Container Gardening

Container Gardening Series – My Favorite Organic Fertilizers

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Now we’re onto organic fertilizers in this organic container gardening series. All videos are available at the link above.


  1. 1) Alaska Fish 5-1-1 (or any basic 'fish fertilizer', Alaska is organic OMRI certified)… 2) Kelp/Seaweed … 3) Worm Castings (very cheap). (4) Molasses. (5) organicare OMRI-certified organic Bloom Formula 1-5-4 (+6% Calcium). (6) To promote roots in cuttings, use organic honey instead of the typical chemicalized root hormones……. works pretty much the same, and much cheaper! ….. boom, All organic right there, nothing bogus, and feeds most, if not all, typical plants in all stages.

  2. Yes, it is the 2nd best typical farm waste. Rabbit is better,if you can find rabbit,that is more rich in the good stuff plants need. Chicken is pretty decent, but you should google- CHICKEN MANURE TEA – read up on everyones experiences on that site that pops up at the top when you search for those 3 words. So,Get a big drum of water, put the crap in a sock, tie it off so you can "tea bag it" and then add a cheapo 10 buck aquarium pump to aerate the water and mix up the tea. Leave in sun 2 days..

  3. Hi Phil, I've been reading that using molasses with soil amendments can cause microorganisms that are not so good to proliferate. Will you please comment on this?

  4. so, you're saying that if I aerate my tea and use the right amount of molasses, it's ok as a soil amendment?

  5. Thanks for the info, I've been using a lot of the products you use and been gettting good results.

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