@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: How to Grow Carrots from Seed to Harvest

In this video I will show you everything you need to know to grow lots of big sweet organic carrots at home. I’ll also give you tips for better and faster germination.

Hey Guys, I’m Brian from Next Level Gardening

Welcome to our online community! A place to be educated, inspired and hopefully entertained at the same time! A place where you can learn to grow your own food and become a better organic gardener. At the same time, a place to grow the beauty around you and stretch that imagination (that sometimes lies dormant, deep inside) through gardening.

I’m so glad you’re here!

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  1. That's so sweet that you are nostalgic about gardening with your grandparents as a small child. I wish I had that experience! My cousin who is two years older than me is the only one of us that remembers our grandparents.

    My grandparents had a huge garden, along with chickens and at least one turkey a year. My cousin told me that the only thing he remembers is being in the garden with our grandfather.

  2. Man, did I learn that carrots do crazy things in high nitrogen soil! Last fall I topped all my beds with well-aged cow manure…….

  3. I was in awe of my grandmother’s garden. My dad told us how their family would have starved had it not been for her garden.

  4. I hope the family of bunnies in my yard were making notes of this, because they are the ones who end up eating all the carrots

  5. I used a similar method, and this was the first year I was successful at growing carrots. Unfortunately, many were planted too close and in a bed with beets that towered them, and I did not thin in time, so I had a variety of sizes. Still, I was happy that any grew at all.

    Also, I tried making pesto with carrot tops using a 5 star recipe online. I found it bitter, so I grabbed some leaves from my small basil plant to throw in, and just that little bit made the difference for me. 😋 I had one meal with it then froze the rest in serving portions.

    Carrot tops are full of vitamins, so I didn't want to waste them. You can put them in soups and broth, too!

  6. Thank you for this great information. Carrots are one of my fall garden plant's. The thing I always have a hard time with is how deep the dirt should be. Any hints?

  7. Brian, you HAVE to be the only gardener on youtube with all of these unique ideas about how to grow carrots! I just realized why you named your channel Next Level Gardening! It has to be how you treat gardening like alchemy. It is the very reason I chose you over all other youtube gardeners as the only one I follow!

    I had my first real garden when I bought my first home in 1995.

    I am in San Jose- good thing I am a baby boomer because it was only 160k. Anyone from Gen Z would have to pay a million dollars for it, but unless they won the lotto or were born with a silver spoon in their mouth they could never even swing the down payment ! You don't even want to know the median price for Santa Clara County. I"ve been on the San Diego reddit sub before. People in San Diego have every right to complain about real estate prices. I would always joke, just be glad you don't live in San Jose. You don't even want to know the median house price for Santa Clara County! All of the uber wealthy small towns where people like Marc Zuckerberg and Larry Ellison are what drive our real estate up.


    I'm just having a little fun regarding San Diego vs San Jose real estate in the middle of my comment to you about carrots.

    Check out my Renee's Garden wishlist. I was going to try growing carrots for my first time this year! I've loved carrots and beets since I was a kid! Beets are easy to grow. I'm going to use your tips about carrots when I get the seeds from Renee's. Her test garden where she lives, and where she started Renee's Garden seeds is in the Santa Cruz Mountains. When we moved from Santa Rosa to Los Gatos our home was at the summit of the SC mountains. Small world!


  8. I've had my carrot seed packages out for a few days, planning to try again after a sad last attempt at germination. I'm totally trying this freezer method today! And thanks for the tip about less nitrogen…I think I've been over-doing that by planting in compost. Good info on a difficult crop.

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