
He also has yet to enunciate a single cock a doodle doo that I’ve heard. Is this normal?

Buckbeak is a four month old French Black Maran. I’m in love with his iridescent feathers that I’m hoping fool hawks into thinking he’s a crow but he’s the first quiet rooster I’ve ever seen. There are 9 Rhode Island Red and 8 Buckeye ladies of the same age. Since June, everyone has survived free ranging until sundown. But I have yet to hear him call the ladies home. Or anything resembling a proper rooster call.

by gr8tfulkaren


  1. CattleDogCurmudgeon

    Probably needs to hear some other roosters crow before he’ll get the hang of it.

  2. thecloudkingdom

    are you sure that’s a rooster?

  3. krazyajumma

    Our roos are about the same age and they have just started practicing their cockadoodles in the past week.

  4. AlaskaVeazel001

    I’ve got 3 – 2 that won’t shut up, and 1 that’s silent. Perhaps he’s intimidated.

  5. Irrevant

    I don’t get to tell this joke too often “ that ain’t no rooster but look at what that ‘cockadotoyou’

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