Backyard Garden

How Bad Will The Economy Tank? w/ Guest: Autumn’s Backyard Garden

On The Angry Prepper, we are going to talk about How Bad Will The Economy Tank? We are watching a weird response from the stock market. This might not happen as fast as one would have thought.


  1. Here's my opinion on 15 minute CITIES, they can pound sand 💪I will never participate in CBDC,OR ANYTHING ELSE

  2. The fungal thing in my opinion is a bunch of crap, what they really want to do is shut us down again. They can pound sand 💪

  3. Thank you both for your words of wisdom. I have recently (as a long time “black pilled” conspiracy theorist) found out about the State National movement. It really resonates with me and explains ALOT about the why of our screwed up government. Also, I live in NC and what you say is absolutely true Jason about China, they have purchased and own almost 80% of eastern NC (prime farmland)

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your YouTube channel and I just happily subscribed to your backup channel, ABG Prepping.
    Danged evil trolls!

    Thank you to you both for your great content and thanks Angry Prepper for having Autumn's Backyard Garden on your Live.

  5. My sister went into a rehab/nursing home last June. Had surgery and ended up dying from sepsis…and it was because the staff did not take care of her. Infections are all around, but need to be controlled and taken care of.

  6. It's already been disproven, etc. Trayvons parents are in the secret societies (Google Trayvons father and freemasonry and you'll see him fully dressed in their garments). They sacrificed their son so they could move up the ladder. Zimmerman was the fall guy. It was all just another divide amd conquer psyop. If it's on TV especially you have to know it's nothing but pure propaganda.

  7. The Goverenment is not incompetent. They are trying to crash the dollar and all the small banks. Then they are going to make a mega bank that is controlled by the governement.
    They will bring in the digital government a la Bankman Freid. Then they will shut off your money if you do not agree with the money. I agress, DeSantis is part of the club. He goes to Washington and he is going to be another puppet.

  8. Once we go to a digital currencies, Russian and China are going to get stuck with our debt and not be happy. They go to war with the US and kill more people.

  9. On the topic of the ‘civil war’ , when it starts is when me and you can’t live normally and do the things we do today, then we pick up rifles.

  10. I’m thinking the same about Pierre in Canada everyone loves him and he says all the right things, but I don’t trust him either

  11. The game is to divide and conquer. They want people to hate each other. A-holes come in all colors.

  12. Straight shooter and honest Autumn, love ya! I hope your channel gets released back to you and us all.

  13. 🎉💥🇺🇸💥 I nominate Thomas Massie 4 president 2024

    he's been solid & consistent standing w the CONSTITUTION even when unpopular & even if he had 2 STAND ALONE

    PLS consider my nomination Maybe @Judgenap VP
    No more corporate anointed politicians!

    It's my vote. I'll write him in if I want. So being told who to vote for.

    It's your vote.

    Use it how you want, not how ads and propaganda tell you who to vote for.

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