Gardening Supplies

Where are the White Sweet Potatoes?

Mursake, Georgia Jets, Covington, and Beauregard Sweet Potato slips came from Hoss Tool. Danny saved the Evangalene from some sweet potatoes we got from a friend, MR AL.
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  1. Loved seeing how your sweet potatoes are doing. I planted one plant in a grow container. It’s vining everywhere now so I will see how it does later this year. But I grew the slip myself from last years sweet potatoes I had stored back from crop share & store bought. So not sure which one it was. Take care Danny & don’t be out in that heat too long. You can tell in video that the heat was unbearable.

  2. Hi Danny and Wanda. Yeah Danny, don't start eating those seeds (even if they were Amaranth). I don't know about you but I am not that hungry "Yet!" and even if I were you I wouldn"t take any chances without some research on them. And for those who reads these Coments Don't ever touch any wild plants for food unless you know for certain what you are doing. Jessie from Arkansas PS My mother whom was half Native American taught me some of the plants that were edible

  3. Spiney Amaranth. Within the Farming community (Big Ag), it is considered a pig weed and an absolute nuisance.

  4. Don't know if y'all have an iPhone but, if you do, there's a way to take a picture of any plant and it'll tell you what it is. I saw this on YT because personally, I don't have an iPhone and don't want one😅. But, I know several youtubers use them for the camera. Just FYI.
    Y'all get out of this 🥵 weather and stay safe🙏🙏.

  5. I like the Coveningtons better, but Beauregards are all that are sold locally. I normally start my own, but the raccoons kept digging them up this year, so I had to buy them. Oh, and we have pigweed, too. It only came after we put manure from a friend on the garden 😕 (and we know he didn't spray, so we know, no roundup. We're good there👍).

  6. Pig weed is Palmer’s amaranth. It’s supposedly edible, but only the young tender shoots are worth eating.

  7. 😂😂😂😂…..Glad I am NOT the only one who SOMETIMES forgets what's where❤❤❤❤😅

  8. The pigweed you pulled is a native, not an import. It is highly nutritious, and useful for colds, skin infections, lowering blood pressure, and cleaning out the gut (otherwise known as "detoxing"). What I don't understand is why you guys don't eat the flowers and leaves of the day potatoes? They are not only edible, they are also highly nutritious. Enjoy a good poke salad with some sweet tater leaves & flowers 🙂

  9. Glad some of the potatoes are looking good , our potatoes are slow this year , but got a good rain last night , Have good day

  10. The White Sweet Potatoes have white flesh. Not white skin. The skin is red as red or most sweet potatoes are and the flesh of those are orange/red/brown.

  11. Danny that is Amaranth! the type you shown looks to be Amaranthus palmeri, Palmer amaranth is a rapidly growing C4 summer annual weed that can grow up to 2.5 inches per day and can attain 10 feet in height (Figure 1). It is part of the group known commonly as "pigweeds." Palmer amaranth is a dioecious plant (plants are either male only or female only) that produces an enormous amount of seed. Some plants are capable of producing more than 500,000 seeds. Palmer amaranth has become one of the most troublesome weeds in the southeastern US due to its vigorous growth rate, high seed production, and development of resistance to herbicides from multiple modes of action. Palmer amaranth populations have developed resistance to the Photosystem II inhibitors (atrazine, diuron, etc.), dinitroanilines (pendimethalin, trifluralin, etc.), ALS inhibitors (imidazolinones, sulfonylureas, etc.), glycines (glyphosate), HPPD inhibitor (bleacher) herbicides (mesotrione, tembotrione, etc.), PPO inhibitors (fomesafen), synthetic auxins/growth regulators (2,4-D), and very long-chain fatty acid inhibitors (S-metolachlor). No current populations of Palmer amaranth contain plants resistant to all these herbicides, but some populations have plants resistant to five out of eight herbicide modes of action listed above. With enough time and improper management, Palmer amaranth can become resistant to any herbicide that is repeatedly used.

    Palmer amaranth has spread in multiple counties in Florida. This publication illustrates characteristics of this weed to assist in accurate identification, proper management, and development of effective control strategies. Likewise, proper identification assists in timely detection of populations developing resistance. Publication from University of Fla. IFAS Extension

  12. Happy 10th anniversary Danny and Wanda. I love watching you two, you are so cool. And thank you for all the tips in gardening.

  13. Danny, this is off topic, but I have a 25lb bag of sugar that got wet and spoiled. Is there anything I can use it for in the garden or lawn besides eating it so I don't waste it? It's hard as a rock right now. Don't want to dump it because of drawing predators.

  14. I cannot wait to see your harvest of sweet potatoes! I’ve never seen a white sweet potato before. Here up north we must not get them in the grocery stores.

  15. That is pigweed. It is a good trap plant for bugs but be careful. It will absolutely take over a garden or pasture

  16. “Mr. Google” says Amarantus Spinosus (aka spiny amaranth, spiny pigweed, prickly amaranth or thorny amaranth) is a plant native to tropical Americas. At 100+ degree heat index, I’d say that perfectly describes Deep South Homestead.

  17. That looks like callaloo, which is an amaranth. Jamaica's eat it alot. Love the videos, thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work. God bless

  18. Amaranth is often used as a medicinal herb. Shoot, I can’t remember exactly what ailment it’s good for.

  19. That IS a type of amaranth. Amaranthus spinosus. They sure like to take over cow pens. Man, those things hurt when you're chasing cows through them.

  20. That came up in my garden too…I thought it was green amaranth which I had in my garden too but it didn't have the thorns but this pigweed that popped up does have those thorns….Says they are related and look a like!

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