
@gardendesignmag: This morning Dan Benarcik tells us about the Golden Redbud, Cercis Canadensis ‘R…

This morning Dan Benarcik tells us about the Golden Redbud, Cercis Canadensis ‘Rising Sun’ Follow Dan @deebenarc .
@chanticleergarden is looking marvelous don’t you think? Tidbit: The Whole Foods store in Wayne PA where #chanticleergarden is located is a top-selling location of @gardendesignmag .
Golden foliaged form of the Native Eastern Redbud
Wide range from Southern Ontario south to Florida, west to the Great Lakes and western Texas
Small flowering tree, 20’ to 30’ tall
Rose purple pea like flowers in early spring on naked stem prior to leaf emergence
Once flowers have passed, vivid chartreuse foliage emerges, with orange and salmon blushes
Foliage will harden off to a fresh green tone, while new emergent foliage will continue to present this vibrant color blend
Fall color is a pale yellowish green
Tolerant of drought once established, prefers full sun to part shade
Low maintenance small native tree with a wide range of adaptability
#redbud #horticulture #tree #garden #plants #americasgardencapital


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