
If I Only Knew These Monstera Tips 5 Years Ago

My best Monstera care tips I wish I knew 5 years ago.
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#monstera #swisscheeseplant #monsteraplant


  1. I started a monstera from a cutting years ago – 18" of trunk about as thick as my forearm. I threw it on the ground in a garden bed and left it there. Within a year it was about 8' high and 10' wide, within 2 years it was fruiting. Apart from a few sunburnt leaves when it first started I never had an issue with it. Of course it helps living in the correct environment. These days I live much further south (Tasmania) and have a small potted monstera on the deck.

    Thanks for the tips, your channel is great!

  2. Thank you so much. I have a feeling I just bought both versions of this plant and this video popped up at the right time. Perfect timing!

  3. The best video out there for monstera !! You are a plant doctor 😊 following you for more sending content ❤

  4. I love it when some 'plant expert' said you must not put X plant under full sun.
    Bonus lulz when it's a tropical plant.

    They clearly never see Pothos growing on barely humid soil under full sun 😂 which is not-so-rare here.

    And they thrive in such condition; by thriving, I mean having 60cm leaves while climbing 5m tall into their host plant.

    Kudos to this video for telling people to give their plants the sunlight they deserve.

    Some people simply cannot fathom the idea that in their natural habitat, many tropical plants fiercely compete to get sunlight .
    Telling people to be mindful on exposing them to full sun is like saying ‘giving water to thirsty people might kill them’ 😂

    PS: pothos usually thicken their leaves and stem when grown under direct sunlight. With rigid leaves, it prevents excess evaporation and securely contains the water inside their large stem which can grows few inches thick.
    The biggest pothos I saw had ~4 inches thick stem with 80cm leaves, and it grows climbing on a street tree

  5. Acclimate the plant to full sun slowly. You can also propagate the bigger plant and sell those pieces for a lil extra money as well as making your plant more manageable for in home use

  6. I'd like to know if my Monstera will grow as big, because I bought mine in Ikea, and you explained the difference between the two varieties. Mine does say it's a Deliciosa, so will I be able to grow it with all the perforations in the right conditions?

  7. Hi, thanks for the tips, what light bulb do you recommend for a monstera that gets same light as the one in your bedroom to make a nice big growth ? Thanks

  8. Thank you for the tips and information. I am enjoying your channel videos.
    I have my mostera plant from last 3+ years, reported to 20 inch barrel pot last year. It is located on my porch outside in shaded bright indirect light. North East direction. It was doing fine until now. However, from last two months, I have been noticing Yellow leaves. I am not able to find the root cause of the problem. Is it a watering issue or plant is root bound? I deep water every week in summer I am in zone 9b. Could you please help me? I wish I could share the plant pictures in the comment.

  9. I’ve grew a plant with straight energy .. I never gave it sunlight being it was in a corner and I honestly never watered it.. one day my mom came in my room and immediately knowticed it once I looked it kinda baffles me as well being I never communicated with it… my theory is it feed off of my energy !

  10. Great video! Wish I’d seen it yesterday 😭 I brought my monstera home and repotted it. 1) because the bottom of it was soaked and 2) the soil scared me. It was dark and compact, I thought it was bad for the plant 😅

  11. Why would you cut off the airroots? I thought that was a sin…why are you promoting it?

  12. I cut my air roots near my moss pole so that they split off into multiple ends, then train those around to pole to hold it well. It’s been working great, I also put orchids on the moss pole and it’s definitely the greatest piece of living art I have, one of the best I’ve ever seen. The monstera partly shades the orchids and creates a more humid environment.

  13. I’m so despondent now that I realize my monstera is not so deliciosa!😢 I knew it looked sus!

  14. Well that sucks…I thought the monstera I bought at BJ’s last yr would grow like the Deliciosa variety. I definitely have the Borsigiana 😢…I bought some Deliciosa seeds though so hopefully those grow into the giant ones 🤞🏻

  15. 🤔 I checked my Monstera that I bought at IKEA, and it appears to be a deliciosa…..

  16. Fantastic Video, so big presentation with full of new information. I was very impressed.
    Additional thanks for advising a Sansi lamp.

  17. I picked up a monstera a few days ago when I spotted it at goddamn Lidl lmao

    It already has quite a size and if I can trust the European plant passport is also a deliciosa

    But oh boy the condition I got this plant in

    It has plenty of stems and leafs but a few leafs were broken off and the new ones growing were a little shredded but at the same time there were also many new growing leafs still curled up without any visible damage (and one of them definitely got the nice holes 👀)

    I cut back the stems with missing leafs and I am currently buying a moss pole from some dude in the area who makes them himself.
    They are apparently pretty good so that's cool.

    The leafs currently on the plant are just okay
    Not many nice holes and I do live with a north facing window

    Sooo I think about getting growing lights but not so sure yet

    We have a big house and later once our new living room is finished I in theory could put it in the perfect spot for it to absolutely thrive but I am not allowed to keep my plants anywhere but my room and a few on the bathroom windowsill so yea let's hope this will work out somehow

  18. Very strange, as its been the opposite for me, seems my monstera prefer less light.. I was lucky that I had that exact environment that you suggested but it never grew. Then in our new place, less light, its been growing super well very quickly.. dont understand why this is happening to me, but the opposite for others on the comments

  19. Thankyou . I fret about my monstera
    Can you move it around? I'm scared about repotting it . I've heard about repotting shock . I just want my monster to be happy and to thrive . My monstera is in a south facing window . I keep the blinds shyly drawn . But letting good light in . I water it. Once a week . I also mist it once a week . Bit I am a bit scaredabout repotting. I feel it is telling me …I NEED REPOTTING

  20. Thank you, my friend. I recently chopped my monstera because I've had it too long, and many of the leaves were present when purchased. Additionally, the new leaves had no character. Ten sections in all and a week later, new growth already. Now, the remaining body of Ms. Monti, yea, I name all my green babies. I believe I may have the Borisana,as you described. Nonetheless, many thanks for the plant education. OneLove ❣️

  21. Hello Should we cut the small baby leaves in monstera to have it speedy growth, since the energy is diverted into small ones rather than big leaves?

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