Garden Plans

Planning A Fall Garden

We all know that spring gardens are everyone’s favorite to have BUT if you haven’t yet, you really should start planning your fall garden! So why exactly should you have a fall garden, let’s discuss a few reasons. Less work, less hands on, less pest pressure, less weed pressure, it’s cooler outside, and you need less water. Most big box stores do not have plants for fall gardening which is crazy to us because you can still gardening well into the fall and even the winter depending on where you are located, many of those people in warmer climates (like Florida) can almost garden year-round. So let’s talk planning a fall garden.

Ya’ll be sure to check out The Great Fall Garden Festival, it’s a Meet & Greet gathering of Homesteads, farms, and artisans who connect with others through their YouTube Channel. It’s FREE ADMISSION on September 9, 2023 from 9am-5pm in Jemison, Alabama. Check out the link below! This family friendly event will feature an educational speaker series, homemade and home grown fare at our participants booths, meet and greet, food truck vendors, and a harvest contest.




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00:00 Start
00:15 What To Do At The End Of Your Summer Garden
00:30 Planning Your Fall Garden
03:30 Sunflowers In Containers
05:31 Planting Corn In The Fall
08:36 Fall Garden Preparation
15:00 Seed Starting In ThE Fall
16:30 Peas In The Fall
20:00 Growing Celery
22:00 Fall Crops


  1. I'm harvesting my top pick pink eye now in Tennessee…awesome to pick. Goat is on the cluck chicken. nice tan momma hoss….

  2. I have a very small back garden and listened to Hoss about not planting corn, but I was sent from y'all corn so I planted it as a screen at the end of my garden. I have several that have tasseled and are 9 or 10 feet tall, if I end up with one ear of corn I'll be tickled. As far as all the sunflower variety of seeds I planted very few grew, what a disappointment. I have sunflowers from the seeds I saved from last year's sunflowers purchased at WallyWorld.

  3. Verbena, AL. Zone 8a, according to USDA plant hardiness zones. Other sites say I'm in 8b. Confusing. I'm planting Silver King corn, radishes, beets, rutabagas, Blue Lake green beans, Lady peas, baby limas, onions, Brussels sprouts, collards and kale. I'm getting anxious! Good luck to you guys, with your fall planting! 🙏🏻❤️

  4. The old goat is behind the cluck, chicken.
    The last 2 years i didn't have much luck with the fall garden. I'm in NE Alabama… It's getting colder every winter. I even blanketed my plants… Almost lost my figs! I'm thinking cover crop this year.

  5. The Old Goat is behind the Cluck Chicken. Due to health issues I have switched to Hydroponic Gardening. Really miss digging in the dirt. I am going to run my tractor tiller and broadcast me some Top Pick Pink Eye Purple Hull Peas and roll them in. Love them.

  6. BG ky 6b, crappie fishin 3 day a week cause it’s goooood fir me!! Gardening too, be turnin in some cover crop here in about 3-4 weeks, buckwheat, iron clay peas, plantin them Florida broad leaf, row of collards, purple top turnips, radishes and the rest of the garden will go in winter rye. None of the leafy green will survive the freezes, as collards will be the last to go. Will direct sow everything except collards but most important fall activity that runs all the way until end of spring is to go fishin cause it goooood fur ya!!!!! Right now fixin to gather all these Hossinator, R Snapper, and Roadster maters, I mean a dang bunch of um too. Big as softballs , freeze and canning comin up. Us gardener kinda like these gray squirrels , metaphorically, speaking, around here, they like ya gather up them nuts for the winter! Thank ya good folks for keepin this ole reckneck informed!!

  7. Old goat is behind the chicken cluck sign! Great information. Greg my husband's diet is not going well either.😂

  8. I grew the Sungold Dwarf Sunflower and oh my they are gorgeous! They reminded me of a teddy bear too….don’t know why. I love my fall garden in Texas! Surprisingly I’ve got some baby cabbage doing ok under shade cloth…I’m hopeful!

  9. I'm growing green beans in the green stalk towers. Cucumbers are following the peas on a trellis. Cilantro & Basil are just taking off from direct seed in the raised bed herb garden. I started my celery from seed and they are full grown now and doing great. With the high heat coming in zone 5B this week I'm going to take it out and harvest it. Celery doesn't like the heat. If I can keep it shaded with some shade cloth I might be able to keep a few alive for fall harvest? I don't know. Harvested our potatoes and onions. Thank You Hoss Tools for all the great growing tips and providing the fertilizer for my onions. I had the best crop of onions ever thanks to your growing tips and raised bed drip irrigation system. I could not have done it without your great educational videos.

  10. Shelia, first off, that shade of blue is YOUR color!!! Old goat is behind the 'cluck' chicken. Gonna get a few things started here in Zone 9a (Florida), gonna cut back some for fall but our over winter stuff will be full steam ahead.

  11. Looking forward to planting my fall garden! Question: Mrs. Hoss- what flowers for fall garden?? Would love to know your choices! Old Goat was hiding behind the chicken above her left shoulder!! Cluck!! 😊

  12. I'm in 7a and I normally just quit after summer because I am usually tired, lol, but I think I am going to plant some cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage and after watching the show I might try some celery, I have never grown that before, the old goat is behind the Cluck chicken, oh yeah and of course some garlic and radishes, some more medicinal herbs maybe(notice how I keep adding on,lol)

  13. The Old Goat is atop the black chicken just above Mrs. Hoss’ left shoulder. Thanks for the video – I’m going to be growing a fall garden this year for the first time and looking for guidance around starting times in particular! I grew your Temptress sweet corn this summer and it’s delicious! I ordered another packet to grow another patch of it for fall.

  14. Appreciate what your sharing. I'm in zone 5b and experimenting with planting some sweet corn but have it started now. Who knows it may work lol With high temps and everything going on I'm trying a lot of different things this year. It's unpredictable how soon it will get cold this year so taking things as they come. I'm growing a lot in containers (not corn) and some things can be moved in greenhouse or downstairs with other plants growing under lights. Like I said trying lots of different things this year.
    I like those growing trays. Hopefully I can get some before their gone.
    The peas sound good. Your giving me lots of ideas of what to order when I can.
    I'm so glad I heard about you all from Danny and Wanda at Deep South Homestead.
    I hope to watch a lot more what your sharing when I can.
    I wish could go to the event but quite a distance from me. Sounds very exciting and something to enjoy with what will be going on and shared.

  15. I need to put maximum effort into the fall being the summer was nearly a bust for me in south okla. The 58 degree nights in June messed up all the early stuff. Just now getting evenly ripe tomatoes. Didn’t even try okra because by that time the grasshoppers were swarming.

  16. I'm in Indiana zone 6 I can plant sweet corn up until July 15th and get a nice harvest . I planted my last crop this year July 10th . My late plantings mature faster than my Spring plantings . Thanks for sharing !

  17. Love that new gardening spot you all are building! Best video! Hope I get to do a big fall garden! Love greens! And they sell like you would not believe! Thanks so much! Marlene a Farmer from SC!

  18. Build a cold frame ! Use old windows to cover! Open and close to keep it from getting damaged! I'm going to try to build one! Thanks so much! Love the videos!

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