Edible Gardening

Garlic Harvesting Underway!


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Edible Acres is a full service permaculture nursery located in the Finger Lakes area of NY state. We grow all layers of perennial food forest systems and provide super hardy, edible, useful, medicinal, easy to propagate, perennial plants for sale locally or for shipping around the country…
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We also offer consultation and support in our region or remotely. http://www.edibleacres.org/services
Happy growing!


  1. Will you be selling the garlic for others to purchase for seed? If so where can I order some hardneck and soft neck

  2. What an amazing garlic patch. What did you do with all your garlic scapes? I had so many this year I was starting to panic. I usually cut them up and put them in the freezer but this year I had way too many. So this is what I did with them. Worked out fabulous this will be the way I will process them every year other than eating them fresh.😁


  3. I don't know about you, but I love garlic stem finely minced, put on rice with some sesame oil and soy sauce – always a treat come harvest time. You can also make some nice oil infusions with small garlic bulbs as well!

  4. Your son/daughter will be so lucky to be born into a great gardening family. I had a moment I will never forget this weekend. My wife, one year old son and I were eating raspberries off the cane and I looked over at them right when that beautiful golden hour sunlight hit them and realized how lucky I was. I look forward to many years of gardening with my son

  5. So glad to see you're not underwater! What will you do with ALL the gorgeous, huge garlic? Is it for sale, and I missed it? And a lot of basil and parsley, as well?

  6. What a beautiful harvest! Love how you thoughtfully plan the next companions for the beds. Our garlic has been disappointing in the last two years, so I hope to purchase some of yours. Blessings…daisy

  7. I love seeing and getting to "meet" the people you work the farm with. What do you refer to them as? I hear to refer to people by name, but how do you refer to the collective group of you? A crew, family, collective, team?

  8. ohhh the dog reminded me of my Sasha…she passed a couple of years back and i still miss her.. She was a border collie with the most beautiful blue eyes…

  9. I hope that all will be sunshiny for the birth of your summer-baby! The pain will be forgotten after a few weeks, nontheless it is a hard challenge both mentally and physically. Having something to grab (a robe or blanket) with both hands helps a lot <3 and cursing too 😀 Best wishes to you three!

  10. mine aren't quite ready to come out and I'm in zone 6a. I got mine from you and my crop this year is pretty large and I'm hoping my crop next year will be even larger. I have some perennial chives in there with them and planting rocket, kale and beets in there seems like a genius idea.

  11. Looks like Juan is really slimming down. Sasha, not so much.
    You're all beautiful.
    Congratulations on the growing family and community.

  12. Lovely looking garlic, I say lovely because I love garlick!!!!… lol lol
    I see 1 worker working bare foot, now that is the way to do it, the health benefits are enormous and it feels awesome to feel dirt going between the toes and around the feet. I feel kinda jealous!!!!!

  13. Allium Leaf Miner is no joke. If you are seeing signs now it could be way worse next year. I would lose a lot of my crop every year for the past 3 years until I started using row covers early Feb through Late May. Maybe until mid June in your area.

    Always rotate too because the pupa are in the soil.

    Wish you the best. Losing an entire crop is very disheartening (happened to me last year) and I hope ALM doesn’t get that bad in your area, but row cover is cheap insurance.

    I also used beneficial nematodes this spring with row covers. I didn’t lose a single bulb this year 🙂

  14. Hi Sean, I am really wanting to buy your garlic. I am in zone 7/8 high desert. when will it be available? what type should I grow?

  15. Would love to see your elephant garlic! I just starting growing it 2 years ago and the taste is knock-your-socks-off 😂

  16. Greetings from Hellas! With so much garlic i have to say you have to try making some tzatziki and skordalia! I am sure you will find the recepies online! Tzatziki for meat and skordalia for fried fish!!! The more garlic you add the better it gets!

  17. Man that video was so wholesome!
    Awesome to people enjoying life and helping each other ☀️☀️

  18. I have Black Walnut trees with Wild Grape ( Vitus vinifera),Sassafras and Day lilies (hemerocallis fulva) Witch Hazel, Jewelweed as well as the plants you mentioned. Zone 6b St. Louis

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