Container Gardening

Planting Tomatoes in Containers

A Harvesting History Planting Tutorial. Simple, easy to understand and short tutorial on how to grow tomatoes in containers. The researchers at Harvesting History have been studying container gardening for years. They have completed more than 4200 plantings in 14 years.


  1. Thankyou for this no nonsense explaination of tomato planting for a novice farmer. I saved this in my email!

  2. 😅 why she have to attack us millennials lol im listening I don't know why someone would put more then one in a pot but I did really wanted to know what size to get I heard a 20 gallon pot is a good sizes I'm guessing that's looks like one in this video

  3. I bought a tomato fertilizer that says fertilize every two months on the bag. Not sure what to do.

  4. I lived your video. I wish I had found you before I planted my plants! This was my first time planting in containers! I made a few few mistakes and pray
    my plants will do well this summer. Thank you for a great video! Definitely saving for future!

  5. Thank you! Millennial here. I've been growing tomatoes in the ground for 12 years, but my walnut trees' roots finally extended far enough out that their toxic juglone is reaching the tomato roots. I bought 25 gallon grow bags to grow indeterminate tomatoes this year, and I was actually thinking they might be TOO big. So, I'm going to plant a few flowers around each plant. Great video with tons of good info!

  6. Loved this video, hopefully, I'll get great container vegetables on my porch ❤

  7. Great video!
    Do I need to use the Copper Fungicide here in the Pacific Northwest (Spokane area?)

  8. I was going to click away as soon as I heard the ungenerous swipe at millenials (I'm GenX). I'm glad I continued watching the video. The information was very clear and helpful and grounded in experience. I'm Canadian, so kindness is something we just generally tend to value. Heirloom vegetables and the values surrounding their preservation and use are really important to me, so I am glad I found this resource. I'm going to check out a couple more videos and see what the niceness quotient is on average! Anyone can have a bad day.

  9. Excellent tutorial! How many applications of the copper fungicide would you do during a normal New England growing season?

  10. The soil never dries out! I need help! I live in west Texas and the plants get at least 8 hours sun per day. I planted them at the end of April 2023. I followed the video instructions, planted one tomato in each pot as described, using soil as described. The day I planted them, I watered my two plastic pots completely until water came out the bottom drainage hole. One plant died within a week. I dumped all the soil out of the pots. The soil was saturated with water. I dried it in the sun completely. I drilled several holes in the bottom of the pots. After that I only watered the root ball a little when I applied the bone meal and tomato tone. This soil mixture continues to show to be wet. I am testing various locations and depths of my two posts with a water detector probe daily. The plants are not thriving. I used 60% top soil, 20% dehydrated Black Cow manure, and 20% Canadian peat moss. All came from Home Depot or Lowes. One plant's leaves are completely curled up. It had received more water than the other one. The only time I am watering them now is when I apply the Tomato Tone. I water it in with a couple cups of water at the root ball. Another tomato plant came up, all on its own in my yard. It is 6 ft tall now and has outgrown its tomato cage. It is putting on little tomatoes. My plants in containers have few leaves. One plant has one bloom. I don't know what to do.

  11. What a fantastic video! I was just about to put my tomato plants in pots for the first time (I planted in the ground previously) and found this video. I'll be following your directions!

  12. Great info. I just have few questions. Why don't you fill up the container with soil almost all the way to the rim of the pot? Why leave 3 inches? Wouldn't it provide more 'food' for the plant and help maintain the moisture if there was more soil in the container? How about mulching?

  13. crummy backyard soil isnt a great idea —can have verticillium or fusarium wilt fungi among others –whole point of containers is to control the soil composition and exclude soil borne disease

  14. Why does this lady seem so angry and like she's yelling at me? She talks like everyone is stupid.

  15. do you use the copper fungicide multiple applications or only when the tomato plant is first planted?

  16. Barb, you are a TREASURE!
    I HOPE you made 1,000,007 videos after that one!
    You are the BEST tomato growing expert on the internet!
    You have such WISDOM and PROVEN AUTHORITY to your advice!
    God Bless you.
    I will pray for America. I will pray for you and yours. Please pray for me.

  17. I know exactly where to go in my yard for garden soil. You’ve just saved me a ton of money, thanks!

  18. Great video but you were a little condescending when speaking about planting more than one tomato in the pot. It was unnecessary to direct that comment to millennials. I know I’m gonna get a comment or two saying she’s just being helpful and I get that but it was unnecessary to say it that way.

  19. I followed your directions to the letter I planted two tomatoes into two identical parts that measured at least 20×20. The one tomato plant is growing rapidly and has some flowers on it. The other one has stopped growing for some reason and continues to have leaf curl. The leaves are curling upward the color of the plant is a lighter grain not a dark green like the other one and it has no flowers. I have examined the plant there are no bugs on it and the leaves are fine other than the curl. I am watering them at the same rate and am fertilizing them as per your instructions. Do you have any suggestions as to what I do with this plant? I feel like it's a dud. I look forward to any advice you can give me.

  20. A question about the fertilization schedule of indeterminate tomatoes growing in a 20" container. These plants keep growing all through the season spanning over 4-5 months. Should 1/4 cup of tomato tone be fed to these every two weeks over 5 months ?
    Also, do you recommend epsom salt feed for these plants and if yes, at what rate and schedule ?
    In California where I am , it doesn't rain at all during summer and I have drip system for watering , which can be regulated to not let the water drain out of the container. As such, there is no possibility of fertilizer leaching out of the container . In such a situation , does your recommended schedule of 1/4 cup of tomato tone every two weeks still hold true ?

  21. Thank you for this. Out here in California we can't get the Copper fungicide. Can you recommend a good substitution?

  22. Oh my my my It is too late for me: I planted 2 tomatoes plants in one 8 inches container ( 2 gallon) , can I do anything to get plenty of tomatoes ?

  23. I forgot about the bone meal. Just had my first harvest. I wonder if it’s too late for the other tomatoes that aren’t ready??

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