Vegetable Gardening

No Hatch Green Chilies This Year? What was in our skies this morning?

The heat is taking a toll on everything here in the south, and in the southwest. Hatch green chili growers are stating there will be a harvest gap. Meaning hopefully they will be able to harvest later providing we get a weather change. What a strange time we are in. The heat is atrocious here. Pray for rain and pray for a break in the weather.


  1. O yes, praying for you as well! It's hot here too with no end in sight just yet! We have 107° plus for the next week too! If I water in the morning I boil them come lunch. Our nights are not getting nelow 95° making nights not a great time to water. It's just a gamble either way. I've been doing nights just so the garden is at least getting to soak up some of it through the night. But man it's rough!🙏

  2. Yep we will pray for you guys and we have the same thing going on with the videos I just do not record any more.

  3. I believe they are spraying a drying agent…the sprayed in SeTx last night and we haven't had rain since April and no rain in sight.

  4. We are running behind you on heat—so far 102 has been the worse. Like you, they say we’ll get a break Monday & maybe all next week. Prayers for you in that heat—we’ve been there in the past & its miserable.

  5. Blessings sweet lady! Sending up prayers for rain. We sure need some. Y’all be careful in this heat. We went to pick up our Azure order yesterday about 5:00 and it was 107 in Gladewater. We carry extra water everywhere we go now. People’s cars are catching fire due to heat and batteries blowing up. We are definitely in some crazy times. So grateful the Lord has our back, otherwise would be unbearable. Hopefully we’ll get our Hatch peppers, I need to can some more. We go through a lot of them here too. Sending you hugs and much love from east Texas.❤

  6. "And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land." (Isaiah 32:2)

    To understand what "the weary land" in Isaiah 32:2 is referring to, we have to remember that Girgashites are workaholics who become obsessed with earthly things. Since "Girgashite" means "clay dwellers", Girgashites become subject to the curse that God placed on "the Earth" when man fell:

    "17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; 18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; 19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." (Genesis 3:17-19)

    Notice that this curse on the ground or "earth" is a curse of weariness and troubles. This means that wherever Girgashites are predominant, people (and even the literal land) become as "weary land", people worn down by the curse of weariness and troubles that God has declared on those who are "clay dwellers", i.e.- those who forsake their spiritual nature and prefer to dwell in their earthliness.

    Notice also that the passage above speaks of the "oppression of the sun" over people's lives when it speaks of the "sweat of thy face" in verse 19. When spoken of in a negative sense (as is the case in the book of Ecclesiastes), the sun in Scriptures represents the oppression brought by Amorite sun-kings over the lives of "clay dwellers"; it also represents the oppression of the natural laws of this universe over creatures that were originally supposed to move in the supernatural, i.e.- you and me.

  7. “They” are trying to “fix” what God created by engineering our air, soil, and water cuz ya know, He just didn’t do it right. Actually I believe they are trying to kill us by any means necessary but they want us to suffer first because they feed off fear and desperation emotions. Let’s all be at peace and starve those evil creatures knowing God has this well in hand. Be as prepared as you are able for we never know when our Master will return. God bless us all. Peace, love, and joy need to be our focus.

  8. I have a question ! If You all have such unreal temperatures as it is reading 120 degrees under your high tunneland 107 degrees everyday : Who are these people walking arcoss the Texas border everyday in the noon day sun ? What woman , or baby or man could walk across the border or swim a river with a backpack an 1 bottle of water carrying kids? There is something unrealistic. Technically, there should be thousands dead -before they even reach the border.

    Unless ! The cable news are showing videos from past years to scare you all! Are they giving these border crossers Cocaine in their systems to endure the high temperatures to have the unreal physical energy to walk or swim across the Texas border during a heat wave?
    Something is very fishy about this constant media attention to human beings with supernataural strength to hike and walk across Mexico and Texas during a Heat Wave !!!!

    If I could not do it and I think I am in excellent health
    and I know the Israeli Army would never train their soldiers to carry heavy backpack and be able to walk/ hile across the Texas Border and they are all strong.
    There is something that the Media is omiting about this whole border crossing invasion during a Heat Wave of 2023 !
    Maybe it is simply not true and realtively quiet at the border due to the heat wave.
    This heat wave might extend to September 2023 !
    I worry about the border agents !
    They would have to have Electrolyte Power packages filling their bottled water to guard that TX border 24/7 during a Heat wave !
    with omg + 100 degrees and zero rain.
    Either God is Guarding Texas with a Heat wave to keep bad actors discouraged or
    The media is feeding you all Untrue Images and a lot of what I call : " Fear Porn! "

    I just simply Can Not Image anyone with strength enough to cross from Mexico into Texas when it is 107 degrees !!
    I don't believe it !
    Who can do that ?
    I want to know what they are eating to have such stregth and super human ability to survive your heat wave?

    Fear Not ! Now that takes practice.
    You have to get in your pool with a hat on and quiet your mind and stop thinking what the Media wants you all to Belive !
    or to be all " Worried about ".

    And Sing unto the Lord a new song of Praise and Thanksgiving ! What is going right.?

    For some good news go to: Penguinsix on Youtube and Check out all the Real Storm Damage to NW Washington DC last Sturday ! not reported in the news
    News, I am sure the Media hid from you all there in TX.
    I was born in NW District of Columbia and surrounding area and we have had Tornados & warnings in the past.
    The man on Penguinsix YouTube channel as 2 videos on the incredible storm damage around the creepy National Cathedral and NW Washington DC .
    Look at the Huge trees sucked right out of the ground with the healthy roots still attached ! and blocking the roads in the wealthy neighborhoods. The best part is that :The Washington post wrote an article the day after ( Lying !) telling its brainwashed readers " Not to worry – That it was NOT a Tornado ! and NOt a Derecho !

