Edible Gardening

foraging videos for tree huggers

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business email: adudebusiness@gmail.com
video title suggestions: https://forms.gle/e69SnwDozvWqZRPA8
if y’all wanna support me:
venmo: @some_guy_named_peyton
no pressure!!!


  1. Question time! 🌱🌱🌱

    1) If you go foraging, what's your favourite snack to find?
    2) Do you have a garden/lawn/yard?
    3) Evergreen trees or deciduous trees? (Evergreen: pine, spruce, cedar, etc. Deciduous: oak, maple, ash, etc.)
    4) Have you noticed a lack of bees and other common pollinators lately? Despite having lots of wildflowers and such, I've barely seen any in my garden this year 🙁
    5) What's your favorite mushroom/fungi?

  2. i'm writing a story i've been thinking of for a while on a google doc and apparently over the course of 3 DAYS i have typed a total of 2,345 words.

    hello my name is tobi and in case you couldn't tell talking is the best skill i will seemingly ever possess in my entire life apparently and honestly i love that for me

  3. Hi everyone :3!! I feel like foraging should be a skill that's taught a lot more. There's so much native edible food out there, and yet I wouldn't know the first thing about so much of it if I didn't look into it myself. Spread the good word of foraging!

  4. I leave for vacation on Saturday so I'm watching this while putting some miscellaneous items in my suitcase! My dad has a garden out back with cucumbers and tomatoes and I always feel so much better whenever we have the garden's vegetables instead of buying from the grocery store! :#D

  5. wouldve been here for the premier but i always feel like i have to stay active in chat and i simply cannot do that–


  7. fun fact: making brownie batter just to eat the raw batter is not necessarily a smart decision, but it is a delicious decision.

    just make sure to stop when your stomach starts making noise.

    learn from my brownie batter mistakes.

  8. I learned something new about myself. I can only wiggle toe on my left foot but I can wiggle all of my toes on my right foot 😮

  9. I can tell that you are my favorite person for TikTok compilations. I have watched your videos every day for months and there hasn’t been one video that I wasn’t interested in. I’ve never gone foraging before but it’s something I’ve been wanting to do for years

  10. i dont forage but sometimes i like growing tomatoes and cucumbers in my backyard. i also wanna grow basil because OMORI so do you guys have any tips on that

  11. i want to get into foraging, but my area only has one forest, and I have only seen 2 or 3 types of mushrooms around. should I try getting like a foraging book to identify plants and mushrooms?

  12. Does anyone know any books/websites about foraging or just plant knowledge in general? Foraging is very interesting to me but I don’t know where to start

  13. Foraging seems fascinating, but since I’m colorblind, I can’t trust what I’d find.

    On another note, I’ve learned that before humans became hunter-gatherers, they were scavenger-gatherers.

  14. So there’s this one house in my neighborhood. A single guy lives in it and he does not do any yard work. The grass is up to my chest, there’s 2 meter tall thistles growing out of cracks in the sidewalk, vines all up the side of the house, dandelions EVERYWHERE, wild ferns, daisies, and the hedges are growing in a bushy fashion instead of being pruned. The plants have taken over. It’s glorious

  15. So, I learned something last night. I learned about coin clipping/shaving. And also learned a few more antisemitic dog whistles. One of which I went through a phase of saying, because Meowth from Pokémon said it a lot. For context, I was scrolling through shorts and found a video that mentioned "criminals" coin clipping, and then went into really old and valuable quarters and dimes from 1965. I didn't think anything of it, until I read the comments. They were just, horrendous. They were full of antisemitic dog whistles, and were like "wE aLl KnOw ThE gRoUp ThAt ClIpPeD cOiNs…109 tImEs…6 mIlLiOn…"


  16. Watching people forage makes me so happy! I want to forage so bad but I need to do a but ton of research before I start. Thanks for posting this video! remember to not overwork yourself! hugs and love <3

  17. One thing about oak galls is that they have HUGE amounts of tannins and make excellent ink when processed.

  18. I love foraging so much, but it's always hard to get up, go outside, and start doing it. Happy foraging everybody! also its a great way to not give the corporate charlatanes money hehehe

  19. Whenever i see people bone hunting it reminds me of the first date ive ever been on. We went to the forest and had a picnic before dragging a deer skeleton back to their house (they lived out in the country, we were in the forest behind their house)

    I also got a raccoon skull from that date, and i made them a crown made of vines and fleabane.

    I miss them.

  20. rambling to fight the, feel free to ramble in the replies 🙂
    i haven't keeping up with commenting or watching these but I'm alive still i promise :')

  21. I wish i could forage ;( i live in arizona and i have POTS, so on top of heat intolerance theres barely anything to forage besides prickly pears which are too much of a hassle for me.

  22. Ive been haveing a awful time ive been feeing very alone and seeing your videos and interacting with them helps me feel better, i need mental help but im to scared to get help, i feel absolutly useless and help less and if any one has tips that could possibly help me ill gladly take the help (in the US for thoes curious)

  23. I just wanted to say that I’ve always liked your videos, especially videos like this. (I love nature and stuff like that). I watch all of your leftist and queer videos and they remind me that there are other people out there just like me. Thanks for putting out videos like these. 👍🏼

  24. Oooo man, I need to keep 16:35 in mind when spring comes back,,
    I’ve seen grape hyacinth grow where I live, so I am very excited to possibly try making grape hyacinth lemonade !!

    I even found a little recipe online for it! Here’s the recipe plus ingredients for it :3

    2 cups of grape hyacinth flowers
    3.5 cups of water [two of these cups will be needed for making the hyacinth syrup, so be sure to keep it separated!]
    1.5 cups of sugar
    2 tbsp of lemon juice

    First you need to make your grape hyacinth syrup. Put your grape hyacinth flowers in a mason jar as well as and an equal amount of boiling water into the same mason jar, and let it sit for 1-2 hours. Then make your lemonade, and add the grape hyacinth syrup when it is done!
    The end product may be very sweet, so feel free to add less or more of the sugar and anything else to perfect it to your taste buds !!

  25. I love these videos! One of my favorite things to do with my cousins is to go berry picking, usually for raspberries, but occasionally we pick blueberries, wild strawberries, and chokecherries. We've made jam and syrup out of them. I remember one year we even picked fireweed and made fireweed jelly.

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