Garden Plans

‘PR stunt’: Royal experts slam Harry and Meghan’s ‘unnatural’ video

Royal commentators have slammed Prince Harry and Meghan Markle after the couple appeared as a “united front” in a video dedicated to cyberbullying.

“They all look very beautiful. It’s in their garden, and they talk to these young kids and say how wonderful they are … but it’s totally controlled, and I think rather unnatural,” Royal author Ingrid Seward told GB News host Dan Wootton.

Royal insider Lady Victoria Hervey said it’s a “PR stunt”.

“I think it’s a PR stunt. It is just to get them some better press because obviously it hasn’t been great for them recently, and I think they probably filmed it a while ago.”


  1. All the PR in the world won’t help these two. Everyone sees who they are. Disgraceful and disgusting describes these two perfectly.

  2. Nutmeg and handpuppet are nasty vindictive descusting selfintiteld twits and for a the lies lies and ooo fame that's all that pair care about its disgusting shame on you handpuppet but karma has a way of catching up with yous 💯🤣😜😂😛

  3. Oobie scumbie the markles mouthpiece 😂😂😂😂😂 I hope hes book ends up in the charity shop where ginges has 😅😅😅

  4. Everything is a lie when it comes to WHITE TRASH HARRY AND MIXED RACE MEGALIAR. Megaliar opened this can of worms concerning race which was a blatant lie so if she wants to try to cause division she is fair game. That Harry allows Megaliar to continue to trash his father, William and especially precious Catherine is beyond me. Watch your bank account Harry. Doria was in jail and also used Megaliar father telling lies to get money. What Harry needs to do is take a long hard look at Doris Megaliar who have no friends even at your preferred funeral marriage. Yet Charles William and Catherine his grandparents and rest of the family was there for him. Who is there for Harry now? NO ONE AS MEGALIAR AND HER JAILBAIT MOTHER will leave with his money because it is Harry they want to see not a well used yacht girl allegedly

  5. Perhaps the R F can now release the reports on their independent findings regarding every case of her bullying their staff. It will be a doozy. It will finish her rep' infinitely and maybe even help to have her charged and dragged through the courts.

  6. Ahunque la mona se vista de seda mona se queda el estilo la elegancia y la clase se tiene o no se tiene Megan es de las mujeres que mas gasta en ropa y nunca acierta por que no sabe escojer la ropa apropiada par su tipo de cuerpo y su altura unas rayas verticales te hacen parecer mas alta y mas esbelta, cuando tienes poco pecho y cintura ancha tienes que resaltar el pecho y con un cuerpo corto y ancho tienes que llebar la cintura mas baja y intentar llebar los pantalones cortos sin volumen y a medio muslo etc

  7. Real journalists write real stories not figments of some disgruntled persons fiction! Get resl Scoobie you are not a "journalist" no authenticy. How close did he get to the Windsor's to write a tell all???

  8. Lol looks like many are relying on making nasty comments on the RF to eke out a living. It's like they don't have any talents that is worthy enough to make a living from.

  9. The biggest known bully doing a vidoe on bullying , who's she fooling? 😜. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

  10. What happened to the fake, adoring gaze and the gripping claw? She didn’t look at him once. She couldn’t bring herself to do so even for the camera! There’s real problems in this relationship!

  11. All this talk about bully.both of them are in it.they both are bully they speak for there selfs.who they think they fooling the jokes on them anyway you put it.

  12. How would Omid know anything salacious about the Royal family . Its got to come from Harry and Meghan.

  13. Harry will be fine south park got it spot on😂.News corp need to tell the news now not this

  14. They have the California sun kissed look. Well, you wouldn’t know, but that’s what you would look like their. It’s a very health conscious lifestyle both inside and outside. Very common in Cali. Harry never looked better and Meghan is just gorgeous.

  15. so there not royals anymore but the carry on will be same as if they were. As long as the royal experts chatter on they'll keep them relevent.

  16. So fake 🤮 I’ve tuned out to these two now. Occasionally I’ll see some paid PR stunt if them but generally they are just irrelevant.

  17. Do they have a team of people suddenly swamping the internet with supposedly positive news about them? Its bizarre, and it’s not going to work. No one is going to forget over night how they trashed both their families during the OW interview, and H’s book Spare in which he hurt as many people as he could cram in. He published very personal details about his family, and even outed the poor woman he lost his virginity with – that was unforgivable.; she was quietly getting on with her own life.
    That book was unforgivable.
    People are surprisingly forgiving, given time, but this pair need to lay low for a few years, and not put out such cringingly obvious PR, as they are just making things worse.

  18. Did Ms Seward not see that she didn't make eye contact with the idiot prince once. For a couple
    whose marriage is supposedly a happy one, maybe Ms Seward should go to Spec Savers and look closer at them.

  19. The Trollop, Halfwit and Scabie Scobie, need to go far, far away now and NOT come back! These 3 are Nauseating, Neanderthals!🦧🦍🦧🦍 🤢🤢🤢

  20. All about they had nothing to do with the book endgame, it'll be like finding freedom, I think we'll find out they'd a lot to do with the book, they're liars and frauds

  21. If this pointless mouthpiece of Megharrm wants to drown in their swamp it’s his fault/choice. Like the amber turd curse, nothing good happens to those who try to destroy others….

  22. It looked strange from the start, I commented on it immediately,it looked like it was 3D or something.I thought it was faked and the background was added later.

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