just love growin stuff, especially if it produces food/medicine

  4. Id actually put Any of thoe orgonites in that garden you wanna restore, and see what kinda life it attracts

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