Edible Gardening

Easy Edible Wilds in Southern Ontario

This quick nature walk reveals some edible foliage that I harvest from
a Southern Ontario green space. I briefly discuss the preparation and benefits of these easy to identify plants and fruits. Harvesting wilds can pose a hazard to your health. Please consult local experts and literature to your area to verify safe processing and consumption. Seasonal changes and certain parts of some edible plants can make you very sick.


  1. This video was very intruging and informative.Thanks bud keep it up

  2. As a kid born and raised in Ontario I find this very useful for when I go on my yearly camping trip with the boys

  3. There are multiple types of sorrel, sheep sorrel is pretty common in ontario and tastes very similar to wood sorrel. The leaves look like a sword
    (Also be careful, sheep and wood sorrel are high in oxalic acid which can cause kidney stones)

  4. I’ve heard many times that goldenrod is edible yes but terrible tasting.

    Keep making videos! I for one believe in learning from each other!

  5. Im only 13 but i think shits boutta hit the fan and im in the amherstburg area of ontario. that being said, im making a bug out bag based on 50+ videos ive watched and trying to educate myself so i can know what i can eat to survive

  6. It makes hiking so much more interesting! Fascinating actually. I like searching for mushrooms too. Now I am getting into tracking nature signs (which includes animal tracks, signs etc.) I wish my husband would get on board. He gets bored after 2 hours of hiking. I never get bored.

  7. Sirach 38:4 " GOD created medicines from the earth, and a sensible man will not despise them".

  8. Little heads up on "Staghorn" Sumac is is the only one edible in the sumac family for Ontario My metis family have been using it for a few hundred years. And the native clans thru out North America Staghorn Sumac is one of many great as it is And add in to teas Spruce buds and sumac And wild raspberries makes a Very good anti toxin immunity booster This was use to keep the health up in natives and new comers to the new land There is tricks to Sumac …#1 never pick it right after a rainfall (2days) #2 Mid to late August i was told it loses its use And should be left alone as it will fill with Nat like bugs that lay larve (smaller than maggots and white) inside the pods You will see them in water #3 Never boil the pods It kills the vitamin C content And the taste And loses the Tannans This is also why Orange juice has powdered chemical flavor And Vitamin C added back after boiling the OJ
    I would go as hot as my hand can take This does release all the good stuff And softens the pod But yes you want 24hrs before drinking
    And buy a cheesecloth Use it like a tea bag …….Last time i had it was slippery elm for a sore throat And while Ivy League universities are still out to lunch or paid off from the phama companies You can buy all these items (i wouldn't trust it ) in stores

  9. My dude. Great stuff, i agree, even the slightest knowledge is empowering, but especially this stuff. I was on a hike and I saw a lady eating "spikey plants" and i was floored because i thought "arent thise weeds?" but i had to try it, she peeled off the leaves, and the outter skin of the stalk, and i ate that. Tasted like celery. I was amazed, and now im watching videos like yours.

    Also, I heard about sumac, now im going to try for sure. Thanks for this vid!

  10. I learned so much from such a short walk. You really get a much broader understanding and learn much faster from someone with experience rather than Googling each plant

  11. We had wild grapes growing around the park near our house, my son was standing at the fence feeding his friends grapes and the dad of a boy came along and hollers to his wife to call poison control. I say they're just wild grapes. He says, it is safe to eat wild grapes though? ummm yes.

  12. With the price of vegetables so high, I've started foraging greens on my way home from work. Thanks for this video. It was helpful

  13. Just getting started with my foraging journey with a six nations friend of mine in southern Ontario. Learned a few things from this! Thanks man!

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