Container Gardening

FREE Growing Tomato Plant How to Prune Tomatoes for Greater Yield Container Gardening & Raised Bed

Cherry Tomato Plants Growing here, and some varieties are Expensive. So easy to propagate plants, see step by step tomato propagating. Go buy your favorite tomato plant, and make a dozen more from the one plant. Propagating tomato plants to grow all the tomatoes you want in one season.

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Watch This Before You Make Compost to See What Can be Used to Turned into Garden Soil Container
FREE Growing Tomato Plant, Rare or Cherry Tomatoes Patio or Garden, Container Gardening & Raised Bed
How to Grow FREE Tomato Plant, Rare or Any Tomatoes Patio or Garden Container Gardening & Raised Bed


  1. I tried this before and had no luck. I'm going to try again. I'm wondering what other vegetables and fruits are growing in water. Thanks for everything.

  2. What do you do when the bugs come and eat your tomato plant. I had trouble with that last season, I had to spray and D.E. it a lot.

  3. hi robbie πŸ€—
    you are so right – these store-bought starters are so expensive.
    i just pruned my cherry tomato trees (lol) yesterday. i let them grow way too large and wild. i needed to open the plants for airflow. i didn't save any of the suckers this time, but there's much more pruning left to do. tfs

  4. Perfect! I'd love to watch any other propagation tips you have: knowing which ones you can get to regrow roots is the key. – can't wait to try this out thank you!

  5. I try to do this every year i grow. Usually just for more productivity, but because i bought seeds that had poor germination and low quantity, i think it would be worth it to grow a deducated plant just for seed saving. Letting at least one plant, of each type, grow with the intention of letting its fruit mature into viable seeds. That is my goal and hope.

  6. O my goodness!! This is such valuable information! I wish I had known this months ago! I planted 47 tomatoes that i grew from seed. This would have been way easier plus they would ve spaced out.

  7. This is an indeterminate tomatoes. They are the type that will grow all summer and into fall. They have suckers. It's like a Y and a sucker is growth that grows in the middle of the Y. Lol I thought I was writing this to my daughter who I was sharing this with.

  8. Robbie is there a way I can post it email you a picture of some plants that came in my containers. That look sort of like your walking onions but some what different. I planted what I thought were chives and garlic chives. I did dorw what I was told were walking onions but they didn't do well but suddenly I have clusters on these CHIVES. I would like your input on what they might be. ?? Thank you for all of your wonderful gardening tips I love following you and Gary. I am 76 and garden on a mobility scooter. ❀

  9. I only grow cherry tomatoes (indeterminates) and have been removing the suckers! Thank goodness the tomato plants are still young. Thank you for the world of information!

  10. I see sungolds everywhere in CA – the same person who invented that hybrid also came up with sun sugar hybrids 😊

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