    – But ALL the damage and the windows blown out of apt across from the National Cathedral IS exactly " LIKE at Torando !!!!!. Heck even the fence on The property of the Vice President was knocked down by these Storm winds bringing down big trees.

    Please step back and trust your own common sense. What if the Media edits what they show you all in an attempt to keep you locked in fear of all they show on TV.

    If you in your youth could never survive crossing from Mexico to Texas on foot when it is 107 degrees every day,
    Who are these people with this un natural strength crossing your borders this Summer ?
    I say the media is either exagerating and minimizing any story they wish to alter & to fool the gulible, trusting public.

    Stop placing blanket trust in the Cable news !!!

    Anything that robes you ove your Peace is from the devil himself. Read the Bible and try to see if it helps you sleep better before taking a nap and before Bed.
    I personally like Psalm ! & 2 In the old Moffat Translation online pdf.
    Trust in the Lord but do not believe everything reported on your TV news.
    Notice that the achor people always put a big smile on their faces when delivering Bad News !
    Mute the News and watch thefacial expressions of Everyone .
    Why on Earth would they be smiling delivering such awful, awful news?

    Note all the happy , calm faces! I say to myself if the ungodly are not sad, fearful or anxious : Then Why should I waste all my strength and energy listening to their Negative predictions !
    They need us to " Speak out Curses on ourselves by " Repeating "their Negative ( Narritive) Reports.

    But God saved you from thinking like The Pagans !
    I think all day long on all my blessings and I bless my community, my family memebers ( even the unsaved ones)
    and I pray affirmative prayers for those in authority in my state and country.!

    The Media needs us to be paralyzed WITH FEAR.
    Keep The Fear Porn Cable Channels OFF and see if you can enjoy all of your blessings for the next 7 days with NO TV and NO bad Movies .
    If you want to know what the weather is Go out side and look !
    Get a functioning old fashion barameter and check that all day long.
    It will tell you what is going on.
    Try to take an extended vacation from all Cable news !
    If you have a prayer request : Ask God for Wisdom in all things! Then be still and know that God is God and he knows what you have need of.
    But you must stop listening to the Pagan TV and News. WHY ?
    Because it is programming your Subconscious Mind for " Worried " thinking.

    I am so impressed with everything that has grown during this heat wave. !!
    Visit Geograph by Geoff on Youtube. Very interesting reason why so few people live in the center if USA: Lack of water and/ or extreme weather.

    Have a relaxing day and read a relaxing book in your favorite chair. Make Sun Tea with whole Cloves !
    I will continue to pray for gentle rains and I see you have the gentle breezes.
    I thank God For you and your Channel.
    God has richly blessed you !

  9. Have you thought about getting shade cloth to go over the hot tunnels? That’s what we use at our nursery at my nursery at work

  10. Guess your showing chem tria ls , makes me wonder how much it costs to fly them planes , they must make lots of obey with cost of jet fuel

  11. Yes, very dry and hot down here in the Hill Country, too. Is blossom end rot from heat or what?? Some of our peppers and tomatoes have it. We are getting yellow squash pretty well, but we've never really had so many tomato plants that are all bush and no produce until this year. Crazy. Please bring rain, Jesus. 🙏

  12. Jill, praying you get some relief! I got up early and canned 8 more pints of pole bans. I have 267 jars of various shelf stable meat protein and beans, carrots, relish and etc right now. I'm not counting the stuff I dehydrate or freeze.

  13. All my peppers are suffering from the heat and have sun scald, blossom end rot and stunted as well. Peppers are all that is left in the garden. I did start some more okra. They have germinated. I commend you for pushing those seed starts. I am waiting a bit longer. Am praying that we get a reprieve from the triple digits by end of next week, as forecasted by Accuweather.

  14. I planted my hatch peppers early this year. I got a big harvest and now im just trying to keep them alive in this heat. Hoping for a fall crop if i can keep them going

  15. Hey Jill 😅
    Wow it ‘s super hot 🥵
    Your right there more hot weather this week and no rain 🌧..
    Just trying to keep our animals cool . We spray water around huge post oak trees for the cattle to stay under to cool off .
    But we losing our leaves already from the trees
    Have you already been looking at the weather for winter this year
    It ‘s going to be different for sure ..
    Ready for a good thunderstorm.. been praying for some good slow rain ..
    Working on my fall garden
    Or trying 🥵
    Take care girl
    Love you 💜
    Stay cool

  16. Yeah, they really like their Chem trails. Usually they do them right before a frontal boundary comes through to cause floods, large hail and tornadoes. I saw black Chem trails in the late afternoon when the sun was shining through them at a particular angle. Make one wonder what was being sprayed.

  17. My great-grandma told me a story once of her and her friends all got together with their church. They prayed for rain, and my great-grandma said that was last time she prayed for rain because its rain for weeks on end. She prayed that rain would stop. Lesson is to be careful what you pray for. Pray for what you need in detail.

  18. It's hot for sure, my tomatoes are try to hold on and my pepper are trying to do good and then have some trouble with some of them. Some look like rot/ eaten to small fruit. One of my mad hatter pepper plants, the fruit soft and not enabled. I'm not sure if the big pot/ soil or heat. Instagram someone showed their tiny veggies harvard. Comments someone said that like seeing everyone small/ tiny vegetables fruit harvest. I'm guessing a handful of people are having trouble growing right. Do to weater condition.

  19. Tried to get some seeds off my herbs. No luck,the only thing I can think of is the heat? All I know is nothing.😢

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